Archer Tower

Upgrade requirements (resources, etc.)

Note: “Construction Time” depends on the “ConstructionSpeed”. The following construction times and speeds are examples, most of which are based on my own play. Note that construction speed can be checked in the “Administration” section of the monarch’s detail screen.

* Blanks are under investigation

* Requires horizontal scrolling

21,2001,2000:03:000%Keep6, Walls2
31,6001,6000:06:000%Keep6, Walls3
42,1002,1000:12:000%Keep6, Walls4
53,8003,8000:24:000%Keep6, Walls5
67,4007,5000:48:000%Keep6, Walls6
715,00015,0003,2501:36:000%Keep7, Walls7
829,00029,00026,000Keep8, Walls8
958,00058,00053,000Keep9, Walls9
1086,00087,00080,000Keep10, Walls10
11120,000120,000120,000Keep11, Walls11
12180,000180,000170,00021,300Keep12, Walls12
13250,000260,000250,000250,000Keep13, Walls13
14360,000370,000370,000360,000Keep14, Walls14
15520,000530,000540,000530,000Keep15, Walls15
16740,000770,000800,000780,000Keep16, Walls16
171,100,0001,100,0001,200,0001,100,000Keep17, Walls17
181,500,0001,700,0001,700,0001,700,000Keep18, Walls18
192,200,0002,400,0002,500,0002,500,000Keep19, Walls19
202,800,0003,200,0003,300,0003,200,000Keep20, Walls20
213,600,0004,200,0004,300,0004,200,000Keep21, Walls21
224,600,0005,500,0005,700,0005,600,000Keep22, Walls22
236,000,0007,200,0007,500,0007,300,000Keep23, Walls23
247,700,0009,500,0009,800,0009,600,000Keep24, Walls24
259,800,00012,000,00013,000,00013,000,000Keep25, Walls25
2623,400,00030,600,00032,400,00030,600,000Keep26, Walls26
2740,000,00052,000,00052,000,00052,000,000Keep27, Walls27
2860,000,00076,000,00078,000,00078,000,00024d 10:49231%Keep28, Walls28
2988,000,000112,000,000116,000,000112,000,00031d 15:34231%Keep29, Walls29
30140,700,000178,500,000182,700,000180,600,00042d 13:16231%Keep30, Walls30
31188,130,000238,350,000242,730,000242,340,00048d 14:13253%Keep31, Walls31
32252,872,000320,045,000324,671,000326,615,00060d 19:17253%Keep32, Walls32
33357,301,000451,819,000456,842,000462,551,00079d 13:07262%Keep33, Walls33
34554,881,000701,135,000706,910,000719,742,000120d 17:53262%Keep34, Walls34
351,081,827,0001,366,061,0001,373,841,0001,405,670,000242d 15:39262%Keep35, Walls35
361,608,773,0002,030,987,0002,040,772,0002,091,598,000314d 23:09319%Keep36, Walls36
372,333,323,7502,945,260,2502,957,802,1253,034,749,000367d 04:06433.7%Keep37, Walls37
383,655,628,8694,613,808,9314,631,382,1034,755,999,575605d 18:21433.7%Keep38, Walls38
396,763,045,8988,534,898,3328,564,295,0528,800,938,4261,254d 09:14423.7%Keep39, Walls39
4015,929,926,13420,102,112,06520,166,388,25020,733,508,307Keep40, Walls40

Duty Officer

Unlocked at Archer Tower Lv11.

Assigning a duty officer to an Archer Tower provides increases Archer Tower Attack.

You can put any general to duty officer if you just want to get this duty officer buff.

Ideally, Ban Chao or Themistocles or Maurice of Nassau. Making him the Archer Tower officer will enable some skills and specialties.  (How to get)

If he is not available, you can use any general as your duty officer. (However, I do not recommend any generals other than the golden historic generals.)

For other details, see the following articles.

Other Building Guides


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Can you add to this article please – what does the archer tower actually do? How important is it in defence? Should it be kept at the Keep level?


Question I got a gold general named Sappho, but she is not listed in the portrait at the tavern.
Is it a glitch? Is there anyone else who got it besides me?


My alliance member said she got it from Helen.


Seems to be a gift for all, but I noticed that all my main and alt accounts had Sappho…😅
This is my case, but definitely not from Helen.

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