Council of State

2024/5/19 – Added buff values, etc.
2023/10/4 – Updated the list of resources required for upgrades. / Added position level-up costs.
2023/7/6 – Article published.

Council of State is a facility for obtaining new buffs.

Generals can be appointed to positions, thereby increasing various buffs.

As the level of Council of State is increased, various positions are unlocked.

Council of State can be upgraded when you reach Keep level 32.

In order to raise the level of Council of State, it is necessary to raise the level of Pasture and Victory Column first.

Buff improvement in the Senate

3 elements of “Military Title,” “Position,” & “Generals”

There are 3 ways to get buffs in Council of State

– Promote “Military Title” grade.
– Level up “Position“.
– Raise the star level of the “Generals” appointed to the position to 6 or higher.

Military Title

There are 6 “Military Titles”.

  • Governor
  • Commander
  • Marshal
  • Leading Senator
  • Ruling Senator
  • Honorary Senator


There are 4 “Positions” for each Military Title. (24 positions in total)

  • Ground troops
  • Mounted troops
  • Ranged troops
  • Siege machines


Each position can appoint a “Generals” of the corresponding troop type.

If you are not sure which general is which type of troop, please refer to this list.

Appointing Generals to Positions 

By raising a general’s star level, you can appoint him to a “position”.

Appointment becomes possible at Star Level 5, and the higher the Star Level, the more buffs you get in the Council of State.

Note: If the star level is raised during the appointment, the general must be removed and reappointed.

Generals appointed to positions cannot be used for any other purpose while they are appointed. (e.g., marching outside the castle for combat or resource gathering, defender, duty officer, sub-city mayor, etc.)

You cannot appoint a purple general

You should raise the red star of a general, but this is only for golden historic general.

Even if you raise the red star of a purple historic general, you cannot assign him/her to a senate.

(On 2/2/2024, it became possible to raise some purple generals to 10 stars. At this initial time, it was possible to assign a purple general with a red star to the senate, but then on 2024/02/19 it became impossible to do so.)

Position: Unlocking Requirements

TitlePositionUnlocking Requirement
MountedCouncil of State Level 4
RangedCouncil of State Level 7
SiegeCouncil of State Level 10
CommanderGroundCouncil of State Level 13
MountedCouncil of State Level 16
RangedCouncil of State Level 19
SiegeCouncil of State Level 22
MarshalGroundCouncil of State Level 24
MountedCouncil of State Level 26
RangedCouncil of State Level 28
SiegeCouncil of State Level 30
GroundCouncil of State Level 8Win the Server War and earn 540M Monarch Scores 1 time(s)
MountedCouncil of State Level 8Win the Server War and earn 700M Monarch Scores 2 time(s)
RangedCouncil of State Level 8Win the Server War and earn 1B Monarch Scores 4 time(s)
SiegeCouncil of State Level 8Win the Server War and earn 2B Monarch Scores 6 time(s)
GroundCouncil of State Level 8Win the Battle of Gaugamela and earn 2K personal scores 1 time(s)
MountedCouncil of State Level 8Win the Battle of Gaugamela and earn 6K personal scores 3 time(s)
RangedCouncil of State Level 8Win the Battle of Gaugamela and earn 12K personal scores 4 time(s)
SiegeCouncil of State Level 8Win the Battle of Gaugamela and earn 18K personal scores 5 time(s)
GroundCouncil of State Level 8Win the Battle of Constantinople and earn 4K personal scores 1 time(s)
MountedCouncil of State Level 8Win the Battle of Constantinople and earn 10K personal scores 3 time(s)
RangedCouncil of State Level 8Win the Battle of Constantinople and earn 20K personal scores 4 time(s)
SiegeCouncil of State Level 8Win the Battle of Constantinople and earn 30K personal scores 5 time(s)

Position: Upgrade Level

By using “Merit Jade” & “Glory Golden Twig”, each position can be upgraded. This will provide various buffs.

Position: Buffs by upgrading Position level (e.g.)

Buffs that increase with each level

I am looking for information on the following while investigating. Please let me know via the comments section.
( Sorry for the inconvenience, but please attach a screenshot for accuracy of the information. )

Ground Troop GovernorMarching Ground Troop HP3%6912151821242730336063
Mounted Troop GovernorMarching Mounted Troop Defense3691215182124273033
Renged Troop GovernorIn-City Ranged Troop Attack3691215182124273033
Siege Machine GovernorIn-City Ranged Troop & Siege HP2468101214161820222426

Buffs that increase every 5 levels

LvGround Troop GovernorMounted Troop GovernorRanged Troop GovernorSiege Machine Governor
5Ground & Mounted Attack +4%Ground & Mounted HP +4%Ranged Attack +4%Ranged & Siege HP +4%
10Ranged & Siege HP +4%
Enemy Ranged Defense -4%
Ground & Mounted Defense +4%
Enemy Ground HP -4%
Ranged & Siege HP +4%
Enemy Mounted Defense -4%
Ranged & Siege Defense +4%
Enemy Siege HP -4%
15Ground & Mounted Attack +4%Ground & Mounted Attack +4%Ranged & Siege Attack +4%Ranged & Siege Attack +4%
20Attacking Mounted & Ground HP +4%
Enemy Ranged HP -4%
Attacking Mounted & Ground Attack +4%
Enemy Ground Defense -4%
Attacking Ranged & Siege Defense +4%
Enemy Mounted HP -4%
Attacking Ranged & Siege HP +4%
Enemy Siege Defense -4%
25Ground & Mounted HP +5%Ground & Mounted HP +5%Ranged & Siege Attack +5%Ranged & Siege Attack +5%
30Ground & Mounted Attack +5%
Enemy Ranged Defense -5%
Ground & Mounted Attack +5%
Enemy Ground HP -5%
Ranged & Siege HP +5%
Enemy Mounted Defense -5%
Ranged & Siege HP +5%
Enemy Siege HP -5%
TotalGround & Mounted Attack +13%
Ground & Mounted HP +5%
Attacking Mounted & Ground HP +4%
Ranged & Siege HP +4%
Enemy Ranged Defense -9%
Enemy Ranged HP -4%
Ground & Mounted Attack +9%
Ground & Mounted Defense +4%
Ground & Mounted HP +9%
Attacking Mounted & Ground Attack +4%
Enemy Ground Defense -4%
Enemy Ground HP -9%
Ranged Attack +13%
Siege Attack +9%
Ranged & Siege HP +9%
Attacking Ranged & Siege Defense +4%
Enemy Mounted Defense -9%
Enemy Mounted HP -4%
Ranged & Siege Attack +9%
Ranged & Siege Defense +4%
Ranged & Siege HP +9%
Attacking Ranged & Siege HP +4%
Enemy Siege Defense -4%
Enemy Siege HP -9%

Position: Cost for upgrading Position level

I am looking for information on the following while investigating. Please let me know via the comments section.
( Sorry for the inconvenience, but please attach a screenshot for accuracy of the information. )

LvMerit Jade(Total)Glory
Golden Twig




Military Title: Promotion

When a position reaches a certain level, the grade of the military title can be promoted. This gives you various buffs.

To promote Military Title, you need a “Glory Golden Twig”.

Military Title: Buffs by Promotion & Requirements


GradeTitle Grade BuffRequirements:
Position Level
Glory Golden Twig
IAttacking Ranged & Siege HP+15%
Marching Ground Attack +15%
Ground / Mounted / Ranged / Siege
Lv 8 / 8 / 0 / 0
IIAttacking Siege & Ranged Attack +10%
Marching Ranged Attack +10%
Attacking Ranged & Siege HP +10%
IIIAttacking Ranged & Siege HP +15%
Attacking Siege & Ranged Attack +10%
When attacking, Enemy Troop Attack -10%
IVAttacking Mounted & Ground Defense +20%
Marching Mounted Attack +30%
Marching Siege Attack +10%
VAttacking Troop’s Attack +15%
Attacking Ranged & Siege HP +20%
Marching Siege Attack +15%
VIAttacking Siege & Ranged Defense +20%
Marching Ranged Attack +15%
Enemy Troop HP -15%
VIIAttacking Siege & Ranged Attack +10%
Attacking Ranged & Siege HP +15%
When attacking, Enemy Troop Attack -10%

How to get “Merit Jade”

  • Boss Hunting
    • Up to 15 per day
  • Daily Activity
    • You can get them when your score reaches 80 and 110. (5 each, for k38)
  • Paid Packages
    • Event Package
      • $4.99: 5 pieces
      • $99.99: 100 pieces
      • (as of 7/7/2023)

How to get “Glory Golden Twig”

  • Boss Hunting
    • Up to 6 per day
  • Daily Activity
    • You can get it when your score reaches 80 and 110. (1 each, for k38)
  • Paid Packages
    • Event Package
      • $4.99: 3 pieces
      • $99.99: 60 pieces
      • (as of 7/7/2023)

Soul Binding Guide

For other details, see the following articles.

Menu (Availability during upgrade, Unlock conditions)

There are no menus that need to be unlocked. All available from the beginning.

  • Senate
    • You can appoint generals to positions, increase the grade of “Military Titles”, and raise the level of “Positions”.
  • Soul Binding


Below are the main milestones.

Council of State Levels & What is Unlocked

  • Lv4: Unlock: Governor > Mounted
  • Lv7: Unlock: Governor > Ranged
  • Lv10: Unlock: Governor > Siege
  • Lv13: Unlock: Commander > Ground
  • Lv16: Unlock: Commander > Mounted
  • Lv19: Unlock: Commander > Ranged
  • Lv22: Unlock: Commander > Siege
  • Lv24: Unlock: Marshal > Ground
  • Lv26: Unlock: Marshal > Mounted
  • Lv28: Unlock: Marshal > Ranged
  • Lv30: Unlock: Marshal > Siege

Upgrade requirements (resources, etc.)

Note: “Construction Time” depends on the “ConstructionSpeed”. The following construction times and speeds are examples, most of which are based on my own play. Note that construction speed can be checked in the “Administration” section of the monarch’s detail screen.

* Blanks are under investigation

* Requires horizontal scrolling

42,4002,4000:02:19361.5%Pasture32Governor > Mounted
717,00017,0003,7500:18:30361.5%Pasture35Governor > Ranged
Victory Column 1
Victory Column 1
Victory Column 2
Governor > Siege
Victory Column 2
Victory Column 2
Victory Column 3
Commander > Ground
Victory Column 3
Victory Column 3
Victory Column 4
Commander > Mounted
Victory Column 4
Victory Column 4
Victory Column 5
Commander > Ranged
203,200,0003,700,0003,800,0003,700,0001d 00:38428.2%Pasture35
Victory Column 5
214,200,0004,800,0005,000,0004,900,0001d 10:30428.2%Pasture35
Victory Column 5
225,300,0006,300,0006,500,0006,400,0002d 00:17428.2%Pasture35
Victory Column 6
Commander > Siege
24Marshal > Ground
26Marshal > Mounted
2855,300,00069,520,00071,100,00069,520,00013d 23:55379%Pasture35
Victory Column 9
Marshal > Ranged
30Marshal > Siege

Other Building Guides


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Does it really do you any good to have 12 generals, 5 star level 22+, who sit around doing nothing but hang around the keep? Are the buffs really worth it, or are you better off using them in the battlefield or monster hunting? Do the buffs apply to each troop type, kind of like Blazons for general type, but more expensive? Also, if you put a general who has mixed troop types, like range and siege, do buffs only apply for the category of the Senate position? That is, if I have Yue Fei who is ground and mounted, and I put him in horse Senate position, do his buffs only apply to generals who attack with horses, or to generals who are only horse types, like Napoleon Prime? I mean, are the buffs for the troop type, or the general type?

Nova Star

Mixed Generals cannot be put in a Senate position. Only Military Historic Generals (gold or higher) can be placed there, and they must have a symbol (ground, mounted, range or siege) that matches the position where you put them.
With Zero red stars:
Governor: Marching Defense +4%,
Commander: Marching HP +4%,
Marshal: Marching HP +4%.
Leading Senator: In Rally Defense +5%,
Ruling Senator: In Rally HP +5%,
Honorary Senator: In Rally HP +5%.
The buffs are better as you get more red stars, and include in-city buffs.
At 5 red stars, you get attacking buffs.

If you look at the Promotions for the positions:
Governor: Attacking and a few debuffs,
Commander: In-City and a few debuffs,
Marshal: In-Rally and a few debuffs.
Leading Senator: Attacking and In-Rally and a few debuffs,
Ruling Senator: In Rally and Attacking and a few debuffs,
Honorary Senator:, Many Battlefield (like BoG, BoC, All-Stars and maybe Huns) Buffs; with a few HP, Defense and Attack that apply outside of battlefields.

We need a list of generals who can work in each location. I’m still waiting for the information to be updated.

“A general who is in the process of being appointed”, are you saying that after a certain period of time you can use the general normally after that? if so that’s great.

do we know anything if the gear or specialties of the appointed generals are showing an effect?

The game is now just about spending money, its not good, every new event is designed to encourage people to spend to achieve small buffs and for many its impossible to progress.

Bruv – you gotta tell people not to do this.

VC 6 unlocks level 23
VC 7 unlocks level 24

It’s fucking terrible

Victory column 6 required for level 23 – siege in middle category not available. I imagine further than VC for all unlocks

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