Buff / Debuff – Basic Guide

3/28/2024 – Added explanation about the “defending outside the Main City” buff. (Outcity Defense Buff)
3/9/2023 – Added an explanation of “Defense Buffs”. / Added “Detailed Research Data” on which type of buffs are applied during which type of combat.
6/19/2022 – Update about maximum buffs.
11/22/2021 – added “Activation Conditions Matrix of Each Buff” section.

What is a buff / debuff

  • Buff – An effect that increases one’s ability (such as attack).
  • Debuff – An effect that reduces an enemy’s buff.

Increasing or decreasing a troop’s stats

Troops have defined stats such as an attack, defense, etc. It is possible to increase or decrease these values.

Initial Stats of Soldiers

A common misconception – buffs do not amplify a general’s attack, defense, etc. The general’s stats is the buff itself. Increasing a general’s stats increases the buffs provided by the general (you can see the buff values on the general’s cultivation screen). It increases the stats of the troop in battle.

Specification of Debuff in Evony

You can only reduce the enemy’s buff by half. (You can’t reduce an enemy’s buff to 0%.)

Therefore, even if you have a very high debuff, if the enemy’s buff is low, you will not be able to show your full potential.

For example, if you have a debuff of -300%, the effect will change depending on the enemy as follows.

  • If the enemy’s buff is 50%, you can reduce it to 25%. (-25% debuff)
  • If the enemy’s buff is 300%, you can reduce it to 150%. (-150% debuff)
  • If the enemy’s buff is 600%, you can reduce it to 300%. (-300% debuff)
  • If the enemy’s buff is 800%, you can reduce it to 500%. (-300% debuff)

“%” and “absolute value”

Buffs can be either percentage buffs, such as “+25%,” or absolute buffs, such as “+100.

The +% is applied to the soldier’s original status. For example, if a soldier’s attack is 200 and the buff is +25%, the attack after the buff is applied is 250.

For absolute values, for example, if the soldier’s attack is 200 and the buff is +100, the attack after the buff is applied is 300.

Note that the absolute value buff is added to the value after the % buff is applied.

  • Example (see image at the beginning of this page)
    • Defense initial value: 100
    • Buff: +15%, +30
    • Defense after applying buff: 145

Which is better?

This question is often raised when refining equipment, dragons, etc.

Basically, “%” is better in most cases. However, under certain conditions, “absolute” may be better.

The % buff is more effective for enhancing high-level troops,
while the absolute value buff is more effective for enhancing low-level troops.

For example, the attack of ranged troops is 4,070 at t14 and 130 at t1 (details).
If the Achaemenidae Ring is refined, the maximum is “+25%” x4 or “+634” x4.
If it is a % buff, the value is 8,140 at t14 and 260 at t1.
If it is an absolute value buff, the value is 6,606 at t14 and 2,666 at t1.

+25% x4
+634 x4

Note: Difference between refining a general’s equipment as a % & as an absolute value (flat refine).

From t1 to t11, absolute value refine (flat refine) is stronger.
From t12 and above, % refine is stronger.

(In the case of Ares equipment, Achaemenidae equipment, & Ranged Troops)

Stats changes for ranged troops

Also, absolute value buffs are not affected by debuffing.

Based on the above, the “%buff” is effective when fighting a battle that relies on high level troops, which is probably the case in the majority of battles.

(One might think that an absolute value buff would be better if the debuff doesn’t work, but if you are fighting in buildings like portals or temples, or if the enemy is rallying to attack you, the huge debuff by subordinate cities is useless. Thus, in the big picture, I think % is better.)

The “absolute value buff” is useful if the fight depends on low-level troops.

For example, in a defense where there is no limit to the number of troops, it is effective to create a huge number of low-level troops and refine all the defender’s equipment with absolute value buffs.

For example, there was a case in which a castle with 200 million t1 mounted troops and tens of thousands of higher-level mounted troops, with all equipment refined with absolute value buffs for the mounted troops, turned back a higher-level enemy.

Note that making the defender’s equipment an absolute value buff means that the higher-level troops will be weaker. It is a trade-off.

What is the maximum value of a buff ?

2021/11/4 postscript – With the ver4 major update, it is now possible to raise the buff more than ever.

Top players have achieved buffs of over 2800% and debuffs of over -1100%.

Top players have achieved buffs of over 1200% and debuffs of over -600%.

Theoretically, it is possible to raise the debuff to -1200% (*), but as mentioned above, if the debuff is too high, it will be useless.
(If the enemy’s buff is not above 2400%, it will not be -1200%.)
It is better to think that the maximum debuff that is realistically effective is around -700%.
* Limited to certain items (siege machine’s attack)

How to check your buff / debuff values

Battle Buffs / Debuffs

At the bottom of the Battle Report, you can see the total value of your buffs and debuffs.

Buffs and Debuffs section of the Battle Report
Buffs and Debuffs section of the Battle Report

The total value of battle buffs and debuffs varies depending on various situations, such as whether you are attacking or defending, so the only way to check is to look at the Battle Report for each battle.

Note – For non-solo fights, the buff/debuff column shows the buff values of others.

When Rallying – The buff column for your team is the value of the Rally Owner.

When Reinforcing an Alliance member’s City – The buff column for your team is the value of the City that Received the Reinforcements.

When Reinforcing an occupied facility (such as a Temple) – The buff column of your team is the value of the Last person to Join the Reinforcement.

The debuff column is under investigation.
Presumably, this is only for the single player with the most powerful debuff among the participating members.
At least, it is not necessarily the value of the person in the buff column. Nor is it a simple addition of the debuffs of all participants. (Doesn’t stack )

Note 2 – For non-solo fights, you will see the buff values of others, but your own buffs will be applied to your troops.

This can be confirmed by swapping rally owners and participants and seeing if there is a change in the number of wounds, etc. for each person.

In the case of reinforcements, you can check this by swapping the person receiving the reinforcements and the person sending them.

(The number of wounds will not change even if you switch them.)

In addition, buff and debuff values can also be checked in the monarch’s detail screen.

Note, however, that these values reflect only a portion of research and monarch gear etc. (General’s skills etc. are not reflected.)

Buffs and Debuffs section of the Monarch Details screen

Non-Battle Buffs (Construction Speed, etc.)

These can be found in the monarch’s details screen.

Buffs and Debuffs section of the Monarch Details screen

How to calculate the total value (addition? multiplication?)

Each of buffs & debuffs percentages is “added up”.

For example, in the following case, the total buff to attack would be +60%.

  • General’s Skill: +20% Attack
  • General’s Equipment A: +10% Attack
  • General’s Equipment B: +5% Attack
  • Research: +25% Attack

Note that the resulting attack value after the buff is applied is calculated as follows.

Troop’s Attack Attribute x (Attack Buff % +100%)

For example, the attack attribute (without buffs) of a tier 1 mounted troop is 220.

If the total attack buff is +200%, the result is below.

220 x (200%+100%) = 660

How to increase Buffs

The first priority should be to raise the attributes of the general, research, and give the general Ares or Achaemenidae equipment and refine those equipment enough.

Components of Buff

High Impact

Medium Impact

* Each subordinate city’s buffs add up. (If there are multiple subordinate cities of the same culture, they are added together.)

Other (permanent)

  • Duty Officer
  • Monarch’s Talent
  • Culture
  • Art Treasure in Art Hall
  • Alliance Science
  • VIP
  • City Decoration

Other (temporary)

  • Items
  • Offering in Shrine
  • Battlefield Building Occupation
  • Title of Throne

When solo, do the buffs of subordinate city mayors stack?


The mayor’s buffs are not applied to the main city’s troops.

Therefore, even if you have a lot of mayors in the battle, the buffs of your main troops will not increase.

(Note – The buffs of the subordinate cities themselves are stacked. For example, the more Japanese subordinate cities you have, the more marching attack buffs your main troops will get on).

When rally, do the buffs of the participants stack?


Each participant’s buffs are applied to each participant’s troops.

They do not add to the rally owner’s buffs.

How to increase Debuffs

The basic idea is to equip all the mayors of the subordinate cities with Achaemenidae or Ares equipment with debuff, and then let those subordinate cities enter the battle. (All debuffs of each mayor will be added.)

See here for specific equipment examples & their total debuff values.

Components of Debuff

High Impact

* There is no debuff on the subordinate cities themselves, but you need to have a lot of mayors, so you need to have a lot of subordinate cities (max 9). Also, in order to do so, you need to increase your prestige and raise your rank.
related: How to raise Rank quickly (how to get Prestige efficiently)

Medium Impact


Debuff Simulator

Please check out the debuff simulation tool that I have developed.

You can specify equipment, generals, etc. and calculate the total debuff value.

The results are automatically saved and restored even after the browser is closed, so you can use it as a reminder of your current debuffs.

Subordinate City Generals (Mayor) Debuff Comparison Tool

Subordinate City Generals (Mayor) Debuff Comparison Tool

Red Star & Specialty can be specified.

When solo, do the debuffs of subordinate cities mayors stack?

As mentioned above, yes.

If more than one of the same generals is set as mayor, they all stack.

However, the debuff will not be applied unless the subordinate city is participating in the battle, so if the mayor is dead or the subordinate city’s troops have been wiped out, they cannot participate in the battle and the debuff will not be applied.

The most common mistakes are

  • Forgetting to turn off reinforcements for subordinate cities when ghosting, and then getting attacked and the subordinate cities are wiped out. This makes it impossible to use the mayor’s debuff when trying to attack after canceling the ghosting.
  • Even if you win in PvP, the mayor of the subordinate city may die. If you don’t notice this and fight a series of battles, you will end up fighting without that mayor’s debuffs working.

Also, the mayor’s debuff stack is effective not only in PvP, but also in solo monster hunting. Therefore, if you have a lot of mayors with 4 dragon equipment set debuffs, monster hunting will be easier.

When rally, do the debuffs of the participants stack?


Therefore, there is no point in having a lot of people with debuffs participate.

You only need one player with a strong debuff.

This can be confirmed by the following test

For PvP rally

Prepare two or more players on the rally side with Achaemenidae equipment or advanced research debuffs, and rally to the player who has the high buffs.

For example, if rally player A has a -70% debuff, B has a -140% debuff, and the defender has a 600% buff, only the -140% will be applied, resulting in a 460% buff, not a 390% buff.

For Boss Rally

A) Rally without any participants and check the number of wounded.

B) In addition to A, add only one Sanada Yukimura to the rally participants and check the number of wounded.
To make it easier to see whether there is a stack effect or not, make Sanada’s debuff as strong as possible by attaching a dragon equipment set, etc.
Check that the number of wounded is greatly reduced from A.

C) In addition to A, add only one Hernán Cortés to the rally participants and check the number of wounded.
To make it easier to see whether or not there is a stack effect, make Hernan’s debuff as strong as possible by attaching a dragon equipment set, etc.
Check that the number of wounded is significantly lower than A.
Also check that the number of wounded is different from B.

D) In addition to A, add Yukimura Sanada and Hernan Cortez used in B and C to the rally participants and check the number of wounded.

The result in D will be the same as the lesser of the number of wounded in B and C.
If the debuffs stack up, the number of wounded should be much lower than in B and C, but they do not.

6 Basic Types

The first thing you need to understand is the difference between the following 5.

  • Basic Buff
    • In-game notation: (No special note)
  • Marching Buff
    • In-game notation: Marching~ / Attacking~ / when they are attacking
  • In-City Buff
    • In-game notation: In-City~ / for Defending City
  • Defense Buff
    • In-game notation: Defending~ / When defending~
  • Outcity Defense Buff
    • In-game notation: defend outside the Main City / Outcity Defending~
  • Reinforcing Buff
    • In-game notation: Reinforcing~ / when they are reinforcements

These phrases are mainly used in the equipment, research screens, etc.

In addition, you can check 4 types of buffs in the monarch details screen.
(“Defense Buff” & “Outcity Defense Buff” cannot be checked.)

Red: Basic Buff

Blue: Marching Buff

Green: In-City Buff

Yellow: Reinforcing Buff

On the monarch detail screen, the general’s buffs are not added to the basic buffs, marching buffs, and reinforcement buffs. (There is no way to add them.)

However, the wall defender and assistant defender buffs are added to the intra-city buffs. (In-city buffs for equipment, skills, and specialty)

Basic Buff

A buff that activates at any time, whether marching, in a city, or as reinforcements.

In-game notation: (No special note)

Examples of Basic Buff
Basic Buff for Equipment

Marching Buff

In-game notation: Marching~ / Attacking~ / when they are attacking

Example of Marching Buff
Basic Buffs for Equipment

It is enabled when marching troops are fighting.

Basically, it’s enabled when “attacking” as in

  • Attacking solo
  • Rally – Starting a Rally by yourself
  • Rally – Participate in a rally started by someone else

However, it can be enabled during “defense” & “reinforcements” in the following cases.

  • Defending or reinforcing a Building (portal, temple, throne, etc.)
  • Defense of a Camp.

Therefore, please note that the expression “attacking” is not accurate.

In-City Buff

In-game notation: In-City~ / for Defending City

Example of In-City Buff

Effective in the following cases.

  • When defending your own city
  • When you send reinforcements to an alliance member’s city to defend it (applies to your own troops)

Note that it is not activated when defending with the following.

  • Buildings (Portal, Temple, Throne, Alliance city, etc.)
  • Camp

Therefore, please note that the expression “defending” is not accurate.

In the case of in-city buffs, the phrase “Defending [ City ]” is always used.

Defense Buff

In-game notation: Defending~ / when defending~

At first glance, it looks similar to an in-city buff, but it is completely different.

As of today, the buff appears to exist only in Blazon, Military Academy, and Castle Decoration.

Effective in the following cases.

  • When defending your own city
  • When defending or sending reinforcements to buildings (such as Portal, Temple, Relics, etc.)

Note that it is not activated when defending with the following.

  • Camp

In the fight after k36, the buffs become larger when defending in buildings than when attacking buildings. This is largely due to Military Academy that can only be initiated after k36.

Outcity Defense Buff

In-game notation: defend outside the Main City / Outcity Defending~

As of today (3/28/2024), only some generals (Idunn, Freyja) have it.

Effective in the following cases.

  • When sending reinforcements to an alliance member’s city
  • When defending or sending reinforcements to buildings (such as Portal, Temple, Relics, etc.)

Note that it is not activated when defending with the following.

  • When defending your own city

This can be confirmed by the following tests (Confirmed)

Prepare one general for comparison, who has exactly the same “Basic Buff” value as Idunn or Freyja’s “Basic Buff” value (excluding “Outcity Defense Buff”).

This buff value should be the same, counting only basic skills (no red stars), skill books, specialty, and covenant. (Due to its use as an assistant.)

Conduct an AB test where only the assistant differ.

A: Send reinforcements with Idunn or Freyja as assistant to an alliance member’s city or building. And are attacked.

B: Send reinforcements with comparative general as assistant to an alliance member’s city or building. And are attacked.

In this case, the condition (general, number of troops, other buff values, etc.) of the castle receiving reinforcements and the attacker must be exactly the same for both A and B.

If this is done, the attacker will be wounded more when Idunn or Freyja is sent as an assistant, both when sending reinforcements to an alliance member’s city and when defending a building.

(If Idunn or Freyja’s “outcity defense buff” does not work, then the attacker woundings will be the same in both cases.)

Reinforcing Buff

In-game notation: Reinforcing~ / when they are reinforcements

Example of Reinforcing Buff

Applies to one’s own troops in the following cases It does not apply to other people’s troops.

  • When sending reinforcements to an alliance member’s city

It does not work in the following cases.

  • When participating in a rally / starting a rally by yourself (Marching Buff is applied.)
  • If reinforcements are sent to your castle (your reinforcement buffs do not apply to the reinforcements sent to you).

Activation Conditions Matrix of Each Buff

The buffs that are applied to your troops are as follows.

Defense Buff
Attack: Soloxx

Attack: Rally Ownerxx

Attack: Rally Participantxx

Defense (Camp)xx
Defense (Self City)x
(Buildings, Relics)
(Buildings, Relics)
(Alliance member’s city)

What people tend to misunderstand

  • Participation in a rally is not considered reinforcements; the Marching buffs apply. Reinforcements buffs are not applied.
    • In this case, your buffs will not be shown in the battle report. However, you can turn on and off marching buffs and reinforcement buffs, and see if the number of wounded, etc. changes. (I have verified this.)
  • When reinforcing an alliance member’s city, not only the Reinforcement buffs but also the In-City buffs are applied.
    • In this case, your buffs will not be shown in the battle report, but you can turn on/off the In-City buffs and see if the number of wounded changes. (I have verified this.)
    • When you turn on or off the reinforcements buff, the number of wounded, etc. changes. (I have verified this.)
    • The number of wounded, etc. do not change when the marching buff is turned on or off. (I have verified this.)

NOTE – There are several ways to turn buff on and off.
For example
– Attach or detach equipment that contains a marching buff.
– Attach or detach an embassy duty officer to turn on or off the reinforcements buff.
– Change the culture from Russia to another to turn on/off in-city buffs (Russian subordinate city buff).

Survey Data on the Applicable Targets of Various Buffs

The following data is a survey of which types of buffs are applied during which types of battles.

All buffing factors were identified and calculated to see if they matched the numbers on the battle report and monarch detail screens.

Note that the buffs investigated are Ranged Troop Attack (%).

Buff value on Battle Report

Types of battlesBuffBF
22, 36
Attack – Solo – Keep14890x0withwithBasic Value A
Attack – Solo – Keep15250x9withwithThe difference from the basic value A is 36% of the monarch talent Lv 22.
It can be seen that the buff changes with or without a subordinate city.
Attack – Solo – Building14890x0withwithSame as basic value A. Without a subordinate city, the buff is the same for both keep and building attacks.
Attack – Rally (Initiator)15190x0withwithThe difference from the base value A is 30% of the rally buff.
The rally buff is also triggered by a rally by one person.
Attack – Rally (Participant)can’t see
Defense Self City12330x9 & x0withwithBasic value B. Same buff value with and without subordinate cities.
In other words, either the monarch skill Lv22 is always fully exerted, or it is not activated at all.
11920x0withwithoutThe difference from the basic value B is 5% for Lv 36 and 36% for Lv 22, for a total of 41%.
In other words, if Lv 22 is selected, even if the subordinate cities are not linked, the effect is fully realized when defending your own castle.
11680x0withoutwithoutThe difference from above is a total of 23.9% for the defense and basic buffs of the blazon.
It shows that the defense buff is working.
Alliance member’s city
can’t see
Defense Building15490x0withwithThe difference from the basic value A is 60% of the defense buff.
It shows that the defense buff is working.
15240x0withoutwithoutThe difference from the above is almost 23%, which is the sum of the blazon’s defense buff and the basic buff.
It shows that the defense buff is working.
Although the monarch talent Lv22 is missing, it does not seem to be relevant since subordinate cities cannot be brought along to begin with.
Defense Camp14890x0withwithSame as basic value A. It shows that defense buffs do not work.

Buff value on Monarch Detail

Types of buffsWith
Talent 22, 36
Talent 22, 36
Ranged Troop Attack350350
Marching Ranged Troop Attack201201
In City Ranged Troop Attack321316Main Defender Leo (full equipment), Assistant Yodo-dono
281276Main Defender Leo (full equipment), Assistant Shajar
261256Main Defender Leo (none of helmet), Assistant Shajar
Reinforcing Ranged Troop Attack189189

A comparison with the breakdown data shows below things.

  • Buffs that vary depending on the number of subordinate cities participating are not included.
  • “Ranged Troop Attack” = Basic buff
  • “Marching Ranged Troop Attack” = Marching buff (includes both Marching and Attacking)
  • “In City Ranged Troop Attack” = In-City buff. Does not include Defense buffs. Includes in-city buffs of defenders’ equipment, skills, and specialty .
  • “Reinforcing Ranged Troop Attack” = Reinforcing buff.

Buff Breakdown

In the marching buffs, those with in-game designations of “Marching” and “Attacking” were counted separately. However, as a result of the above calculations, it was confirmed that they are the same in both cases.

General Skill Activation Conditions

In the description of the general’s skills, there are variations as follows

  • when General is leading the army (* or no description)
  • when General is leading the army to attack
  • when General is the Main City Defense General
  • when General is leading the army to reinforce
  • when General is leading the army to defend outside the Main City
  • when General is leading the army to launch Alliance War
  • when General is leading the army to attack Monsters
  • when General is the Mayor
  • when General is the (xxxxx) Officer

when General is leading the army (* or no description)

It is similar to “Basic buff“.

In this case, buffs and debuffs will be triggered in most cases if the general is used in battle.

(This is triggered by all of the above activation conditions except for the duty officer. For example, if a general with the skill “Mounted Troop Attack increases when General is leading the army” is made a duty officer, mounted troop attack will not increase.)

Example of a general: Li Jing, Minamoto no Yoshitsune, etc

when General is leading the army to attack

It is similar to “Marching Buff”.
It is activated when the marching troops led by the general fight.

Examples of generals: Simeon the Great, etc

when General is the Main City Defense General

It is similar to “In-City Buff”, but only if the general is the defender of your city.

Examples of generals: George Dewey (old name: Joseph E. Johnston), etc

NOTE – Tran Hung Dao and James Bowie do not mention “in-city” in their descriptions. (Example: George: “Increases in-city mounted troops’ HP” / Bowie: “Increases ground and mounted troops’ attack”)

I thought to myself, “Could it be that just by making them defense general, the buffs would also be effective when attacking?” I thought so, and actually tested it with these two, but the result was invalid. (It only works when defending your own city.)

In addition, non-battle buffs, such as construction speed, are activated simply by setting a defense general.

when General is leading the army to reinforce

It is similar to “Reinforcing Buff”.

Example of a general: Dmitry

when General is leading the army to defend outside the Main City

It is similar to “Outcity Defense Buff“.

Example of a general: Idunn, Freyja

when General is leading the army to launch Alliance War

Activates only when you start a rally.

Example general: Tomyris

when General is leading the army to attack Monsters

Activates only when attacking a monster.

Example general: Caesar, etc

when General is the Mayor

Activates only when the general is set as the mayor of a subordinate city.
Mainly applies to non-battle buffs, such as gold production.

Examples of generals: Lincoln, etc

NOTE – If you set a general with “leading the army” in the skill description as mayor, and bring a subordinate city with that mayor into the battle, the debuff will be effective. The buff does not apply to troops in the main city at least.

when General is the (xxxxx) Officer

The buffs and debuffs become effective only when the general is set as the Duty Officer.

Examples of generals: Ban Chao, etc

NOTE – For debuff skills such as those possessed by Ban Chao (decrease enemy mounted troops attack), and buff skills such as those possessed by John I, etc (increasing troop attack, HP, defense), they are effective not only when defending, but also when attacking.

NOTE2 – Buffs added by the skill book will not work. Also, if equipment with buffs/debuffs is attached to the Duty Officer, it will not work too.

Related: Duty Officer Guide


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Hello! Please tell me what it is: strengthening the attack of the shooters and the attack of the shooters on the march


I am always learning from you.
It was an eye-opener for me to learn that the marching buff is effective when defending buildings.

I have a question,
When an ally sends additional troops to an occupied building,
The command is 【Reinforcements】,
Is the marching buff also effective when the troops sent by this command are defending the occupied building?


Sub HP (line 35), Sub Defense (line 40) in Monarch Talent…
Are they always apply when defending your own Main City, or they need to be selected (in which case apply both for defense and offense) ?

I have not verified it rigorously, but it would be odd if it did not have the same specifications as Monarch Talent 22 (Attack). So it should be the following
– On attack: only valid when selected
– On defense: always valid (even if sub-city linkage is off)
(Section 11 of this article provides evidence for Monarch Talent 22 (Attack)).

Dr.D @ EvonyAnswers.com

I tested the Out of City Defense Buffs for reinforcing earlier today. My results were exactly the same for Idunn and Gwangaetto (using skill books to even out their siege and ranged buffs). This confirms the video on YouTube from Red Evony also showing that Idunn and Freyja do NOT work when reinforcing.

I wonder if you have confirmed the test recently? Perhaps Evony has changed the way these two generals function in the last few months since you ran the initial testing?

I am very aware that Evony often makes silent specification changes.
I tested it a few months ago, so I cannot rule out the possibility that it has changed.

However, your comments and Red Evony’s video do not fully prove that it “does not work when reinforcements”.

Therefore, I am skeptical that it “does not work when reinforcements” at this time. (However, I haven’t tested it recently, so I don’t rule out the possibility.)

Red Evony’s video believes and relies on the buff values in the scouting report as is.
However, the buff values in scouting reports in this game are often wrong. They cannot be trusted.
You all know very well that Evony’s program quality is very low.
In fact, the buff values in the scouting report and the buffs in the battle report after the attack are often different.

It is unavoidable that you believe the buff values in the scouting report.
In a normal game, you would not consider the possibility that they could be wrong.
But at Damn Evony, you should.

What we should focus on in the test results of the reinforcement buffs is whether “the number of wounded changes” or not.

If you have any recent test results from that perspective, I would be glad to know.

Dr.D @ EvonyAnswers.com

I had the same thought about Red Evony and getting “results” from the scout reports. I just assumed the scout reports were wrong and that “real” testing of wounded would yield different results.

I did the testing and got the exact same number of wounded using Idunn and Gwaengaetto. Honestly, I was surprised by the results, and very disappointed since I had put way too many resources into Idunn for her to end up virtually useless.

I’d be happy to share reports in game or email screenshots if you would like. You can contact me at my website EvonyAnswers.com.

Hello. I have a question about sending reinforcements to a fellow castle.
Is the debuff on the equipment of the main general of the reinforcements effective?
If it is effective, can you tell me if the enemy’s ability is reduced only against the troops led by the debuff general or against all troops (the whole castle)?

Tran Hung Dao’s skill description has been fixed.
There is “when General is the Main City Defense General”.

But I have another question.
Since the wall general’s buff belongs to in-city buff,
does it also apply the reinforcing troops?

This is a fantastic guide. There is one description I find confusing/useless that is not mentioned here. It appears with the phrase “Single Troop”. Eg “Increases Single Ranged troop HP”. It’s in the research section (Eg Academy – Military advance). I assume that this is the same as the basic HP buff. In this example I assume it acts the same as “Increase HP for Ranged Troop”. I am not sure of the purpose for using the word “Single”


in the PvP rally section, it is very confusing if the participants buffs are effective or not ? ie: 2 rallies (A&B) with same rally leader but 5 different participants each, Rally A have rally leader and each participants tech above 200m, sending each 1m T14 cavs. Rally B have same rally leader but each participant tech are under 50m, sending each 1m T14 cavs. It is believed that the outcome (victory+wounded) would be more favorable to Rally A than B, can you confirm and advise about the rally buffs mechanics ? Thanks !

Luke Schierer

The two generals available in the Light of Goddess event, Freyja and Idunn, both have buffs with conditions I haven’t seen before. Their skill books say “when General is leading the army to defend outside the Main City” and their Speciality buffs say “Outcity Defending” which is almost certainly the same thing. It isn’t clear that this is the same condition as either the “reinforcing” or “defending” conditions in your table.

I’d like to know it too. It needs testing.
But it’s hard to get them


I’ve been told Idunn is for reinforcing.

Is it possible to stack debuffs when reinforcing a keep? What I mean is, if multiple people all reinforce one keep using debuff mayors will all the debuffs add to that cities debuffs?

If for example 10 people reinforce using Vladimir the great (-10% to all enemy troop attack) would we have a total of -100%? could 100 Vladimir remove 1000% (Assuming the enemy attack buff was 2000%)

Luke Schierer

Debuffs are capped at 50% of the enemy’s total buff. So your assumption in the last line woudl need to be true. Otherwise yes that is my understanding.


Debuffs not working like that. Otherwise everyone in every battlefield and allstars would do this. Your debuffs will apply only to your troops fighting, if you reinforcing someone. However keep owner’s debuffs would benefit everyone who is reinforcing said keep. This is why there is little to no sense reinforcing weak keep with weak debuffs, you will just lose horribly because you can’t bring your subs to reinforcing, meanwhile the reinforced keep also will have low debuffs, and your attacker will bring all their subs to debuff the hell out of you.

When I am in the task that the arm that needs to go over twice only goes to the straight up but no matter how many times I push the button it only goes back and then my man falls in the fire or on the spikes how do I get the thing to cover the gap please thanks Paul

If I have a marching buff and join a rally to successfully take the throne do the buffs/debuffs remain if the throne is counter-attacked or is it considered a reinforcement buff while occupying the throne?

I have not actually tested this on Throne, but it should be treated as a building, so I believe the following would be triggered when defending Throne.
-Basic buff
-March buff
-Defense buff

See the section “Activation Conditions Matrix of Each Buff.

How about “When general is leading troops to join another generals rally.” Do buffs work ? Debuffs? Equipment? Does only the Lead Generals Attack power work?

Gordon Way

Hey! Really like this site, I use it frequently for reference and the comments section is great. I am trying to understand the statistics that you see on the monarch screen, I don’t understand the how these are comprised, I thought it was just research but two players at the same monarch level with the same research have very different statistics.

Can you help?

I’d also like to understand what the three different types mean, for example there is Mounted Attack, Single MA, and Marching MA.

Any help much appreciated.

The basics are as described in the “5 Basic Types” section.
What each item is composed of depends on the item.
Mounted Troop Attack is a percentage buff.
Single Mounted Troops Attack is an absolute buff. (Flat buff)

Is there any point in placing debuff generals (such as Cixi) when ghosting?
Who is an effective general when ghosting defense?

For what are the research techs “In City Attack”, “In City Defense” of sub cities? They seem useless techs.

Literally it looks like as I have more subs, I have larger in city buffs. But when I abandoned one sub city, I saw nothing changed in my monarch details, and nothing different from my friend’s scouting reports on my main city. The number of subs I owned did not affect my main city’s buff, which includes in city buffs.

Are the techs really useless?

It helps a lot.
If you have max research and 9 sub cities then you get +81% attack.
You are using the wrong method of checking buff values.
The values are not reflected in the monarch details. See section 11 of this article. It proves the point.
Also, quite damningly, the buff values in the scout report are not accurate. You need to look at the Battle Report.

Thanks. You are right.

I verified the buff from the battle report. After I abandoned one sub city, the amount of the dropped buff matched the values from the research.

It also proved the scout report is not accurate. Maybe not considering the effect of subs.

If I use an ordinary general to become a sub mayor, will the default buff/debuff of the general be active or not?

DoubleD (dr.dur.)

Is it possible one of the unidentified 5% buffs from the spreadsheet is related to the basic buffs provide for each of the seven cultures?

America Siege Attack +5%
Arabia Mounted HP +5%
China Ground Attack +5%
Europe Mounted Attack +5%
Japan Ground Defense +5%
Korea Ranged Attack +5%
Russia Mounted Defense +5%


Nice to meet you. I have been using your site for a long time.
Regarding buffs, how do you interpret a buff with a title assigned by the king (e.g. prince {troop defense HP 10%, attacking troop’s attack 15%)?
Will it be applied in SVS or Battlefield?


Considering that the marching buff is effective when defending a building, but the defense buff is not effective when marching, does this mean that in a building battle, it is more advantageous to defend than to attack because both the marching and defense buffs are available?

If both offensive and defensive buffs are the same, then in the case of a solo attack, that is true.
For rally attacks, this is not necessarily true, since the rally buff is added (if grown) to the attacker’s buff.


I see! That was helpful. Thanks again for your useful articles.

Titu Daddy

The Academy, Subordinate City Tree has researches named (Adv/Super) In City HP/Defense/Attack – but the description is “…when defending MAIN City” but your BUFF BREAKDOWN has it as “In-City”. I have confirmed in Monarch Details that increasing this research does not increase the “In City HP/Defense/Attack number.

Can you help confirm what the Academy Research ACTUALLY does?


I am trying to compile a full list of all sources of battle-related buffs and debuffs (excluding generals and whatever attached to them).
What I have so far are:
Mil Academy
VIP level
Art Treasure
Subcities (only Japan and Russia)
Civilization Treasure
Civilization Equipment sets owned
Duty Officers
Embassy (equipped with Duty Officer)
Monarch gear
Alliance Science
Decoration Collections
Special Subcities

Could you please ???:
1. correct/supplement the list above if needed
2. verify what is included in the buff categories of Monarch/Details/Military

Note: perhaps “Rally Buffs” should be added as a buff category in the buff types list

i noticed blazon was not added in this section as it buff troops and debuff enemy.

and another point that i noticed that blazon gives debuff for enemy troop type. our server is having biollante this week for world boss and he takes grounded troop attack and def debuff. so if i send 1 range troop with valor set -20% ground attack and 1 siege troop with honesty set -5% troop attack and defense. Will these 2 debuff work on world boss? since one is type specific and one is all troop type.And in return by sending 1 range and 1 siege to get such debuff is really cost effective not?

I have a problem about debuff on rally.

Suppose Player A has enemy mounted attack -100%, enemy ranged attack -300%,
and Player B has enemy mounted attack -200%, enemy ranged attack -200%.
If they do a PVP rally, what are the debuffs?

A) enemy mounted attack -100%, enemy ranged attack -300% (pick A)
B) enemy mounted attack -200%, enemy ranged attack -200% (pick B)
C) enemy mounted attack -200%, enemy ranged attack -300% (mixed)


Two-ish questions for you: 1) if you have two main city defense generals as your main and assistant wall generals, do the assistant’s special skill book buffs apply? 2) when putting a general with a special skill book that has a “leading the army/no condition” skill, do those buffs also affect your sub city troops? What about same question if same general is a wall general or a duty general?

Trying to create a spreadsheet to calculate when buffs and debuffs are active, so need to try as many odd combinations as possible.

Maybe one more, because this seems a very odd condition to me. I put a dragoned general (Elektra) on my wall as the assistant. I checked her skills to see what was active and the dragon’s circle was greyed out but the dragon’s picture was colored. I know what greyed out suggests, but this combination of greyed-out and color is confusing. Any insights on it? I know the wall general mechanics are different from the attack/rally general mechanics.

Hi there!

Thank you for your fantastic work!

One of our more knowledgable alliance members (according to him) told us about something called “The Cixi Defence”. This is where loads of players reinforce someone with Cixi and a single troop. Apparently it’s supposed to reduce the attacker’s attack buffs.

This is not possible according to your work here, is that correct?


Need help with confirming if subs help with reined keeps. Here’s a scenario:

Player A all gold Russians
Player b reins player a

Does the “in city buffs” apply to player b as well?

Vice versa also. Since in city buffs apply to reins if player b also has Russian subs will it boost their rein attack??

Also debuffs do stack. I’ve verified this by having more people join rally with ache gear and was able to 0 a keep we previously failed because they used ares. There is a cap still but adding more debuffs allowed us to be more successful in rallies. Same with bosses. Boss debuffs can be stacked but has a cap. If 1 person joins with sanada you will have reductions in wounded. If you didn’t cap the debuffs adding a second sanada will further reduce wounded. Continue until debuffs are maxed and wounded can’t be reduced further.

You can verify this by solo attacking a target with no subs and noting wounded. Repeat attack with 1 sub included with full set of ache gear. Now rally with 1 person joining with 1 troop with full set of ache gear and same general. Wounded will be the same. If you add 2nd sub to attack, you’ll either deal more damage to target, or take less wounded from the attack. I’ve verified this myself but I’m having trouble with reins since debuffs and buffs of reins don’t show in reports and I haven’t come across a controlled test scenario I can use to test the reins buffs.

I really appreciate your work and the help this site has given me! Thank you

Henry Smith

Do these marching buffs also apply with a generals special skill? So another words, if I were to reinforce a temple with Scipio, would his special skill of leading the army to attack work, or is it just his gear’s marching buffs?

Thank you for all your informative articles.

It would be helpful to have a subdivision of buffs and debuffs. (Monster buffs, debuffs, etc.)

STEP - 940

Awesome guide, always surprised at how much you have done. Here’s what I got for you:

1. Buffs have crossed 2450%, see TAKE0919.

2. Rally: why wouldn’t each individual want to have debuff equipment? Wouldn’t my debuff as rally leader only apply to the enemy in my battle simulation? My team would also have their own debuff apply for their battle sequence. I’m not suggesting they stack, only that it matters heavily that they have achamedes gear or their own debuffs.


Debuffs do stack just like adding subs to solo attack. They will be capped the same as well

I have always found this site to be very helpful in guiding me in my play. My sincere respect and admiration for the management of this site, including the sharing of valuable information.

I have two questions.
Suppose that several players send debuff generals such as Baldwin to reinforce an ally’s castle. Do those effects stack?
Also, this may be a Monarch Gear thing, but what is the timing of all the “buffing” decisions for Monarch Gear, City Buff items, etc. during reinforcements? When the reinforcements leave the castle, or when they are attacked by the enemy?

If you have verified these two questions, I would appreciate it if you could enlighten me 🙏.

Reinforcements & rally debuffs do not stack. The debuff of the person with the strongest debuff seems to be applied.
Usually, the timing when the buff value is determined is when the troops depart from your castle. However, I have not been able to verify exactly “at the time of reinforcements”.

Hi🙋‍♀️ First let me say I love your guide and reference it a lot! Was wondering if the throne acted same as buildings in that marching buff applied.
Actually, was wondering if you could write a guide for the throne as there is a dearth of information about this key component of the game.
Thank you!

Do the debuffs from your sub city general and his gear still apply to your main city, if you send those sun generals out on an attack and your keep is attacked while your march is out?

I have verified this.
Even if you had all sub-cities selected in the March marching, all well-linked sub-cities participated in the defense battle even if I am attacked during marching or returning to castle. In other words, the debuff at the time of defense also works.

Hello, for the condition of “when General is the Main City Defense General”, is this also satisfied by being Assistant Defense General?

I have Oda Oichi assigned as Assistant Defense General but her skill does not have a glowing gold border. When she is Main Defense General, her skill has a glowing border. How can I confirm if her skills are still working as Assistant Defense General?

hi, could you help with a hypothetical example?
suppose a troop has base attack 50, the dragon is refined to add another 20, the general’s gear is refined to add another 10, and the monarch’s talent adds another 5. then research gives 60% attack, dragon’s refinemnet 70%, the general’s specialities 80%, the general’s skill 25%, the general’s gear 90%, and the monarch’s talent 30%. will the total attack be (50+20+10+5)×(60%+70%+80%+25%+90%+30%+1)?

No, it will be the following.

The absolute value buff is added to the value after the % buff is applied.

This can be verified by calculating based on
– Stats as seen on the soldier’s detail screen (green value (= value after applying the buff))
– Initial value of the soldier’s status (value before the buff is applied) (details)
– Percentage and absolute buff values that can be seen on the monarch’s detail screen.
You can also check by attaching and removing the monarch’s gear and seeing how it changes.
(The monarch gear contains both the % buff and the absolute value buff.)

Hello, its me Sai again. Thank you earlier for responding to my question. I had a question on reinforcing, specifically about reinforcing someone with no defense general/Shajar.

In a recent svs, our top player (4.8b) had successfully defended and attacked several solo and rallies. However when he ported to the enemy server, he reinforced one keep 30 who had Shajar on. That keep got attacked by an enemy player(who earlier was defeated solo by the 4.8b player overwhelmingly). Post the attack on the keep 30 by the enemy player, we noticed that our 4.8b player suffered heavy losses by a huge margin. The keep 30 was scolded for not having a proper defense general.

But I am confused, I understand the debuff application might be different, but the 4.8b player has the best solo debuff in our server, and also in regards to his reinforcing buffs, he has completed all research at keep 37 so it should have been way higher than his solo attack as well.

Could you please shed some light as to why having no defense general/Shajar in the reinforced keep led to such a loss? Thanks in advance

This involves some speculation, but if the enemy was attacking solo and had a huge subordinate city debuff, it is not surprising.
Since the person who sent reinforcements cannot use the subordinate city debuff, the 4.8b player’s debuff is greatly weakened.
Note that the enemy debuffs shown in the report are debuff values for the k30 that received reinforcements, so at first glance the enemy debuffs appear weaker. In reality, however, I believe that the debuff is applied to each unit of reinforcements. I suspect that a large debuff was applied internally against 4.8b, although it does not show up in the report.

Secondly, even if the reinforcement buffs were powerful, the march buffs would be nullified when sending reinforcements. If the general who sent in reinforcements has many march buffs in his skills and equipment, he may be weaker than when soloing or rallying. (e.g. Simeon, Scipio, etc.)

Also, the fact that he was angry about the use of Shajar suggests that he thinks Shajal made the 4.8b player’s buffs weaker and he lost the game. At first glance this appears to be the case because the report shows the buffs of those who received reinforcements. In reality, however, each troop’s buffs are applied to each player’s buffs. As you can see by testing, switching the sender and receiver of reinforcements does not change the number of wounded. Therefore, I do not believe that the 4.8b players’ buffs are weakened because of Shajar.

Sir SeanyBoy #899

you might want to update the rally part, because you are wrong. hernando & sanada both have monster debuffs that stack & they can be used in rallies & as sub gens in your rally. also gear can be added to them that will increase debuffs in the gens gear & dragons gear as set atributes.

The point you made is somewhat off from the purpose of what I am trying to say.
I am writing about whether or not if a participant in a rally has multiple debuff generals, the debuffs of those generals will stack.

As I stated in the article, the debuffs of all participants in the rally do not stack. Only the debuffs for one person will be applied.
In the case of the boss rally, this can be confirmed by the following test.

A) Rally without any participants and check the number of wounded.

B) In addition to A, add only one Sanada Yukimura to the rally participants and check the number of wounded.
To make it easier to see whether there is a stack effect or not, make Sanada’s debuff as strong as possible by attaching a dragon equipment set, etc.
Check that the number of wounded is greatly reduced from A.

C) In addition to A, add only one Hernán Cortés to the rally participants and check the number of wounded.
To make it easier to see whether or not there is a stack effect, make Hernan’s debuff as strong as possible by attaching a dragon equipment set, etc.
Check that the number of wounded is significantly lower than A.
Also check that the number of wounded is different from B.

D) In addition to A, add Yukimura Sanada and Hernan Cortez used in B and C to the rally participants and check the number of wounded.

The result in D will be the same as the lesser of the number of wounded in B and C.
If the debuffs stack up, the number of wounded should be much lower than in B and C, but they do not.

(The same information was added to the article)


If marching buffs are basically always activated except when defending main city or reinforcing an alliance member’s city, then why is so fuss made about reinforcing general rankings in other parts of this guide? In what situations is it useful to reinforce alliance member’s city?

For example, against an enemy who has launched a solo attack on your comrades, you can use reinforcements to create a numerical advantage and fight them off, or you can send reinforcements to counter an enemy rally.
This type of fighting is almost never seen in the early stages of the game, but this type of fighting increases toward the end of the game.

Theory Crafting Player

If 9 alts, have maxed reinforcement research, 1 K35 sub each, Nero as sub general with full Achae gear and reinforce a mains keep. Will this affect anyone who attacks that keep?

Could you possible give a practical example of the use of the Undead General’s “8% death to both sides.” I rather not sell him, but the consensus is I should. Yet, I feel there’s a real benefit somewhere in there. Like defending with my troops ghosted against a large abusive player. I may lose, but it will sting him badly.


You can use it when you want to create the dead in your event quest.
You could have a large number of level 1 infantrymen make a suicidal attack on an NPC city.

And maybe it is for jokes.
When I did a suicidal attack on a battlefield, my opponent asked me, “Who is that general?”

Hi, I would like to clarify one thing. When you reinforce a building in battlefield and the opponent attacks you, the buff column of the battle report mentions only the “buff of latest reinforcer” (the one who joined the building at last) even though there are several players inside. The buff column of the battle report applies to that person or the troops or all people inside the building?


I believe the “trap’s triggering rate” can be raised above 100% with monarch talent, research, etc., but does it work?
Does it work? Is 100% the upper limit?

Hello. Thanks for your Information
It really helps me to grow fast

I’m wondering if all sub generals(9) are equipped with achaemenidae set(6 parts), then set debuff(-15% attack) would be stacked up(so -135% in total)

Actually I’m thinking about to give them ares armor to debuff enemy archer, but if those set debuff work in that way, giving achaemenidae set is better I think… so wondering

Thanks again

Does refining of sub city mayors’ equipment have an effect? We are having an active discussion about this. To be honest, nobody knows for sure!

Many thanks for you excellent work!

The mayor’s buff applies to soldiers in subordinate cities (*), so it does have an effect, but a very small effect for most people. (If you have a large number of t15 soldiers in a subordinate city it would have a huge effect)

*Tested and confirmed. The data is available below.
Subordinate City Complete Guide
See Section 9.

Game Lovers

Hello, I am a big fan of the site,Thank you very much for your guide which made my game a lot of fun.

I am now using Joseph,My defenses are pretty good against ranged attacks, but, uh,In the face of the infantry attack, it is very weak.

My current idea is to enhance the BUFF of the infantry while raising Debuff against the infantry, but I am now facing some problems.

That is, should I focus on improving the attack Debuff, or the defending Debuff?

I hope to get your suggestions and comments, thank you very much.

Thank you too. 😃.
Debuffs for infantry are all important: attack, defense, and HP, but I think defense and HP are the ones with the highest priority.
There are two main reasons.
(1) If you can defeat the infantry before they get close to you, their attack will be meaningless.
(2) There are not many ways to raise the infantry attack debuff, and now that it is not uncommon for players to have over 1100% infantry attack buff, raising it is not enough. (Maximum of about -360% at k35. (Research maxed, all 9 mayors are Harald & Full Achaemenidae set)

Olá, eu gostaria de saber se o general Jumong é considerado um general pra matar monstros? Sera que ele fica bom com os livros de ataque, defesa e HP contra monstros?

Dear administrator
It’s been three months since I started playing Evony, and I’m totally addicted to it. Recently, I have been sharing this site with members in my alliance and each of us is growing.

Is it correct to assume that the special skill of Gwanggaeto the Great, “Gwanggaeto-taewang”, is a basic buff?
I’m looking for a replacement general for my Archer Tower officer, as I can’t seem to get a hold of Ban Chao.
There is no mention of “when leading the army to attack” or anything like that, so please let me know if this is a buff that can be demonstrated even when he is the duty officer.

Thank you very much for your help.

I have a question about the section “When rally, do the debuffs of the participants stack?”.
-You only need one player with a strong debuff.-

(1) Does this mean that the debuff will reflect the debuff of the one player with the most powerful research debuff?
(2) Does it mean that the debuff will reflect the debuff of the one player whose research + general’s debuff combined is the most powerful?
(3) In addition to (1), does this mean that the debuff of the general with the most powerful debuff among the participants (including different players) will be added to the debuff?

Sorry for the confusing question.
If (3) is applied, I thought it might be possible to use the strategy of having a debuff general equipped with a debuff and having a single soldier participate.

Thank you for your time.

It’s close to (2). It’s not just research and generals.
You can see this by checking the debuff values in the report and the total of the various debuffs for a single player.
At least, equipment, research, and the duty officer (Cavalry debuff of Ban Chao) have been checked.

Thank you for your reply.

I feel much better now that my question is cleared up.
Also, thank you for the demonstration confirmation.

I was hoping that if the strongest debuff is selected among the monarch debuffs (*) of one player, and then the strongest debuff is selected among the participants (although the monarch debuff is the weak player) by the general and the equipment, the role of the attacker and the role of the debuffer (one person) would be separated and strategy patterns would increase. But It was not going to work the way I want it to. lol

* Monarch debuff – for convenience, means any debuff other than general and general equipment.

I’m not sure if this is a good idea or not, but I think it’s a good idea to have a player with the strongest monarch debuff + general debuff join the rally with 1 troop, only if the rally is going to be over capacity.

Thank you very much for your kind answer.
Thank you again.


When rallying in PvP: troops are fighting as one “unit”, or player by player ?
(i.e. every player participating in the rally against the defense in turns – which is I believe what happens when rallying bosses) )

I believe in fighting player by player. If it is one unit, then things like “Note 2” in section “How to check your buff / debuff values” should not happen.


I see your point.
But still is strange that wounded stay the same, irrelevant to rally owner. I.e. if a bigger player attacks first, the wounded of a second smaller player could be lower (because of the losses the first bigger one caused already); while when the smaller one attacks first, he/she should suffer more wounded.

– The battle report will show buffs only for the rally owner.
– Swapping raid owners and participants does not change the number of wounds for each.

In addition to these two facts, if everyone fights as one unit, then the rally owner’s buffs will be applied to the units, so the wound count should change.

In other words, I think it means that the order of fighting will not change even if the rally owner and participants are switched.


I take as a fact what you are reporting, i.e. that wounded are the same in all cases.
Indeed, the more likely explanation is that they go in according to total power,i.e. the more powerful first, then the second one etc.
This can explain also, that a participant with very low force, always gets very low wounded, regardless of the rally leader

They do not go in order of strength. They go in order of distance, speed, and turn.


New Player Stevo: I want to win my 1st NPC Sub City attack. I can rally only 6,400 troops, level power 65 w marching general Constance meanwhile General Theodora is idle. I have a mix of level 1 and 2 axmen, level 1 and 2 Hussars, level 1 and level 2 Composite Bow Archers, and level 1 and 2 catapults and trebuchets. My keep and other buildings are at level 8. What should be my strategy for my 1st attack?

So the buffs from ‘leading the army to attack’ will not apply if they are wall gen and someone attacks? I think only the buffs from when ‘leading the army’ apply.

Hello, is using same general for sub makes all the debuff stacks ?

Example : if i use 8 mansa musa in my subs, will it become -80% debuff againts enemies ?


Are general’s debuffs relative to his own troops only, or to other allied troops also?
In cases like: rally, reinforcement in allied city, reinforcement in occupied building.


I asked before i reread the page, which is enriched.
You are doing an amazing job,,,and thanks.


I don’t know how the debuff for monsters is calculated. Does debuffing only up to 50% of the enemy’s buff mean that the monster also has a buff value?

I frequent these pages from time to time for the amazing and rich content. I wanted to ask about something written in the article. Here you mentioned you can turn on/off your buffs to verify which one is getting used . As such I wanted to know what exactly you meant by turning on/off buffs like e.g. marching buff? I don’t see any option of turning off a buff.

Thanks in advance

There are several ways to turn it on and off. For example
– Attach or detach equipment that contains a marching buff.
– Attach or detach an embassy duty officer to turn on or off the reinforcements buff.
– Change the culture from Russia to another to turn on/off in-city buffs (Russian subordinate city buff).

if I joined a boss rally and my baibars had 4 piece dragon set on, -10% monster attack and defense, would those debuffs be applied to the boss and easier to kill?


when General is the Main City Defense General <- How do I pick my main Defence general?

or is this the general we have set up at rally-spot for preset1.

I can not test this without losing my truce, new account.

If the subordinate city’s mayor equipment is the Achaemenidae set, will the set’s debuffs work?

If 9 subordinate city have all achaemenidae set(6 pieces), will set debuff be stacked 9 times as well?

What is the 50% temporary item buff? I’ve only found the 20% adv increase ones and the name and method of getting the 50% one is not mentioned here or anywhere else. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


I would like to see the buffs and debuffs of the administrator🤭.

Hi admin,
I have one question if I research the buff in the alliance tree of the academy. So, these buffs are effective when I join the rally, occupy the temple with my side.
Thank you so much.

First question: Among the buffs, for example, there are types such as +1000 and types such as +25%. Buffs such as +1000 are not included in the buff list in the battle report. Conversely, it would be unaffected by the opponent’s debuff. Isn’t a buff like +1000 better than a buff like +25%?
Second question: I know that buffs like +25% are more effective at higher tiers than buffs like +1000.
When attacking, a buff like +25% would be good, because the army is in the form of an inverted pyramid based on the troops of the upper tier.
In the case of the defense general, wouldn’t a buff like +1000 be better in order to get a bigger buff effect for all tier troops from the lower tier?

1. I haven’t tested if the number of wounded changes, so I can’t say for sure if +1000 is unaffected by the debuff. However, even if it is, there are many cases where the enemy cannot use a HUGE debuff by the mayor + achaemenidae, such as when fighting in a base such as a portal or temple, or when the enemy is rallying to attack your castle. Thus, if anything, I think a more effective % for higher tiers would be better.

2. In defense, if there are significantly more low tiers than high tiers, then I think yes. This depends on the player.

William The Conq

I have dragon gear on my main general (Barbossa). Some of the basic attributes are like this example ‘in City Ground Troop defense +9.0%’. When does that take effect? The only way I can see is in reinforcing an alliance city.

William t Conq

I am really questioning the case of ‘when defending your own city’. Unless the general is a wall or archery tower general how are they defending the city?

Thanks for doing this wonderful wiki

The ‘in city ground troop defense +9.0%’ in equipment works when the general equipped with it is attacked by an enemy while he/she is a defending general, or when he/she is sent to reinforce an alliance member’s city and is attacked.

In-city buffs, such as research, will also have an effect in the above cases.

Hi, I have a mention about this: “The debuff column is under investigation.
At least, it is not necessarily the value of the person in the buff column. Nor is it a simple addition of the debuffs of all participants. It is probably one player’s, or the sum of all players’ debuffs after eliminating duplicates.”

Do you think in the rally situation, the participants are the same sub-cities. So, the debuff may be the sum of all players’ debuffs?

I don’t think so. If that were the case, then the battle report would show a combined value for all players’ debuffs. But it is not.

I have one question: if I reinforce my troop to the alliance member’s city, what is the result in case the general or without general. Because as your explanation, the buff in the reinforcement case is the value of the City that Received the Reinforcements. It is so confusing because there is the general (like Dmitry) who buffs the army when reinforcement.

When you send reinforcements to an alliance member’s city, the report will show the buff value of the city that received the reinforcements. However, in the actual battle, your buffs are applied to your troops. This buff value cannot be seen in the report.
Therefore, if you send reinforcements without a general, your troops will have no buffs from the general.

hi, may I ask if the base stat increase of a champion’s equipment is added to the minion’s base stats or added to the total base stats. (10000 + 500) * 1000 or 10000 * 1000 + 500?

Hello, I have a question regarding buff, I am at level 34 and I have done most of the research in the academy and I am still weak in attacking and unable to attack level 33 , What do I do for this ?

K33 allows to make Achaemenidae equipment. If this makes the enemy’s debuff very strong, or if the enemy has too many t13 or t12, it will be difficult for you to win with a solo attack, even if your attack buff is 1000%. Gradually whittle down your opponent’s strength with multiple attacks, or rally to attack.


I have a question about equipment refinement items.
In the equipment refinement item for attack, there are two options: +○ and +○%. Which one should I choose first?
When I look at the rankings of the generals, it seems that most of them choose the one with +○%, but I don’t see anyone mentioning it, so if you could please explain.

I have a question about solo monster attack – do you get alliance buffs when attacking them on your own??

The buffs of the Alliance Science (Lv1, Lv2) are what I call “basic buffs” in the article. (This has been tested.) Therefore, it should work in a monster fight, regardless of whether you are solo or rally.

i have a question about DUTY OFFICER .if I put the enable books of 1 duty officer , like Giovanni 1 from Portugal (for the archers camp) do the related buffs take effect or not?


Hi. Thank you very much for your help.
I have a question, in the case of an alliance rally, do all the debuffs of the alliance members’ generals duplicate?
If a number of people join the rally with a general who has a debuff and 1 troop, will that debuff be effective against the enemy?
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Debuffs from rally participants are valid.
I don’t know how it is affected by the number of troops, but debuffs from research, duty officers, etc. as well as general skills are applied.
However, the debuffs of all members do not simply add up.
You can check these from the rally owner’s battle report.

I think it’s one of the following, but so far I haven’t tested it.
– The debuffs are added, but the duplicates are excluded.
– The debuff of only one person is applied (the most powerful person is chosen?)


Thank you for your reply 😊.
My alliance doesn’t have many Achaemenes holders yet, so I was curious to hear about it.
If so, is it the same when reinforcing?🤔
In the battle against monsters, I make use of the debuff of four sets of dragon equipment, but I feel that the debuff of two or more people is effective, though it is only a feeling.
I’d like to try this one out in order when the number of Achaemenes owners increases. (*^^*)
Thank you very much 😊.

At least, the same is true when defending with reinforcements to the temple.
(As for when reinforcing alliance members’ city, I have yet to verify this. 🤔)


Thank you very much for all your help, administrator.

In fact, I’ve been wondering about my development lately. I’ve been looking for some advice, so I thought I’d write to you.

My keep level is K34 and power is now 580M.
T13 is over 1,000,000 for each type of troops.
However, I feel like I’m not doing very well.
Maybe it’s because I’ve been paying nothing from K30 to now, but I feel like “I just have a lot of soldiers”.
The main general I’m using is Prince Rhaegar, and his training is pretty half-assed compared to others around him.
His power is 4.9M.

I don’t play PVP very aggressively, but when I do, the damage is more than I expected. (I do a good job of layering, though.)
The other day I was attacked by the same K34 player on the battlefield and my troops were wiped out even though I had over 480M of power left.
My friends say that I need a buff, but I think “I wonder if that’s the case” or “I’m a little unconvinced.”
I was thinking of increasing the number of troops as it is, but I am wondering if it would be useless if it were like this.
However, getting to K35 is a lot of work, and I’m wondering what I should do.
I would be very happy if you could give me some advice on the future development plan.

Sorry for the long post. I would like to thank you for your cooperation.

I recommend that you raise buffs and debuffs first.

If you have low buffs and debuffs, increasing the number of troops or raising the troop level will waste troop creation and recovery costs.

For example, in the following example, you can see that it is more cost effective to raise the buffs with t13.


Ranged troop attack (initial value without buffs) is
t13 3450
t14 4070

If the current buff is +600%, then
t13 24,150

If you make t14 with +600% buff
t14 28,490

If you increase the buff to +750% while keeping t13
t13 29,325

I also have the impression that beyond k33, buffs are obviously important, but debuffs are even more important.

The k33, which has a strong debuff, will not be defeated even if half-finished k35s gather in the rally.

I suggest you start by giving all of your mayors equipment that has debuffs for ranged troop attacks and siege machine attacks.


Dear administrator, thank you very much for your answer!
I see, that’s one way of thinking about it.
I’ve been making Achaemenes from time to time, but if that’s the case, I think I’ll increase my crafting pace a bit.

By the way, doesn’t Achaemenidae and Ares have a debuff for ground attacks?
I noticed this when I was looking up information on various equipment in the forge.
If someone is mainly a ground player, can they only deal with it through research?

I’m sorry for asking this question again.
Thank you very much for your time today.

To increase the debuff of ground attacks, we now have the following 🤔
– Research (max -70%)
– Achaemenenidae equipment set buffs (6) (-15%)
– General Skills
—- Constantine the Great (-20%)
—- Jester (-15%)
—- Harald (-10%)
—- Mansa Musa (-10%)
—- Margaret I (-10%)


Thank you again for your answer.
I guess there are not as many options as I thought.
The only relevant general I have is the Mansa Musa.😭
I still need to be more diligent.

Thank you very much for all the advice!


If I make an undead general the mayor of a subordinate city, is it correct that the death rate of the entire enemy will increase, while the death rate of the allies will only increase for the troops of the undead general’s city?

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