Victory Column

Raising the level of the Victory Column provides various buffs.

Construction becomes possible at Keep level 35.

To raise the level of the Keep to 36, the Victory Column must be built (level 1) first.

To raise the level of the Dragon Cliff and Council of State, it is necessary to raise the level of the Victory Column first.

To raise the level of the Victory Column, it is necessary to raise the level of the Holy Palace first and to raise a powerful general. (high power and specialties)

Buffs obtained

basic attributes
March Time

Special Note – General’s basic attributes buffs (Leadership, Attack, Defense, Politics) from Victory Column count toward the requirements for appointment of the duty officer. (General’s basic attributes buffs from Dragons do not count.)

Menu (Availability during upgrade, Unlock conditions)

All menus are available during the upgrade. Nothing will be disabled.

There are no menus that need to be unlocked. All available from the beginning.

  • Glory Achievement
    • The following achievements can be seen
      • Amount of Generals in the General Ranking
      • Amount of Civilization Equipment owned
      • Times of triggering Glory of Warrior effect or Lucky Favor effect
        • Supplemental: Triggered in PvP when you win against an enemy player with both armies losing a certain amount of power combined.
          • “Glory of Warrior” = Get a Runestone when losing more than 30M power.
          • “Lucky Favor” = Get a Lucky Stone when losing more than 35M power.
  • Ranking
    • Various rankings can be viewed. (Same as the ranking opened from the menu in the lower right corner of the screen)

Upgrade requirements (resources, etc.)

Note: “Construction Time” depends on the “ConstructionSpeed”. The following construction times and speeds are examples, most of which are based on my own play. Note that construction speed can be checked in the “Administration” section of the monarch’s detail screen.

* Blanks are under investigation

* Requires horizontal scrolling

1935,392,8001,185,954,4001,221,996,8001,187,682,400621d 02:43273%Holy Palace35,
Own 2 5.8M & above power generals at the same time
21,474,476,0001,870,166,5601,926,942,0801,871,894,560914d 15:46300%Holy Palace36,
Own 6 5.8M & above power generals at the same time
32,424,610,1403,076,090,4923,169,408,1363,077,818,4921,353d 10:18324%Own 3 maxed Specialties Generals
Own 3 6.3M & above power generals at the same time
44,740,562,1066,015,530,0766,197,919,1486,017,258,0762,161d 23:05366.5%Own 4 maxed Specialties Generals
Own 4 6.5M & above power generals at the same time
512,209,507,19715,495,222,73515,964,867,16015,496,950,7354,187d 13:57423.2%Own 6 maxed Specialties Generals
Own 3 7M & above power generals at the same time
613,262,663,26016,837,202,33317,347,068,29816,831,661,2215,004d 09:21428.2%Keep37
Own 4 7.5M & above power generals at the same time
Own 5 Epic Generals ascending to Star level 10
Own 5 8M & above power generals at the same time
Own 7 Epic Generals ascending to Star level 10
Own 3 9M & above power generals at the same time
Own 10 Epic Generals ascending to Star level 10
916,493,171,38720,953,597,83621,586,845,04120,925,849,0858,850d 13:05Keep42
Own 4 10M & above power generals at the same time
Own 14 Epic Generals ascending to Star level 10
Own 3 11M & above power generals at the same time
Own 18 Epic Generals ascending to Star level 10

How to Increase the General’s Power

For details, see the following article.

Requirement “Own some maxed Specialties Generals” can be a Purple General.

Note: I have received several reports that this method no longer works, but then as of July 2024, I have received reports that it was still counted by General Purple. If it does not count, try restarting the game.

This has been proven by users who have tried it.

If the general is a Purple Historic General (with a helmet symbol), it will work.

Note: Purple generals who are not Historic General (no helmet symbol) are not work.
This is probably due to the following differences
Purple Historic General has a specialty up to GOLD.
Purple Non-Historic General has a specialty up to ORANGE.

The maximum specialty of the purple historic general is 3 golds.

It does not have to be a golden historic general.

In the case of a golden historic general, 4 specialties must be maxed out, but a purple general only needs 3 specialties (only 3 are available).

Therefore, the cost can be reduced considerably.

Costs that can be reduced

The following costs are required to max out the fourth specialty for a golden historic general.

  • Immortal Runestone – 12,700
  • Gem – 253,980 gems

Recommended Generals

If this is to be done, the following generals would be a good choice. They are highly practical even at k40.

  • Shimazu Yoshihiro (for resource gathering for food)
  • Gaius Marius (for resource gathering of ore)
  • Sanada Yukimura (for monster debuffing. Solo boss hunting, world bosses, etc. Set up and use as mayor.)

All of these are available at the tavern.

Specialty & Runestone Guide

For details, see the following article.

How to raise Star Level

For details, see the following article.

Other Building Guides


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Does anyone know, how many overwhelming victories should one have to get five stars on the column? I was hoping it’s 500, as before it was more or less a new star after every hundred, but I got over 500 victories and still 4 stars.


Specialty max issue with purple general.
Sometimes they are not counted, but if you restart the app, the purple general is also counted.
There is a similar problem with the capacity buff for spiritual beasts that is not reflected, so I recommend restarting the app at first if you think it is strange.


Regarding the Glory of Warrior/Lucky Favor, there are often cases where only the lucky stone is given. I thought I would always get the rune stone when I get the lucky stone, since the description says that the rune stone is down 30M and the lucky stone is down 35M, but have the specifications changed?


“Requirement “Own some maxed Specialties Generals” can be a Purple General.” – it looks like that Evony has cancelled this trick.

I could start upgrade Victory Column level 4 with 3 gold generals 4 specialities goöd level and 1 Sanada Yukimura with 3 specialitities gold level, it worked.
Now I look the requirements for upgrade 5th level and see, that I have only 3/6 generals with maximal speciality. Sanada isn’t considered.

Hi so upgrading the specialty of purple historic Generals won’t work for Victory column lvl5 now ?

Requirement “Own some maxed Specialties Generals” can be a Purple General.

Does working with the same general (Sanada) under the above conditions increase the count?

Have you confirmed this Evony TKR Admin? I used a Shimazu and 2 Sanadas 6 days ago when the Senate fiasco was happening to do VC5.

When I raised the Victory Column to LV3, I was able to achieve the requirement after raising the 3 purple generals to gold, but when I looked today, it was 2/4.

I have raised 3 Shimazu Yoshihiro specialties to gold, but the number of people to raise Victory Column Lv 3 to 4 is not going up. Have the specifications changed?


Requirements for victory column level 9 – keep level 42,14 fully ten star Generals with 4 10 M or above power Generals at the same time.around 21 B of each rss except food(16.5B).

Here’s an update for level 8

Food: 15,416,141,653
Lumber: 19,580,559,054
Stone: 20,172,707,014
Ore: 19,561,119,797
Keep level 40
Own 3 generals with 9m power
Own 10 generals with Star level 10
Upgrade time for me 5,750d 07:59

Requirements for lv6 is actually 5 generals with Star level 10

Requirements for lv7
Food: 14,339,305,611
Lumber: 18,208,427,220
Stone: 18,759,448,100
Ore: 18,196,390,509
Keep level 38
5 generals with 8m power
7 generals with Star level 10
Upgrade time for me 5,999d 04:12


hello, if I level up a general to 10 stars, and dismiss it and level it up again, will that help me count for Victory Column requirement or I have to own the amount of generals with 10 stars at the moment of the upgrade?

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