General Cultivate Guide
In this article, I will explain the tips and specifications of the general “Cultivate function”.
*As for how to “increase the power of generals”, please refer to the following article.
How to increase the General’s Power (and the Danger)
What happens when a general is cultivated?
You can increase your general’s stats (leadership, attack, defense, and politics) by up to almost +500 each.
What happens when the stats is increased?
Buffs such as the attack, HP, etc of your troops will improve.
When you reach +500 cultivation, the buffs from cultivation alone will be approximately +70 to +100%. (Note: Some items are excluded.)

What buffs can be improved by increasing which Stats
- Subordinate City Training Speed
- Troop HP
- March Speed
- Troop Attack
- Troop Defense
- Subordinate City Construction Speed
- Subordinate City Gold Production Speed
- Resource Gathering Speed
- Troop Death to Wounded
Note: This only applies if you fight or gather resources with that general, or make him/her a mayor.
Relationship between Stats value & Buff value
For stats below 900, the buff will be 0.1% per stats.
The portion exceeding 900 will be buffed 0.2% per status.
For example, if your stats is 1,000, the first 900 will buff you by 90% and the next 100 by 20%, for a total of 110%.
Calculation formula for buffs
- If stats is 900 or less (%)
- Stats x 0.1
- If stats exceeds 900 (%)
- 90 + ((Stats – 900) x 0.2)
If stats is 900 or less
Stats -> Buff
- 550+91=641 -> 64.10%
- 568+108=676 -> 67.61%
- 706+138=844 -> 84.40%
- 515+296=811 -> 81.13%
- 531+300=831 -> 83.10%
- 535+307=842 -> 84.20%
- 566+300=866 -> 86.60%
If stats exceeds 900
Stats -> Buff
- 737+168=905 -> 91.00%
- 792+178=970 -> 104.04%
- 692+298=990 -> 108.00%
- 560+500=1,060 -> 122.00%
- 636+498=1,134 -> 136.80%
- 728+500=1,228 -> 155.60%
- 851+508=1,359 -> 181.90%
How to Cultivate a General
Open the detail screen of the general you want to cultivate, and click the “Cultivate” button at the bottom.

You can cultivate the general with either Gems or Gold, so press the button of your choice.

The result will be displayed, but it is not yet reflected at this point. (Which items will be cultivated, and whether they will be positive or negative, will be determined randomly.)

If you want it to be reflected, click “Confirm”. If you don’t want it to be reflected, click “Cancel”. (You will not get the cost back if you cancel.)
*Note that only gems can be cultivated 10 times at once.

If you want the sum of the positive values to be greater than the sum of the negative values, choose Total Increase.

If you only need a specific item to be positive, choose other.

Basic specifications for cultivation
- Gold can be increased to nearly +300, and gems to nearly +500.
- When you cultivate once, a value between -3 and +3 is randomly generated for each item.
- Between 0 and +20, you will always get a + value; above 21, you will get a negative value.
- In order to cultivate up to 500, it is necessary to increase the basic attributes of the general by leveling up or enhancing the general beforehand. (Click here to see the cost and conditions required for enhancement)
- Example
- Up to +150 is possible at level 5, star level 1.
- Up to +220 is possible at level 10, star level 2.
- Up to +300 is possible at level 14, star level 3.
- Up to +400 is possible at level 19, star level 3.
- Up to +500 is possible at level 23, star level 4.
- Example
- The cost per cultivation depends on how many + values you currently have for each stats.
- +99 or less -> 20 gems or 6000 gold
- +100 or more x1 -> 25 Gems or 6,750 Gold
- +100 or more x2 -> 30 Gems or 7,500 Gold
- +100 or more x3 -> 35 Gems or 8,250 Gold
- +100 or more x4 -> 40 Gems or 9,000 Gold
- +200 or more x1 -> 46 Gems or 10,000 Gold
- +200 or more x2 -> 52 Gems or 11,000 Gold
- +200 or more x3 -> 58 Gems or 12,000 Gold
- +200 or more x4 -> 64 Gems or 13,000 Gold
- +300 or more x1 -> 71 Gems or 11,250 Gold
- +300 or more x2 -> 78 Gems or 9,500 Gold
- +300 or more x3 -> 85 Gems or 7,750 Gold
- +300 or more x4 -> 92 Gems or 6,000 Gold
- +400 or more x1 -> 100 Gems or 6,000 Gold
- +400 or more x2 -> 108 Gems or 6,000 Gold
- +400 or more x3 -> 116 Gems or 6,000 Gold
- +400 or more x4 -> 124 Gems or 6,000 Gold
The gold cost will increase until one of the stats reaches +300, but when all four reach +300, the gold cost will return to the lowest price of 6,000 gold. However in this state, gold cultivation will not produce any + value.
Tips for Cultivation
- It is not common to have all the positive values in one cultivation. Therefore, when the total of positive values exceeds the total of negative values, it is better to fix all of them.
- Basically, you should be careful not to bias the + value to any one item. If the result of the cultivation is that the sum of the positive and negative values is zero, and if the result is such that the bias can be adjusted, it is recommended to set the value to fixed. (Equivalent exchange)
- It is recommended that you use gold to raise to +300. It is also possible to raise to +300 with gems, but if the exchange rate at the keep is high due to research, it is more expensive and not recommended.
- The upper limit of cultivation can be slightly exceeded. (301, 502, etc.) You can exceed the upper limit if you get a large positive value right before the limit. In particular, if you cultivate with 10 Gems just before +500, you can exceed +510 if you are very lucky.
- Once an item has exceeded the upper limit, further cultivation will only result in a negative value. However, the button can still be pressed. Be careful not to press it.
Cost & Effort required to “reach +500”
Total Cost (approximate)
My actual results are as follows.
about 20M Gold + 150,000 Gems
0 to 300 -> about 20M gold
300 to 500 -> about 150,000 gems
*In addition to the above, the cost of enhancement is also required. (Click here for details on costs)
You have to do a huge number of them.
The sum of the positive values exceeds the sum of the negative values only two or three times out of ten.
And even then, it is often the case that one of the items is positive and one of them is negative.
On average, after 10 times of cultivation, each item would finally be +1.
If I keep going at that pace, I will need about 3,000 cultivating sessions to get to +300.
In my experience, even if I have enough costs (gold, gems, general EXP, and medals) in advance, it took me about 2 to 3 hours to turn a general with no cultivation (level 1, star level 0) into a general with 500 cultivation (level 22, star level 5).
Planning for Cultivation and Selection of Generals
As mentioned above, cultivating a general requires quite a bit of cost and effort, so it is best to have a plan in place before you start cultivating.
By the way, I am thinking as follows. I hope this helps you.
Priority: High (to be cultivated to 500 immediately)
- Main-general for Monster Hunting – x1
- Main-general for PvP – x1 (or 3 – 4 if you have a large budget, one for each type of troop)
- Defense General – x1
- Main-general for Resource Gathering (Queen Jindeok)
- You only need to increase the “gathering speed”, so increase only “politics”. If you can afford it, increase “leadership” to increase “march speed”.
- Related: How to get Resources Efficiently (Items, Gathering, Production)
Priority: Low (to be cultivated to 200-300)
- Temporary Main-general (early in the game, when you don’t have any other good generals. In the future, you can make him/her a Duty Officer or Mayor)
- Duty Officer
- Sub-general for Monster Hunting (for 2nd and 3rd lines (Baibars2 and Baibars3…))
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you can actually cultivate to +515, 520, approx per stat.
1) cultivate to +498 every stat (or as close as possible). do not let any of them get golden or, as you did in your Twitter video, they’ll forcibly go down.
2) select the desired improvement (for me it’s leadership, attack, politics)
3) cultivate x100 until you get an overall improvement of +60. it will take a few tries, it can get expensive!
stress over not having any of them over 498 or this will bring them down -60 as well 🤪
I’m always referring to this.
Do the cultivation points hit the ceiling at +499?
Three of them are over 500 and only one is at 499, and no matter how many times I try, it says “reached the limit”.
Yes. Once you drop below 498 and start over, you can go over 500.
Assistant generals. Is there a benefit to cultivating them?
No. Please see below.
Assistant Generals Guide
Thank you for all your informative articles.
I am thinking of a big game eater for my defense battles. (I was thinking of using debuff generals for defense generals as well.)
My current defense generals are Boudica and Severus, and I am doing it with ground troops attack, ground and mounted troops defense, archers and siege machines range, archers attack, and siege machines defense. However, when incorporating Gustav Adolph for anti-archer and siege machines, I found that if he is an aide, he cannot use his ascending skills.
I want to use Gustav’s skills after 5 stars, but I can’t use him as a main defense general?
Sorry for the difficult to read sentence.
When made a main defender, Gustav’s Red Star 1, 4, and 5’s are valid, Red Star 2’s “marching” is not.
Detail: Buff / Debuff – Basic Guide
Thank you for the clear explanation.
So once you max out on cultivation, is the only way to increase values such as Attack and Defense by raising the general’s level? I have Ban Chao about 50 defense points below gaining Senior Archer Tower qualification. Is there any other way to increase stats beyond +500 besides leveling up? Thank you.
I would be very grateful if you could give me your opinion on how to utilize the subject generals and how to plan for their training and strengthening under the following conditions.
Subject: Shajal Ah-Dulu
The second gold general (the first is Barbarossa).
I am almost ready to have all the fragments of Winfield and Sherman. (no others).
Boss hunting and gathering is being done by Barbarossa and the purple generals.
Will I have Shajal as a full-time wall defender?
If so, and if not, how will you train her?
I would like to ask you about this.
Thank you in advance.
Basically, the defender should be set to Shajal all the time and change to the combat one only during battles.
However, as far as your requirements are concerned, you have not yet reached the level where you can fight defensively, so for now, you can set Shajal as your defender at all times. You only need to set it and no training is required.
I do not recommend you to fight defense battles until you can use the Ranged General. (At first, use the Ranged General as both attacker and defender.)
With only a mounted troops general (Barbarossa), it is easy to be an easy mark for the enemy archer.
Thank you for your response😊
Shajal is a non-combatant and will be stationed for the time being.
Avoid defensive battles until the Ranged General can be trained.
At the beginning, the Ranged General should be operated in two roles, offensive and defensive.
This is very easy to understand and clear.
I have learned a lot about ebony from this site, and I have been putting it into practice with my colleagues.
I look forward to your future updates.
can you make any video for cultivation from gold
Lovely article…very enlightening. I truly understood cultivation after reading this.
I would like to propose a minor improvement to the buff function.
900 is the threshold. Stats below 900 ( base + cultivation ) buffs increase by .1%. Stats above 900 increase buffs by .2%.
So if it’s 1000, 90% buffs come from first 900, and 20% comes from the next 100, making it 110% in total.
Buff function:
1. If stat value 900 90+(Base stat-900)*.2%
Thank you very much. I have updated the relevant section.😃
Since it is recommended that we only cultivate Queen Jindeok’s Politics, should we just start cultivating her with gems?
It is recommended to cultivate with gold up to 300.
While PVP generals are recommended to be confirmed only when the total of the four values is positive,
Queen Jindeok only needs to consider one value of political power, which is related to gathering.
So, as long as the political power is positive, it is OK to confirm even if the other leadership, attack, and defense are -2.
In the same way, double-drop boss generals can be confirmed if the sum of the other three values is positive, ignoring political power,
and each facility’s duty officer can be confirmed if the sum of the required two values is positive.
The fewer the number of status types required, the more you can greatly reduce the cost of cultivating.
For example
Raising 4 values from 0 to 300 costs about 30-40M gold, while
Raising 1 value from 0 to 300 costs about 5M gold.
In the same way
Raising 4 values from 300 to 500 costs about 150K gems, while
Raising 1 value from 300 to 500 costs about 15K gems.
(Please forgive me if the actual number varies a bit more due to the small number of trials.)
It depends on your luck, of course, but I would recommend focusing on the statuses required since there is a significant difference.
Raffinazione, ogni quanto tempo è meglio farla , può perdere punti raffinandolo troppo? Come correre ai ripari se questo avviene , oppure non conta nulla ?
hello, ust a quick question. what about SUBS general. it is better cutivate or there is no influence?
Thanks and ciao
Please see the below article. (mayor section)
Subordinate City Complete Guide
Thank you for your detailed explanation, which made me learn a lot about the game, I want to ask about duty generals cultivating, should I just focusing on the 2 attributes which need for them role? such as Ban Chao , need more attack and defense for higher role as the archer tower officer
Yes. The duty officer only needs to raise the attributes necessary for appointment.
Related: Duty Officer Guide
Thanks much
Sorry for the minor tweaks.
I’ve been cultivating my newly acquired general (Takeda) for the Gather Troops event’s 1,000 general cultivations, and I was able to get him to +113 with level 1 and no stars.
Of course, I didn’t cultivate them with 10 gems, but with gold.
In addition, if you cultivate at +113, you will get a message saying that you have reached the limit.
I tried it with another general (Shimazu), and at +100, I got a message saying that I had reached the limit.
It seems to be different depending on the class of the general.
I have my top gens in ares armor and cultivated at max 500 but I’m still lacking in reaching the special officer requirements for my keep building. It seems that I only need 25 more points in politics category. What can you suggest for me to raise his politic score?
If you can raise your general level and star level, raise these.
If the general is already level 35 and has 5 stars, then you cannot increase his politics any further.
(Note that assigning a dragon will slightly increase your politics and other attribute values, but this will not count.)
In this case, you will need to switch to a different general.
If the general’s Leadership and Politics increase to 8.8 or higher at level 1, there is a good chance you can achieve this.
Related: Duty Officer – Required General Level, Star, etc
I much appreciate your site, you make it easy to understand a complicated game.
My main general for PVP, Aldolfus, has 504 on attack but 423 on defence.
What is the best way to get his defence up without loosing the attack ?
For Gems x10, check Attack and Defense. For Gold, don’t confirm unless both are positive.
I can’t find the place to select whether I want overall increment or just on one specific item…basically where are those check boxes?
It will only appear when you select Cultivate with Gems x10.
Sorry for the back-to-back posts.
I was able to guess that the lucky stone is involved in the double EXP rate for specialties, so please disregard the comment I just sent you.
I apologize for that.
After receiving your comments, I created an explanatory article about the specialty.
Please take a look if you like.
Specialty Guide
I always refer to this site.
On the General’s Specialty screen, the “Current Double EXP Rate” is displayed, how can I increase this?
Regarding equipment refinement, if I refine it, will the basic performance be overwritten?
No, it will not be overwritten.
Appreciate your detailed articles as they have helped me understand the game so much better. I’m not sure I understand the calculations you have for the relationship between cultivating and the buffs, especially for the +300 cultivates. I cannot understand how the buffs are calculated there. Can you please explain the math there? Thanks in advance.
I’m sorry💦I didn’t know where to put this so I’ll put it here💦
I’d love it if you could tell me how to do the Battle of Constantinople and the Battle of Gau Gamera.
I’m not sure how to do this, so I can’t participate even if I wanted to… 😞😞😞😞
Check the BOC and BOG information (the “i” icon) to get a general idea.
In the case of monster hunting generals, is it a good idea to cultivate Baibars to 500 as my main?
Or is it better to use the cavalry specialized general as the main one and grow Baibars as the second or third one?
If so, please give me some advice.
For your information, the cavalry generals I have are Barbarossa, Li Jing, and Wei Qing.
I guess it depends on the policy of each player. 🤔
If you already have a well-developed cavalry PvP general, I don’t think you need to force it to 500.
If you are focusing on cavalry and don’t have a well-trained cavalry PvP general, you should prioritize cavalry PvP general training over Baibars.
By the way, I have only cultivated the first Baibars to 500.
Also, only he has “Mounted Troop Attack” and “Mounted Troop Attack Against Monsters” level 4 skills.
The reason for this is that I have a low priority in growing cavalry PvP generals. (I’m focusing on ranged troops)
Thanks for the answer.
Basically I don’t do PVP, I mainly play monster hunting, so I’m going to take the plunge and try to get up to 500 with Baibars as my main.
I’m always looking forward to reading your articles.
I hope you will continue to help me.