General’s Power Reaching Recipe (What does it take to reach ~M?)

Update 10/27/2022 – Added 9.5M.
Update 8/6/2022 – Added 9M.
Update 4/3/2022 – Added 7.8M, 7.5M, 6.5M.
Update 11/25/2021 – Added reaching recipe 7.2M.
Update 11/17/2021 – Added reaching recipe 5.8M.
Update 2021/11/4 – ver4 update increases the maximum general power.
Update 10/17/2021 – Added reaching recipe 6.4M.
Update 10/8/2021 – Updated information about the maximum General Power.

Many of you may be wondering, “What exactly do I need to do to reach that power?”

So, I’ve put together some concrete examples and information that you might want to know.

Power Reaching Recipe

Premise: All equipment is 5 stars and refined.


  • 6 civilization equipment (total power: about 4.4M)
  • Dragon – Amaterasu Dragon level 15
  • General level 40, Star 10, Cultivate +500, Stats around 1590-1720 (of which around 150 are dragons)
  • 4 Specialties Gold (Level 5)


  • 6 civilization equipment (total power: about 4.3M)
  • Dragon – Amaterasu Dragon level 10
  • General level 40, Star 10, Cultivate +500, Stats around 1540-1660 (of which around 100 are dragons)
  • 4 Specialties Gold (Level 5)


  • 6 civilization equipment (total power: about 4.3M)
  • Dragon – Ladon level 10
  • General level 40, Star 5, Cultivate +500, Stats around 1526-1617 (of which around 100 are dragons)
  • 4 Specialties Gold (Level 5)


  • 6 civilization equipment (total power: about 4.3M)
  • Red dragon level 10 (Celtic Demon)
  • General level 40, Star 5, Cultivate +500, Stats around 1541-1592 (100 of which is dragon)
  • 4 Specialties Gold (Level 5)


  • 6 Plantagenet equipment (total power: about 4.1M)
  • Red dragon level 10 (Celtic Demon)
  • General level 37, Star 5, Cultivate +500, Stats around 1461-1524 (100 of which is dragon)
  • 4 Specialties Gold (Level 5)


  • 4 civilization equipment (total power: about 2.75M)
  • 2 Ares / Achaemenidae equipment (total power: about 0.86M)
  • Norway Ridge level 10 (power: about 1.46M)
  • General level 36, Star 5, Cultivate +500, Stats around 1439-1514 (100 of which is dragon) (power: about 1.45M)
  • Specialty – none

To complete Monarch Fame > Leadership > Advanced General I, you must own one general with a power of 6.5M or more.


  • 3 Plantagenet equipment (total power: about 2.07M)
  • 3 Achaemenidae equipment (total power: about 1.28M)
  • Red dragon level 10 (Celtic Demon)
  • General level 36, Star 5, Cultivate +500, Stats around 1446-1502 (100 of which is dragon)
  • 4 Specialties Gold (Level 5)
  • 2 Plantagenet equipment (total power: about 1.4M)
  • 3 Ares equipment (total power: about 1.3M)
  • 1 Achaemenidae equipment (total power: about 440K)
  • Dragon Ladon level 10
  • General level 35, Star 5, Cultivate +500, Stats around 1420-1500 (102-118 is dragon)
  • 4 Specialties Gold (Level 5)


  • 6 Ares equipment (total power: about 2,650,000)
  • Dragon – Norway Ridge level 10
  • General level 38, Star 5, Cultivate +500, Stats around 1500 (Including the addition value by the dragon)
  • 4 Specialties Gold (Level 5)
  • 3 Ares equipment (total power: about 1,320,000)
  • 2 Achaemenidae equipment (total power: about 880,000)
  • 1 Plantagenet equipment (power: about 710,000)
  • Red dragon level 10 (Celtic Demon)
  • General level 35, Star 5, Cultivate +500, Stats around 1450 (100 of which is dragon)
  • 3 Specialties Gold (Level 5) / 1 Specialty Orange (Level4)

In order to upgrade your keep to level 36, you need to have a Victory Column Lv1. To make the Victory Column Lv1, you need to own 2 generals with power 5.8M or above at the same time.


  • 3 Ares equipment (total power: about 1,340,000)
  • 3 Achaemenidae equipment (total power: about 1,310,000)
  • Red dragon level 10 (Celtic Demon)
  • General level 35, Star 5, Cultivate +500, Stats around 1450 (100 of which is dragon)
  • 4 Specialties Gold (Level 5)


  • 3 Ares equipment (total power: about 1,290,000)
  • 3 Achaemenidae equipment (total power: about 1,220,000)
  • Red Dragon Level 6 (Celtic Demon)
  • General level 33, Star 5, Cultivate +500, Status around 1350 (50 of which are dragons)
  • 3 Specialties Orange (Level 4)


  • 6 Dragon equipment (total power: about 1,320,000)
  • Red Dragon Level 10 (Celtic Demon)
  • General level 30, Star 5, Cultivate +400, Stats around 1250 (100 of which is dragon)
  • 3 Specialties Purple (Level 3)


  • 3 Ares equipment (power total: about 1,260,000)
  • 2 Achaemenidae equipment (power total: about 800,000)
  • 1 Dragon equipment (Power: about 240,000)
  • General level 31, Star 5, Cultivate +500, Stats around 1250 (power: about 1,220,000)
  • No Dragon or Beast
  • No Specialties

To complete Wonder’s Glory, “King of Generals”, you need to have 6 epic historic generals of 3.5M or more at the same time.


  • 3 Ares equipment (power total: about 1,220,000)
  • 3 Dragon equipment (Power total: about 640,000)
  • Red Dragon Level 4 (Celtic Demon: power 380,548 (*280,000 in the dragon screen in the pasture))
  • General level 29, Star 5, Cultivate +500, Stats around 1250 (29 of which are dragons)
  • 3 Specialties Purple (Level 3)


  • 6 Dragon equipment (power total: about 1,280,000)
  • Red Dragon Level 7 (Celtic Demon)
  • General level 28, Star 5, Cultivate +400, Stats around 1150 (64 of which are dragons)
  • 3 Specialties Blue (Level 2)


  • 6 King’s equipment (total power: about 900,000)
  • General level 29, Star 5, Cultivate +500, Stats around 1200
  • No Dragon or Beast
  • No Specialties

1M (1)

  • 4 Champion equipment (Power total: about 140,000)
  • 1 King equipment (Power about 140,000)
  • 1 Fighter equipment (Power about 36,000)
  • General level 27, Star 5, Cultivate +300, Stats around 920
  • No Dragon or Beast
  • No Specialties

1M (2)

  • General Level 29, Star 5, Cultivate +500, Stats around 1200
  • No Equipment
  • No Dragon or Beast
  • No Specialties


  • General Level 29, Star 5, Cultivate +300, Stats around 950
  • No Equipment
  • No Dragon or Beast
  • No Specialties

Reference 1: Maximum value of General Power

At the moment, it seems that the maximum is about 9.5M.

If more powerful dragons and equipment are added in the future, or if the general level limit is raised, it will be possible to exceed it. (I’m not sure if this will happen.)

Added on 8/12/2022 – Upper limit increased with dragon’s level extended to 15.

Added on 7/8/2022 – Upper limit increased with star level extended to 10. (Ascending system. Red Star 5)

Added on 11/4/2021 – With the ver4 major update, the maximum level of generals went from 35 to 40, dragon talents were implemented, and Plantagenet helmet and armor were implemented.

Added on 10/8/2021 – A new equipment, Plantagenet Golden Bow and Ring, has been implemented. When both of these are equipped, it is possible to reach around 6.4M. (Each power can be over 700K (5 stars, refined))

Reference 2: Important points if you want to increase your general power to 3.5M or more.

The number 3.5M is one of the milestones in the game, as it is the standard for achieving Wonder’s Glory, “King of Generals”. (Technically, you need to have 6 epic historic generals of 3.5M or more.)

The following are some of the most impactful factors to consider when aiming for this class of power.

  • Put on Ares equipment or Achaemenidae equipment. (5 stars and a lot of refinement)
  • Attach a high-level dragon.
  • Make your general level 29 or higher, star 5, and cultivate +500.

To be more specific, here is a summary of the power of each element alone

  • With 6 Ares or Achaemenidae equipment, the total is around 2.4M (depending on the degree of refinement)
  • With 6 Dragon equipment, the total is around 1.3M (depending on the degree of refinement).
  • Celtic Demon level 10: about 1.4M
  • Celtic Demon level 9: about 1.19M
  • Celtic Demon level 4: about 380K
  • Celtic Demon level 1: about 160K
  • General level 29, 5 stars, cultivate +500: 1.1M+


  • If you can have 6 refined Ares or Achaemenidae equipment, you can get over 3.5M without a dragon.
  • On the other hand, if you can add a level 10 dragon, you can exceed 3.5M even if your equipment is Dragon equipment.

Reference 3: Equipment Power Variation

The power of an equipment is proportional to its star level and refinement buff value. (The more high buffs you get through refinement, the more power you get.)

For example, the power of Ares and Achaemenidae equipment can vary by about 100,000 per piece of equipment, depending on how much refinement you do. (About 350,000-450,000)

Reference 4: Common misconceptions about dragon power

The dragon’s power is displayed on the dragon’s detail screen that can be seen in Pasture and Wonder.

When a dragon is assigned to a general, the general’s power increases by a “slightly higher” value than this power.

It’s unclear how this difference is calculated in detail, but at least it increases slightly without dragon refinement, proportionally to the higher dragon refinement buff value, and is not related to how much EXP the dragon has. (I tested)

There is also a display bug as follows.

Immediately after assigning a dragon to a general, the general’s power will only increase by the amount of power shown in the dragon’s detail screen. However, when you log in again, the power increases a little more. (There is also a similar display bug for Spiritual Beasts.)

Reference article: Dragon Power (list by level)

See the following article.

Dragon Complete Guide – Type, Buff, Enhance

Reference article: How to increase general’s power (and the danger)

Please see also the following article.

How to increase the General’s Power (and the Danger)


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With the lifting of Yukimura’s ascend, I was able to achieve 5.8M without dragons.
With 10 Stars, 500 each of status, and 3 specialty gold, it is 2.58M. With 4 parthian and 2 civilization equipment, it will reach 5.8M.

Hello, any relatively simpler recipe of 5.8m without a dragon?
The victory column lv2 requires 6 5.8m but it’s almost impossible to get 6 dragons.

My Ericka’s power is 5.82M when the dragon is unequipped.
LV37, Star 9 Stage 4, 4 Specialties Gold, Cultivated +1993 in total,
3 Civilization Equipments (2.05M power in total),
3 Achaemenidae/Ares Equipments (1.24M power in total),
Victory Column Lv1 (+1% stat),
Stats: 1477, 1468, 1484, 1407.

I will be looking for simpler way to achieve 5.8M without a dragon.
I also found my spiritual beast Pegasus, purple lv10, provided 300k power to my general

VC with 6 gens. M35/K36

if you only have fafnir, red dragon, and norway ridge. more dragons means less civ gear needed.

3 gens lvl 35, no red stars, dragons lv 10 ( red/faf/norway ), 4 full specialties, 6 panthion/majestic gear pieces.

3 gens lvl 35, 1 red star, full specialties, 3 beasts lv 10, 3 panthion/majestic gear, and 3 civ gear.

Basicly also the main road to take if you dont spend like a banker. Civ gear is more available now. higher monarch level makes it only a bit easier, but takes a bit after lvl 35.

Thank you for all of your very helpful information.

I am currently working on a recipe to make 6 5.8m.

I have a question about dragon power, is the power of a dragon a fixed value for each dragon type and level?

Or is there a different portion than the fixed value that varies depending on the increase in status?

I am wondering if the increase in power varies depending on the general to which it is attached.

Thank you in advance.

Two generals exceeded 5.8M power at the same time, but the prerequisite for the Victory Column is not cleared (it is still listed as 1/2).
Is there something other than the apparent number that affects this?


You might try restarting the application with the two generals still at 5.8M. In my case it worked.

Tarek Maloy

I just managed to get my general (Elektra) on 5.8m power with following stuff:
Ares Bow / Ares Helmet / 3x Achaemenidae / and Plantagenet Ring.
Leadership/Attack/Defense/Politics all just 1330.
She is 1x ascended, all 4 specialities done and the Celtic dragon lvl10 (Dragon Howl 40 and Lava King 37)
Btw, I am just k35 with 700m power (no wings), so it is doable and now praying for a second civilisation part to get a second general at 5.8m.

I hope it will help some to see that it can be done without huge coining (I coin average 25 US$ a month max)

With the general ascending feature, you don’t need to unlock fully the 4th specialty, or dragon lv11 or 12, or civilization equipment to reach general power 5.8 to unlock the victory column.

All you need is a general with one red star, 3 specialties fully unlocked and 4th specialty completed to only 4 steps, red equipment (Ares or Achaemenidae) refined to at least 80% of maximum values, and a dragon lv10. Any of these requirements can be relaxed if you add a second red star.

Hi, could you share information about thr power of each ascending level. When I do upgrade per stage, I check it and it show no change on gen’s power. But when I do upgrade on 1 first red star, it do add a little power on my gens.

For those who want to exceed 5.8M.
It is now possible to go over without paying.
Specialty: Left 3 are orange (less than that is also acceptable)
General level 37 (power will increase only a little even if you raise the level)
Achaemenidae and Ares only
Enhance red star 1 x 2 people
Dragon lvl 11 x 2

Now you can reach K36 without paying.
In other words, it is important Ares blood and collecting materials for dragon feeding.

Has anyone worked out the power of dragons over level 10? I’m hoping this will make it eas difficult to get 2 generals to 5.8 million power as I don’t have any civ equipment.


Is it possible for f2p/little spender player to have 2 generals with 5.8M power?

5.8M x 2 is quite a hurdle… There is a guy on my server who has a 7M general 😅.

Qter Screen Printing

How could there are 4 gold Book Skill (lvl 5)
I have not found 1 yet…

How to get them??

How is King of Generals Glory count 6 Gen over 3.5M power?
if i have 1 set of equipment that can set general power over 3.5M, can i swap it to another general to make them over 3.5M power. and do it until it’s reach 6 general.

There must be six generals with power 3.5M or more at the “same time”.
Therefore, we need to craft a set of Ares or Achaemenes equipment for a number of people.
It is very hard. 😓


My level 30 Ban Chao is only cultivated +500 in attack and defence,and now he is Archer Tower senior officer.Will the lower stats of leadership and politics be a problem if I want him be Special and Super officer in the future?

Triple Crown

Hi. I’m always thankful for the great information and sincerity.

I have a question.

It’s about Dmitry.

If he reinforces the troops of alliance,
Ground troop’s defenses / HP, and Archers’ attack will be increased.

In this case, is it my troops that increases power due to reinforcement? Or troop of my alliance`s member?

Have a good day!

If your fellow alliance members send troops to your reinforcement WITHOUT a general, I believe those troops with fight WITH your general and also his buffs.

How much is the approximate general level required for me to reach 3.5M power without paying?

(Example 1)
Equipment 2.4M
No Dragon
No Specialty
Star level 5, Cultivate +300

(Example 2)
Equipment 2.1M
Same as example 1 below

Thank you for your cooperation. 🙇‍♂️


We missed you and your wonderful information. Please stay here always🙏🏻🙏🏻

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