Best of Defense General (Wall)

* This ranking is for Main Generals.
Click here to see
– Assistant Generals Ranking (Defense Generals(Wall))
– Generals Combination Recommendation
– Generals Combination Compatibility List

5/9/2024 – added a 2nd type of ranking.
4/5/2024 – added Isaac Brock.
10/25/2023 – added Richard the Lionheart.
8/9/2023 – added William Marshal(+Skin).
6/29/2023 – added Takenaka Shigeharu.
4/4/2023 – added Mason Weaver.
1/9/2023 – added Lautaro.
1/9/2023 – Since the difficulty of obtaining and developing generals has decreased more than before, the division between “pay no money” & “pay a lot of money” was abolished.
8/22/2022 – added Queen Boudica, Jadwiga, Kusunoki Masashige, Ly Thuong Kiet, Tran Hung Dao, James Bowie.
8/12/2022 – added Yodo-dono. / Section B was completely revamped.
7/19/2022 – Section B-1-1 now supports Star Level 10.
5/17/2022 – General name changed (Joseph E. Johnston -> George Dewey)
5/6/2022 – Add section B “When focusing on All Types of Troops” / add Oda Oichi
12/2/2021 – Added William Marshal at section B
11/4/2021– For ver4 update, Ulysses & Minamoto’s requirement changed “pasture dragon” to “any dragon”.
10/21/2021 – Added Leo III at section B
10/7/2021 – Added Empaminondas at section B
9/13/2021 – Added generals that are now available in relics in “pay no money” section.
8/9/2021 updated – Changed the assumptions of the “pay a little money” case / Changed all generals’ stats when using Lv4 skillbook
7/28/2021 updated – Added a case to focus on ground troop.


  • General – All
  • Specialty – Maximize all 4. (Reference: Specialty Guide)
  • Star level – 10 (Awakened)
  • Covenant – Maximize all.

If you want to see the ranking with only basic skills (no specialties, no awakenings (up to 5 star level)), see Ranking A of this article.
A ranking of assistant, but the results are the same.

Evaluation Criteria

The general with the highest total value below is ranked higher. (Total value A)

  • Vanguard (ground, mounted) Defense & HP
  • Rearguard (ranged, siege) Attack

All total values are also listed for reference. (Total value B)
(Attack, Defense, HP of all types of troops)

buffs by skillbook

Buffs from skill books are not included.
(It is assumed that there will be no difference due to skill books.)

Overall Rating

The most powerful is Takenaka Shigeharu.
But since only a very small number of heavy payers can train him to the maximum, many people may want to consider other options.
(He is very difficult to obtain. He is not even included in the $99.99 event package general redemption item. (as of 6/29/2023))

My recommendation outside of Takenaka is Leo III or Isaac Brock. Or if you can get skin, William Marshall.

Next are George Dewey, Zachary Taylor, William Marshall (no skin), Yodo-dono, Richard the Lionheart.

Although their strengths vary, they generally have high durability of the vanguard. (Exception: only George has weak infantry).

If you value siege machines, Leo III.
If you value ranged troops and siege machines, choose George.
If you value ranged troops, then Zachary, Yodo-dono.
If you value balance, go with William Marshall, Richard the Lionheart.
If you value ground troops, Isaac Brock.
If you value mounted troops, Queen Boudica.

The weak points of each defender can be compensated for by an assistant defender. (Reference: Recommended assistant for defenders)
Therefore, no matter which of the above you use, you will not be at an extreme disadvantage.

Special Note: Queen Boudica
If the focus is on t1 mounted troop defense and not on high tier mounted troop, there is little point in using Queen Boudica as she has no absolute value buff (flat buff) which is important for t1.

Special note: Richard the Lionheart
Quirks. Because of its low attack , it needs to have a huge number of troops compared to using other defense generals to compensate for this.

Ranking (A) Focus on Rearguard Aggression & Vanguard Durability

1. Takenaka Shigeharu

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +719%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)
  • Total Value A +1768.6%
  • Total Value B +3322.2%

Other Buffs: Enemy Troop Attack -10% / Enemy Siege Attack -10% / Hospital Capacity +20%

Total values A & B are both in the first place. Very high.

He has a high siege machine attack and a high vanguard endurance.
Ranged troops’ attack is low.

The debuff is also excellent.

It gives the impression of an upgraded version of Leo III.
He has less attack strength in Ranged, Ground, and Mounted troops than Leo, but otherwise outperforms him.

2. William Marshal (+Skin)

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +564%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)
  • Total Value A +1676.8%
  • Total Value B +3153.6%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +20%

The rear guard has high attack power, and the vanguard’s durability is good. Good balance.

Total value B is also very good and ranks 3rd after Takenaka and Isaac Brock.

3. Isaac Brock


Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty & Covenant (%)


Total: +704%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)
  • Total Value A +1627%
  • Total Value B +3304.%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +20% / Troop death into troop soul rate in the main city: +10%

Ground buff is very high.
Mounted buff is not bad. Rear guard is weak.

The high infantry buff is unusual in that it ranks high in total value A despite the weak Archer and Siege attacks.

Total value B is very high, equal to Takenaka Shigeharu. Exceeds William Marshall (+skin).

4. Leo III

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +520%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)
  • Total Value A +1624.4%
  • Total Value B +3108.8%

Other Buffs: Trap triggering rate +20% / Hospital Capacity +20%

He has a high siege machine attack and a high vanguard endurance.
Ranged troops’ attack is not high.

Both total value A and B are very high.

5. George Dewey (old name: Joseph E. Johnston)

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +466%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)
  • Total Value A +1608%
  • Total Value B +2994%

Other Buffs: Trap triggering rate +20% / Hospital Capacity +20%

The attack of the rear guard and the durability of mounted troops are high.
However, the performance of ground troops is low.

Total A is slightly higher than Zachary Taylor and William Marshall (these 3 are rated about the same).

However, its total value B is low; it is more than 100% behind Leo and below Zachary Taylor and William Marshall.

6. Zachary Taylor

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +454%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)
  • Total Value A +1599.2%
  • Total Value B +3028.4%

Other Buffs: Trap triggering rate +20% / Hospital Capacity +30%

Basically focused on ranged troops, but also has good vanguard durability.
The attack of the siege machines is not high.

Total value A is excellent. Rated about the same as George Dewey and William Marshall in total value A.

However, total value B is not good. It is inferior to Leo III and William Marshall.

7. William Marshal

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +484%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)
  • Total Value A +1596.8%
  • Total Value B +3073.6%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +20%

The rear guard has high attack power, and the vanguard’s durability is not bad. Good balance.

In total value A, it is rated almost the same as George Dewey and Zachary Taylor.

Lack of growth in awakening skills at 6-10 stars made the difference with Leo III.
(Up to 5 stars, it was rated about the same as Leo III.)

However, the total value B is very good and second only to Takenaka, Leo III, and Yodo-dono.

8. Yodo-dono

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +518%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)
  • Total Value A +1579.4%
  • Total Value B +3098.8%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +20%

Basically, the focus is on ranged troops, but the durability of the vanguard is not bad.
The siege machines’ attack is not high.

Total value A is not so bad, but total value B is very high, second only to Takenaka and Leo III.

It is similar to Zachary Taylor, with higher durability of siege machines and just slightly lower durability of vanguards compared to Zachary.

9. Leonidas I

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +425%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)
  • Total Value A +1561.4%
  • Total Value B +3037.8%

Other Buffs: Enemy Mounted Attack -30%, Hospital Capacity +30%

Basically, the focus is on Ground, but Mounted durability is also high.
However, the performance of the rear guard is low.

10. Lautaro

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +410%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)
  • Total Value A +1553.6%
  • Total Value B +2997.2%

Other Buffs: Enemy Troops Defense -10% / Enemy Ground & Mounted Attack-15% / Hospital Capacity +10%

Basically, the focus is on Ground & Mounted.
Performance of the rear guard is low.

11. Richard the Lionheart

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +590%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)
  • Total Value A +1538.8%
  • Total Value B +3127.6%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +91%

Quirky performance.

Buffs are slightly higher for siege, but almost equal among the 4 types.
Attack is low, Defense & HP are high.
Therefore, the total value of A is not that high

However, the total value B is very high. It exceeds Leo III and William Marshall.
Also, the hospital capacity buff is very high.

Since his attack is low, it is hard to recommend him to everyone.
Attack can be compensated for by increasing the number of troops, but only a limited number of people will be able to do this.

Notably, the defense and HP of siege machines are high.
Around K40, attacks by enemy siege machines become a problem.
For players in this situation, it may be worth considering.

It is also good that it is easy to make it 10 stars because it can be obtained at a tavern.

12. Oda Oichi

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +424%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)
  • Total Value A +1528.8%
  • Total Value B +2997.6%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +30%

Basically, the focus is on ground troops.
The durability of mounted troops and the attack of the rear guard are not high.

13. Mason Weaver

Note: If Spiritual Beast or Dragon cannot be assigned, the ranged and siege defense & HP will be -25% from the below, respectively.

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +430%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)
  • Total Value A +1517.6%
  • Total Value B +3025.2%

Other Buffs: None

Only ranged troops and siege machines are buffed.
Mounted troops and ground troops are not strengthened at all.

14. Yi Sun-sin

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +428%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)
  • Total Value A +1510.8%
  • Total Value B +2981.6%

Other Buffs: Enemy Ground & Mounted Attack -10%, Hospital Capacity +20%

The performance of the vanguard is high, but the performance of the rear guard is low.

15. Jadwiga

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +391%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)

  • Total Value A +1509%
  • Total Value B +2879%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +30%, Enemy Siege Machine Attack -20%

Basically, the focus is on Mounted, but Ground durability is also high.
However, the performance of the rear guard is low.

16. Kusunoki Masashige

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +424%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)

  • Total Value A +1504.6%
  • Total Value B +2979.2%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +20%, Enemy Mounted Troops Attack -20%

The focus is basically on ranged troops.
The vanguard is not highly durable and the siege machines have low attack power.

17. Ly Thuong Kiet

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +390%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)

  • Total Value A +1486.4%
  • Total Value B +2886.8%

Other Buffs: Trap triggering rate +60% / Hospital Capacity +31%

The focus is basically on ranged troops.
The vanguard is not highly durable and the siege machines have low attack power.

18. Shajar al-Durr

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +480%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)

  • Total Value A +1472%
  • Total Value B +2944%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +40% / Troop death into troop soul rate in the main city: +10% / Increases the resource production speed in the Main City +100% / Food protected from troop upkeep +400%

19. James Bowie

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +361%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)

  • Total Value A +1460%
  • Total Value B +2857%

Other Buffs: Enemy Mounted HP -20%, Hospital Capacity +31%

The performance of the vanguard is high, but the performance of the rear guard is very low.

20. Robert the Bruce

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +319%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)

  • Total Value A +1456.6%
  • Total Value B +2898.2%

Other Buffs: None

The focus is basically on ground troops.
The performance of the rear guard is very low.

The growth of awakening skills at 6-10 stars is quite poor. (Many buffs are for attackers, not for defenders)

21. Tran Hung Dao

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +380%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)

  • Total Value A +1442.8%
  • Total Value B +2845.6%

Other Buffs: Trap triggering rate +20% / Hospital Capacity +15% / Enemy Ranged Troops Attack -30%

The focus is basically on siege machines. Ground troops durability is high.
The performance of Mounted troops and Ranged troops is low.

Not rankable (very advanced): Queen Boudica

Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)


Total: +486%

Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)
  • Total Value A +1614.8%
  • Total Value B +2999.6%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +30%

Very high mounted troops performance. Outlier.
The durability of the ground troops is not bad, but the performance of the rear guard is very low.

Essentially, a total value of A would be quite high, but I am quite reluctant to recommend a defender focused on mounted troops as a recommended 3rd place.

In the end game, the K40 ranged troops attack buff is over 2000%. If you can build mounted troops durability to withstand that, or siege machines attack power to get ahead of the enemy and knock down the ranged troops, you are quite strong (through equipment refinement, research, etc.). But if you can’t, it can be quite disastrous. It is a high-risk, high-return defender, suitable for experts.

Also, note that with a total value of B, it is low, so from that perspective, it is not normally recommended.

And, If the focus is on t1 mounted troop defense and not on high tier mounted troop, there is little point in using Queen Boudica as she has no absolute value buff (flat buff) which is important for t1.

Ranking (B) No focus (Total Value of All Buffs)

See Ranking A for a breakdown of the buffs and comments about each generals.

1. Takenaka Shigeharu

  • Total Value B +3322.2%

Other Buffs: Enemy Troop Attack -10% / Enemy Siege Attack -10% / Hospital Capacity +20%

2. Isaac Brock

  • Total Value B +3304.%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +20% / Troop death into troop soul rate in the main city: +10%

3. William Marshal (+Skin)

  • Total Value B +3153.6%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +20%

4. Richard the Lionheart

  • Total Value B +3127.6%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +91%

5. Leo III

  • Total Value B +3108.8%

Other Buffs: Trap triggering rate +20% / Hospital Capacity +20%

6. Yodo-dono

  • Total Value B +3098.8%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +20%

7. William Marshal

  • Total Value B +3073.6%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +20%

8. Leonidas I

  • Total Value B +3037.8%

Other Buffs: Enemy Mounted Attack -30%, Hospital Capacity +30%

9. Zachary Taylor

  • Total Value B +3028.4%

Other Buffs: Trap triggering rate +20% / Hospital Capacity +30%

10. Mason Weaver

  • Total Value B +3025.2%

Other Buffs: None

11: Queen Boudica

  • Total Value B +2999.6%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +30%

12. Oda Oichi

  • Total Value B +2997.6%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +30%

13. Lautaro

  • Total Value B +2997.2%

Other Buffs: Enemy Troops Defense -10% / Enemy Ground & Mounted Attack-15% / Hospital Capacity +10%

14. George Dewey (old name: Joseph E. Johnston)

  • Total Value B +2994%

Other Buffs: Trap triggering rate +20% / Hospital Capacity +20%

15. Yi Sun-sin

  • Total Value B +2981.6%

Other Buffs: Enemy Ground & Mounted Attack -10%, Hospital Capacity +20%

16. Kusunoki Masashige

  • Total Value B +2979.2%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +20%, Enemy Mounted Troops Attack -20%

17. Shajar al-Durr

  • Total Value B +2944%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +40% / Troop death into troop soul rate in the main city: +10% / Increases the resource production speed in the Main City +100% / Food protected from troop upkeep +400%

18. Robert the Bruce

  • Total Value B +2898.2%

Other Buffs: None

19. Ly Thuong Kiet

  • Total Value B +2886.8%

Other Buffs: Trap triggering rate +60% / Hospital Capacity +31%

20. Jadwiga

  • Total Value B +2879%

Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +30%, Enemy Siege Machine Attack -20%

21. James Bowie

  • Total Value B +2857%

Other Buffs: Enemy Mounted HP -20%, Hospital Capacity +31%

22. Tran Hung Dao

  • Total Value B +2845.6%

Other Buffs: Trap triggering rate +20% / Hospital Capacity +15% / Enemy Ranged Troops Attack -30%

Related – Other Recommended Generals

List of Best Generals

Recommended generals are summarized by role, such as battle-oriented and development-oriented.

Recommended Main Generals

For a detailed look at each type of troops, click here.

Recommended Assistant Generals
Subordinate City Debuff Generals (Mayor)
Subordinate City Generals (Mayor) Debuff Comparison Tool

Red Star & Specialty can be specified.

List of All Generals
List of Generals by Role (+ How to Get)

A comprehensive list of all golden historic generals, over 100 in total, by role.


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Saya memiliki 2 jendral pertahanan, Leo III dan Syajar Al-Durr. Yang mana lebih tepat dipilih sebagai jendral bertahan utama dan asisten?


> I have 2 defense generals, Leo III and Syajar Al-Durr. Which one is more appropriate to choose as the main defense general and assistant?
Outside of wartime, your main defense officer will be Leo, and your defense assistant will be Shajar.
When at war, it’s a good idea to change your assistant to a general better suited for combat.
References: Best of Assistant Generals: Defense (Wall)




Thomas Maxwell

when was Leo III released into the game? was it around October 2021? I am having an issue with the game that the administrators have to look back into the records for and they need to know when I had my Leo’s which was right around the time he was released and the chance of getting him from a premium general token was higher than the other generals. of you know the timeframe in which Leo was put into the game that would be wonderful

If the generals specialty matters then why does my alliance say to just put the biggest general on the wall for undead even if it is a resource or monster hunter general?

The word “biggest” is too ambiguous, but perhaps they simply mean that you should place the generals with the highest buffs.
If the buff is high, it does not matter if it is a resource general or a monster hunter. (Although such cases are quite rare.)

Happy Dip

Considering Godfrey’s covenant. Who do you think is better for the wall when it comes to archers? Godfrey or Taylor?

Godfrey’s buff(%) when wall defender is,

(detail:Best of Ranged PvP General)


Ground & Mounted

Therefore, if we look only at the archer, Godfrey is superior.
However, the other types of troops are hardly enhanced, so if you have other types of troops besides archer, Zachary is a better choice.

Buonasera team. Quale sarebbe l’assistente migliore per Ly Thuong Kiet ? Con Boudicca non sembra al massimo . E quasi sviluppato con tutte le 5 Specialità. Mancano le stelle rosse . Fragment difficili da trovare ma non intendo cambiarlo . Mi ha salvato il collo più di una volta da un attacco a sorpresa di Domenica mattina , al inizio di una SVS. Vi ringrazio per ogni vostro consiglio.


I have a few questions myself if I may:
What about the other generals not ranked so high for the wall?
I mean I`m pretty new in the game and no way can I have the generals described by you let alone ascended. So among the “little people” with more low-level generals what do you recommend for the wall at least until I can have some of the ones above? 🙂

Early in the game, you should not even think about trying to play defense. In this game, unless you have a lot of money, it is quite difficult just to make one general stronger. You should have your hands full just training one attacker.
In the early stages of the game, I recommend that you concentrate on strengthening one attacker who can also be used as a defender, rather than developing a defender. Set that attacker as a defender only when defending. A general that is not weakened when defending. Choose a basic buff type general as much as possible. If you have one strong ranged troop general, in case of up to k33 or so, he can handle both attack and defense. In the early stages of the game, the first one to build a strong ranged troop general will have the advantage. Of course, you need to be selective about which enemies you can win against. These are actually what I did and I was top 5 in SvS at k27.

Hello, First, thank you for all the work you put into this site, it is a goldmine. I have 3 newbie questions that I hope to get an answer for. The question is about how to read and use the information related to generals stats. As we all know, unless you coin without limit it’s impossible to get the “ideal general combinations, so I need to work with what I have i.e. the general that I can ascend for main and the best assistant that works with him. I would appreciate if you could confirm if my understanding is correct.
1. The “Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%)” are the total max values for a general fully ascended, cultivated at maximum, with all specialties maxed out, no skill books – correct?
2. Do these buffs already include the buffs indicated in the “Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)” table?
3. The buffs presented in the “Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%)” table, are the buffs for a general with all specialties maxed out, maxed cultivated but only 5 yellow stars?

Thank you

Thank you, too, for reading.
1. correct
2. included (“Buffs by stats” = Buff values that can be seen on the cultivation screen.)
3. 5 red stars (=Awakened =fully ascended) & all specialties maxed out. These 2 elements only. Cultivation is not relevant. (It does not affect the numbers in this table.)

Little lilly

Dear admin, I would be truly happy if you could assist me.. I have been hearing so much about Richard the Lionheart lately . I have William Marshal at 2 red stars, however it’s become nearly impossible to get him fully ascended even after full caking twice.

could you please give your thoughts about Richard the Lionheart?


Richard the Lionheart is on par with Leo 3


I always refer to this site.

This may not be the right place to ask this, but I have a question about skins.
Is it my understanding that the buffs that skins have are not activated unless the general has a skin on him and uses it?
For example, if I use Leo for my defense general but just set William Marshall’s skin on my monarch’s avatar, will I not get the buff?


Thanks for the reply.

Just to confirm, you have to attack/defend with the general with the skin on to get the buff, right?
For example, if I put a skin on Elise and then attack with Scipio, am I correct in my understanding that the infantry buff is unchanged?

Sir Bedevere

Takenaka is available in Summer Festival Nights for only 300 points and you can claim up to 16 of him.


Appreciate all the work you’ve done on these pages.

However, you should take a look at Richard the Lionheart as a wall gen now.
His total % from ascension/runes is substantially ahead of every other wall general available.
His main caveat is the lower base attack value.
However he does provide a substantial def/HP boost if you can 5(10) star through Ascension as well as other factors that help low coiners across a few avenues.

The buffs of the awakened Shajar look very powerful, could you please post the values of Shajar as well?

I have Leonidas and Leo 3, what I’m trying to figure out is who should be main, and what skills would you recommend adding to each?

Thank You


What do you think about Boudika as main general with a T1 trap?


I may have overlooked something, but let me ask you one question. In the Beginner’s Guide to Duty officer, it states, “In order to be stronger in a defense battle, the equipment and stats of the defense general needs to be better, but improving that of the duty officer has no effect on the battle.” But what about the assistant defender?
It seems that the assistant’s equipment is meaningless during attacks and monster rallies, but what about the defense assistant’s equipment?


I always refer to your articles.

My question is…
I’m sure you’ve already written an article on this… but I couldn’t find the article on the equipment of the defenders, so I would appreciate it if you could tell me if it’s OK or ineffective to equip them the same as when marching.

thank you for your hard work .. I always go back to your articles when I get confused


It has been my experience at this point in the game that most of the big rallies I see are ground rallies. I have had a lot of success with my t1 cav defense. I have been using jadwiga to good effect, but I have been away for a month and missed all of the assistant general stuff. I’m trying to get caught up, but finding that like you, very few people include her on their lists. I’m wondering if you have any ideas on who would mesh well with her and what skills would work. I don’t have much of a budget for the game anymore but still want to compete. Any info is appreciated.


Until now, I had placed my main Kusunoki (additional skill books: range of two types of troops, attack of siege) with his assistant Trajan (additional skill books: infantry speed, infantry defense, infantry HP). However, now that I have Leo III and William Marshall, I would like to use these two to handle all types of troops, but I am wondering what skills to put on which and how. I would appreciate it if you could give me some recommendations.

How come for the free generals on ranged you have the Japanese general as the first one but in the list of best generals you have the Vietnamese generals recommended for the free generals?


Excuse me. Right now, I have Tran and Kusunoki as potential defenders. I can’t afford to raise more than one defender because I pay very little, but I’m wondering if I should stick with George until he comes out, or if I should raise one of the two I already have. What would you admin do? By the way, I am K27.

Any notice you want to advise me when I use Leodinas as a Defense General if the enemy attack my city? Thanks ~!


Any thoughts/suggestions on the new idea of 50m t1 ponies as a defense, with flat refines on the wall general?

Assuming this is all true, would most decent mounted generals be effective?

50M troops is not enough. They will be wiped out soon. 200M or more is desired.
Since it is refinement by absolute value, the high tier soldiers will not be strengthened much. Therefore, you should ghost the high tier soldiers and let them escape. Otherwise, the high tier soldiers will be easily killed and lose a lot of power.
(It is mainly the t1 cavalry that kills the enemy, not the higher tier.)
This tactic works very well from solo attack, but is difficult to withstand from a rally.

The cavalry generals are the preferred generals to use, but they are not as dramatic. This is because their skill buff is a % (% buffs are less effective in this tactic). Therefore it makes no big difference which defender you use.

I’m so sorry about a lot of questions.. I was considering to change my name lol. I want to ask you about skills for Marshall. If I understand well, you will recommend Range Range Bonus and Siege Range Bonus. But I’m confused for last one. Should I add Siege attack? or Ranged attack? or Ground speed? /// and one more, I wonder how different between rearguard and vanguard in this game? Thanks always. I will wait your kind respond.

Can I ask one more? Just curious. In case of James Bowie, his skill is ” Reduces enemy mounted troop’s HP by 20% when General is leading the army. Increases ground and mounted troops attack by 15% when General is the Main City Defense General.” Then if I use him as defense general, all of buff(including debuff) is valid? or only later one(when General is the Main City Defense Genral) is valid? Thanks.


Yes. “When General is leading the army” includes your wall general on defense. If you put him in your sub-city you would only get the debuff. As you quoted it, there is a . that indicates they are 2 separate statements/buffs/debuffs.

I think there is a big gap between generals that only can be got by cash and can get at tavern or relics. It’s very different with mounted or langed. Now I’m using Tran, but I’m so worried. I just want to know your opinion. Should I pay to get better defense generals? Thank you.

It depends on your budget. It will probably cost you $1,000 or more until you get a good defender, but if that is not a problem, then buy it.

There are certainly better paid generals than Trajan, but I don’t think the difference is drastic.
In fact, I used Trajan as a defender back in k35.
At that time, many players were primarily ranged troops, so Trajan, raised with a focus on infantry, was very effective.
I had many successful defenses from k37 (I also won in terms of lost power).
In other words, I had no major problems with Trajan.
Of course, it can’ t win against k40, but this is true even if you use something other than Trajan.

If you want to go with an all-arms focus instead of an infantry focus, there is no major problem with George Dewey (formerly known as Joseph E. Johnston), which you can get for free. He is slightly inferior to Leo and Marshall, but very good.

In the end, no matter how good a general you use, it is more about equipment refinement, research, subordinate city debuffing, identifying (and selecting) the enemy to fight, ghosting the right counter troops, and these things will make or break the game.

Note that in terms of the recently implemented Star Level 10, free generals may be better than paid generals for some people.
This may change in the future, but for now, it is because it requires too huge a payment to get a paid general to Star Level 10. (Free General is relatively easier)
Details:General’s Star Level & Common Misconceptions (Enhance / Ascending Guide)

I see your reply now. I’m so glad to see your reply. Thanks. I never expect that you reply for me. hahaha. btw, I got marshall yesterday. I was lucky because I just paid 19.9$ for him. So now I’m confusing again… What if you are in my situation, will you change your general to Marshall>? Thanks.

It depends on whether you want to go for star level 10 or give up.
If give up, I will change to Marshall.
If going for it, I will hold off. The reason is that it is impossible for me to get Marshall to star level 10. (With the current specs.) I have to get at least 5 more marshals for a huge amount of money.
If it is around k35, I will use Trajan for a while for infantry oriented defense.
If it is over k37, I would switch to George Dewey. (It is not easy, but it is relatively easy to get them to star level 10 at this point. (Not easy, but relatively easy to collect fragments)
If the specs change before I change to George and it becomes possible to get to star level 10 at a lower cost, I will change to Marshall.

I’m so glad when I see your reply. Thanks so much. I think it’s more fun reading your words than playing evony indeed 🙂 So do you use George now? you said you used trajan and you changed it at k37. I wonder which one do you use now for your wall. and plus, What I mean was Hưng Đạo. I’m little confused because you wrote trajan.

Sorry, that’s Tran Hung Dao, right? I had mistaken it for Trajan.
If you are not aiming for star level 10, you can change to Marshall right away.
If you are going for it, you can use Tran as a temporary defender until you can get George. Note that do not use runestones for him. Use the runestone for George.
See below for the reason.
Specialty Guide

Oh yes, it was a misunderstanding, but same conclusion. If I consider 10 stars for general, I should wait for george, but if I don’t want to make it, use Marshall. right? It heard like Marshall is better than tran heung dao. Am I understand well? Thanks always.

Many question, But you replied all, So thank you. I feel like chatting with you lol. To me, it was amazing and fun experience. If you allow me one more question, I wanna ask you about skills for Marshall. If I understand your words, you will recommend me that Ranged Range Bonus, and Siege Range Bonus. But I’m confused for last one. Should I put Siege attack? or Ground speed? or Range attack?? Thanks always ^^

In the case of focusing on All Types of Troops, why is the skill of mounted troops speed not applied?


I have done the equipment refinement (original) for the defender, will the buffs be reflected in the defense?


Isn’t it better to not use ground speed on wall, if let the siege range and attack handle the range attack.. ground don’t need to get closer anymore.. ground defense would be a good choice no?

It depends on what each player values. Each has its own advantages.
If ground speed is attached, we may be able to reduce enemy ranged troops and ground troops more quickly and expect to reduce the damage done to our mounted troops and ranged troops.
Adding ground defense to protect ground troops is also a good choice.


Здравствуйте. А можно сделать подбор снаряжения для Леонида. Я обдумываю такой вариант, если сделать ему снаряжение на осаду?

How do you decide when you need a general focusing on ranged+siege troops? What should be the ratio of top level siege or top level ranged troops?


I have a question.
I have a JEJ as my defense general, what should the equipment refinement be?


If you want to go with the theory, it would be siege attack x4, ranged attack x4, ground defense x8, ground HP x8 (or Mounted HP x8).
You can also choose the ones you are currently lacking. 😊.

If you are avg in size (3B to 5B) it should be
Siege attack and Ground atk. Ground atk is little under rated but if you notice defense reports ground does most of the damage to incoming range atk.
Defense should only be ground or cavs
HP should be all mounted or 50/50 mounted-siege.

If are big (5B+) and can afford a dragon for siege:
atk and def refines should same as above. But should go for all cav hp.

To intake a siege rally you want to swap your siege general on the wall. and for others can other incoming rallies swap back to regular wall general who has high ground atk, cav hp and high ground/cav defense.


Dear NAI

I’m currently at 965% infantry defense and 825% cavalry HP. How many buffs can I get to withstand a rally without ghosting the cavalry? (By the way, I’m 1Bk35. I’m currently looking at getting to about 2.5B.)

I’ve heard that defense should focus on infantry, but should it focus on cavalry defense and HP? It’s a hard situation with buffs being heaped on since military academy etc. came into play. 😓


Assuuming that you are lvl32+, carrying double ranged than siege; who is preferable; Leo, Zachary or Joseph?
If the balance goes to equal numbers of ranged and siege, the choice would be different?


Me personally, I’d still go Leo, it’s the better stat extras overall and END game goals. You may have more siege today at lvl 32, but, you will (and should be) more balanced in the future.

Thank you for all your help. Regarding defense, the administrator said to focus on attack for siege machines and ranged troops, HP for cavalry, and defense for infantry. Considering that defense is a total war, William Marshall seems like a great general, what do you think about him?

Noob Player

Hi, I’m thinking of switching from Leonidas to Leo III however, referring to your other article, the siege attack debuff is easily achieved (-1100%) so even I have a 1000% siege attack buff, it will be cut by half when defending.
The downside of Leonidas seems to be his specialty, which increases ground attack mainly.
So I’m trying to justify using Leo III because that’s a lot of work to ramp him up. Can you share some insights that Leo III is still excellent to have even with siege attack being debuffed easily? Thank you very much.

My details as below if that might help,
I am K35 with all types of T14 unlocked recently. My defending buff right now is 910% ranged attack with Leonidas on the wall.


If someone is solo attacking you sure… debuff cap can be hit. If it is a rally then no way you get debuffed -1100%

Thoughts aloud from underpaid player K31:

The question concerns protection during SVS. I have one attacking march of archers, I was top 5 SVS and twice a king.
Maybe I should concentrate on a defensive general specializing in archers? I have followed your advice clearly and my Joseph has skills: siege range, archer range, siege attack. now I think that I do not really need a siege, and I will not create it strongly, in the future I will have one attacking march, the defense is done in case I suddenly do not have time for the ghost.

The point of the question is that a low-paid player is unlikely to be able to create a strong defense specialized in siege.
A low-paid player must have one attacking march, which must be defensive, if you attack with infantry, you must defend with infantry, and the same situation with archers.
Do you think my thoughts are correct?

Also, I wrote an article with tips for SVS, I want to share it with you. (I worked better on the translation of the article than on the translation of this message)! thanks for what you are doing.

Random Spaghetti

You need to train siege.
They can hit far away multiple times before ground and mounted troops get to them in battle.. well that’s how I see it anyway

I have stressed and compared all wall generals – narrowing it down to JEJ, Taylor, Marshall, and Leo III… Dropping Leonidas I as I think ground PVP for end game battles will get crushed.

That said, I think the best mixed of Ranged / Siege (best combo end game IMO, esp since lately Siege has gotten a huge resurgence – side note, using Ramesses II as my Siege Bomb) I think Leo III is the best.

Based on Stats, stat growth, ALL troop attack +10% (over 6%) BUT, between him and JEJ they have the best Attack for Range/Siege, however this can easily be manipulated either way by skill book and weapon equiped; My plan is to use a Range Attack book (instead of Siege, can you even with Leo’s +35 Siege Attack?) and swap in/out a Axe or Bow pending circumstances.

Those stats aside (compared to JEJ he has better stats and stat growth) JEJ aside offers ONLY:
Mounted HP +15%, Ranged Attack Defense +10%. The Mounted HP honestly I don’t care about (not as much anyways, and will probably ghost a good portion of my mounts – also why Marshall IMO falls short for his Mount Attack bonus… though atleast he gives better variable Def / HP bonuses to other troop types).

LEO III over JEJ has: Siege HP +20%, Defense +30%, Ranged Defense+20%.

I started building Taylor, then JEJ, was thinking I *should* go Marshall, but, I have concluded Leo III is the best.


You break up generals based on one of the 4 type of troops and in some cases range + siege. If you had another category for best overall, one that has the best utilization of combined skills and attributes, who would be top 3 and why don’t you have that category already ? Thanks.

Currently I have Leonidas as my wall general. However overall, isn’t Siege the best at Defense? Hence, would you recommend Leo III over Leonidas?

I can’t say that siege machines are the best in general. In the end, it depends on the enemy.
In the middle of the game, most players use archers, so siege machines are often effective.
However, at the end of the game, more and more players will be able to use all kinds of troops. If the enemy has very good infantry specialization or cavalry specialization, you will not be able to compete with them if your troops other than siege machines are weak.
Also, it is dangerous to rely too much on siege machines because their attack power can be debuffed relatively easily and drastically.

I believe that in defense, I should focus on the attack power of archers and siege machines, and the durability of infantry and cavalry. I think this is easier to achieve with Leo III than with Leonidas.

David Sai

I have a question. Most skill books like ranged attack, siege attack, ranged range and siege range contain the words “ leading the army”. To my knowledge, leading the army means attacking the other players. Would they be useful to have on defense general?

Daniel Fowler

@Evony TKR Guide Wiki that Buff / Debuff – Basic Guide article doesn’t really answer the question. It says buff and debuff conditions will be applied except for Duty Officer. Does Defense General count as a Duty Officer? I feel like it’s an important distinction since assigning a general to the wall (Defense General) doesn’t use the language “duty” or “officer”.

Salut ce unelte monarh trebuie să folosim la generalul de apărare eu folosesc Joseph ca general de apărare și ce trebuie să fac să protejezi cavaleria

> Hi what monarch tools should we use in the defense general I use Joseph as the defense general and what should I do to protect the cavalry

Do you mean monarch gear? I would add a bow or siege attack, infantry HP and defense. In defense, I think it’s basic to ghost only cavalry. Then, when the enemy attacks with infantry, cancel the ghost.


If the bow debuff is maxed out ( about -700 ) and the cavalry HP buff can reach 850, I think cavalry HP gear is the better 😀 (no need for cavalry ghosting).
Also, if you ghost the cavalry, before your bow can kill the cavalry, your opponent’s cavalry attack will take out all the infantry, which is the key to defense, and the next infantry attack will destroy your bow and siege weapons, so it is better to cancel the ghosting also in case of cavalry attack.
This way, the attacker’s cavalry and the defender’s cavalry can collide and protect the infantry.

I want to discuss the static. We need to develop four troops: ground, archer, mount, siege. However, in case you attack one enemy, you also can be attacked by the other. Normally, you use the archer for attacking. So, you have mainly ground, siege in-city. That’s why I saw one K35 uses the wall general with the gears which focus on the siege (refining focus on the ground). Do you think it is correct?

In defense, I basically believe that long range troops should prioritize attack and short range troops should prioritize HP and defense.

Therefore, I think its right that k35 has refined its equipment to focus on HP and defense to ground. Even if we raise the HP and defense of the siege machine, the original is too low, so if the enemy gets close to it, it’s over.

As for the attack, if the equipment is siege machine focus (axe), then I think it should be refined with siege machine.
Maybe the k35 might have refined it with ground because siege attacks are relatively easy to be heavily debuffed, while infantry attacks are harder to be debuffed.
But if that’s the case, I think it should be swords, not axes.

Bo jackson

Hey quick question, as getting leonidas 1 is a bit hard im thinking of chaning my trajan to a wall general since i aim to be primarily ground based…. what skill books should i add? Cant make much sense of the above…sorry

Appreciate any time taken to respond!

What about Queen Boudica? She is the only defense gen specialize in mounted

Hi. I intend to use Tran Hung Dao as my wall general, because I really like the idea of defending with a lot of low level siege. Of course for him, Siege range and Siege damage skills are essential, but for the third one, what are some of your suggestions, as I don’t think ranged range is good (If I want to defend with siege + range, then Joseph Johnston is a better choice).
Thank you so much

I think that “siege machine range” and “ranged troops range” are two must-haves because you fight with all your troops when defending. It may be my personal opinion, but most high-powered players’ defenders have “ranged troops range” and “siege machine range”.

This is assuming a defense of K35, 1,350,000 infantry, 1,350,000 archers, and 900,000 siege.

If the enemy attacks with mainly cavalry or mainly infantry, the defending siege weapons will not be able to reduce the number of enemy troops, but if the infantry is highly buffed, they will be able to reduce the number of enemy troops. The remaining enemy troops will be cleaned up by the defender’s archers, but in this case, the defender’s archers will attack the enemy troops unilaterally, so the archers’ range is not necessary.

If the enemy is attacking with mainly archers, the defender’s siege weapons will first reduce the archers, and then the infantry will attack the archers. If the defender’s infantry is highly buffed, the archers will be annihilated at this point. If the enemy archers remain, they will fight with the defenders’ archers. At this time, if the defending archers do not have range, they are at a disadvantage, but since the enemy archers are few in number, they will not lose. In fact, it is more important to buff up your infantry and reduce the number of archers as soon as possible.

I think most top players have siege range and archer range on, but for players below 1B, reducing enemy troops with infantry while ghosting cavalry and preventing infantry from being annihilated is the most important way to reduce the number of wounds.

Therefore, if you choose Tran as your defender, you should choose one of the following skills for the third skill: Infantry Attack, Defense, or HP. If you choose infantry speed, the number of attacks by the infantry will be reduced, and the number of enemy soldiers that the infantry can kill will be reduced, which is counterproductive.


Hello. I’m always learning from you. Thank you very much. I’m sorry. What do you think of the recently released Leonidas I? Which skills should I give him? Please let me know. Thank you.

He is a defender focused on ground troops and has excellent buffs (especially ground troop attack), so he will be effective and disliked by those who mainly attack ranged troops.
As for skills, if I were you, I would add siege machine range, ranged troop range, and ground troop speed.
The reason is the same as the answer to theEAGLE at the bottom.
You may also want to refer to the following articles.
Best Skills Guide – what skills should you add?


I always refer to your site. Thank you very much.
Regarding Leonidas’ skills, I was able to add ground attack level 1.
I haven’t tried levels 2 to 4 because I have other generals who need the skill. I hope this helps.

I’m always learning from this site. I have a simple question: In the case of defense based on ghosting, does the Defense General help in any way? Is it correct to say that the Defense General is effective only when we are defending without ghosting?

Yes. (Strictly speaking, generals with skills or specialty that increase the traps’ triggering rate, such as Ly Thuong Kiet, may increase trap damage somewhat even when ghosting.)

Nice to meet you. I got Alfred the Great, and I’d like your opinion on whether it’s better to train him as a defense general or as an attacker general with an archer specialization. At the moment, I’m training Minamoto no Yoshitsune as an Archer General and Johnston as a Defense General.

If your Minamoto no Yoshitsune’s cultivation is 500 and you have raised his specialty level to a reasonable level, I don’t think replacing him with Alfred is worth the effort and time. You’ll see a difference of up to 4% in attack power, but I don’t think it’s worth it.
Also, Alfred’s original skills and specialties can only be fully utilized when attacking, so he’s not suitable for defense genereal either.
Related: Best of Ranged PvP General


Ketrampilan apa yang terbaik untuk Tran jika ditempatkan sebagai jendral pertahanan?

> What skills would be best for Tran if placed as a defense general?
In my case, I would add a Siege range, Ranged troop range, Siege attack.
He’s a Siege type, but I also give him a Ranged troop ranges.
The reason is that when defending, I fight with all the troops I have (that is, you also use ranged troops), and the range can only be attached by skill.

For details, refer to the following article.
Best Skills Guide – what skills should you add?


I currently have accumulated 6 potential Defense Wall Generals:
* Joseph E. Johnston
* Tran Hung Dao
* Zachary Taylor
* Yi Sun-sin
* Kusunoki Masashige
* Robert the Bruce

I was thinking of keeping 3 of these. Probably Joseph E. Johnston, Tran Hung Dao and one other one.
How many would you keep for Defense?

I know Robert the Bruce is more of a Ground General, but do you think he’d make a good Wall General?

If I were, I would keep one general. Because even one general needs enormous effort and cost to craft and refine equipment, general’s specialty, train dragons, and so on. I think it’s better to have one with tremendous strength than to have multiple generals with half-strength.

If you focus on ground troops, I think Robert is a good choice.

Jim Simpson

Thank you for your hard work on this site. The love shows. The leaders of my alliance are recommending Gustavus as the best wall general. They view his debuff stats as the biggest factor. Why do most Evony websites think Johnston is the best? Is there something to pairing the “right” wall general with Ban Chao?

Lord Seth X

Debuffs eventually get maxed out with Ach gear on sub generals. Because of this the debuffs on Gus will eventually be useless. Also, it is generally not a good idea to trade buffs for your entire for debuffs. This is why having debuffs on an attacker is not preferred. The same logic applies to a wall general. You want to maximize buffs for the lead general while having debuffs on the more passive sub city generals. All that said, Gus is still a pretty good wall general. He used to be the best but no where near the top anymore since they added all the specialty wall generals with bigger range and/or siege buffs.

For top players, the debuff can be -600% or more. Therefore, as Lord Seth X said, the debuff skill that Gustavus has is not a big advantage.

The reason why many sites say Joseph E. Johnston is the best is probably the same as my response to Hawk in the comment at the bottom. See also.

I’m not sure what you mean by “pairing the right wall general with Ban Chao”, but there is no other suitable general for the Archer Tower duty officer other than Ban Chao.

Yi Sun-sin is an all-rounder type of defender who does not focus on any type of army.
In my experience, such an army is weaker than an army that focuses on something in this game.
Therefore, I have not included him in the above list.

What type of weapon to use for Johnston? Axe or Bow? I’ve crafted the Achaemenidae gear and working the last piece.

I think one way of thinking is to decide which one to use depending on what kind of enemy you often match with.
– If there are many archer-specific enemies, an Axe.
– If there are many cavalry-specific enemies, a Bow.
I think you should change it depending on the situation.
(Probably better to have a bow in the middle of the game and an axe in the end of the game.)

방어장군은 원거리로만 추천하는 이유가 무엇인지요?
지상장군으로 했을때 아쉬운 점이 있을까요?

Why is the general defensive only recommended for long range?
Are there any regrets when you are a ground general?
Hi😃 I think long range types are important in defense.
Siege’s attack is low, but unlike when attacking, there is no limit to the number of troops we can have when defending, so we can make up for the low attack by having more of them.
And with their long range, they can attack the enemy unilaterally.
I also prefer ranged troops because they are stronger against mounted troops, can counter ranged troops, and if buffed higher can also counter ground troops.
Therefore, I prefer to use a combination of siege machine and ranged troop in defense.

If the enemy attacks with ranged troops, the ground general is a good choice. (Trajan, for example).
However, even in that case, I believe that the number of troops and buffs on the siege machines need to be strengthened. 🤔
Therefore, in this case (ground + siege), I think Tran Hung Dao is also a good choice.

Also, I don’t recommend a cavalry-focused defense at the moment.
For more information, see my reply to Mr. Hawk’s comment below.


Thank you for all your help.
I don’t quite understand the description of the defender 😅.
Kusunoki “in city”, Zachary “in city”, Tran, it is not mentioned. I kind of understand that attack is increased when defending, but are there generals that increase attack when attacking if you make them defenders?

Kusunoki, Zachary, and most of the other defense generals all have “in-city” listed in their descriptions.

However, Tran’s description certainly doesn’t have “in-city” in it. Another one, James Bowie, was also not listed.

I actually tested with these two to see if it would work when attacking, but the result was invalid. (It only works when defending main city.)

The other defender without the “in-city” notation is Ly Thuong Kiet, but I don’t have him, so I haven’t been able to verify. 🤔


Нужно ли какие-то навыки или оружие прикрепить офицеру башни лучников бан чао?

>Do I need to attach any skills or weapons to the officer of the tower of archers ban chao?
No, it doesn’t. Even if you give them, the soldiers in the main city will not get stronger.
Also, i don’t know if the attack power of the archer tower will increase, but even if it does, it will be weak, so i don’t think it is necessary.
Reference: Duty Officer Guide

Thank you for all your help. I would like to ask a basic question. I understand that some of the generals here have the original skill “when General is the Main City Defense General”, but if I appoint a general with the skill “leading the army” to be a defender, will that have the same effect? For example, if I appoint Minamoto no Yoshitsune, will the archers of the entire army become stronger?

Yes. The troops will also be stronger when the general is made a defender.
In addition, when it says “Marching … Troop Attack” or “leading the army to attack”, both of them have an effect only on the attack. It has no effect when defending.
Related: Buff / Debuff – Basic Guide

This is because I don’t recommend a cavalry-focused defense at the moment.
For more information, see my reply to Mr. Hawk’s comment below.

Purple ivy

Any thoughts on new general Zachary Taylor ? is he better than Joseph

Zachary Taylor has been added to the article. (B-1 section)
I don’t think it’s inferior to Joseph, but I don’t think it’s superior either (a matter of direction). 🤔

It means the following.😃
– If you pay a lot of money
– If you only pay a little money
*The text of the article has been adjusted.

I always look forward to seeing your work. I’m using Boudica because I have a lot of cavalry, is it more advantageous to use ranged troops and siege buffs when defending?

My impression is that after the middle of the game, more and more players attack with a ranged specialization.
In this case, a mounted-focused defense is basically a disadvantage.
I think a defense with ranged+siege can be used for a long time in a versatile way, because it can deal with mounted-focused attacks, ranged-focused attacks, and even ground-focused attacks if the buffs are strong enough. 🤔

Thanks for the reply. You’re right. I was thinking that I need to train my defense as well, since I won’t be able to ghost sooner or later. I will prepare a defense general with ranged and siege buffs.

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