Best of Assistant Generals: Mounted PvP

* This ranking is for Assistant Generals.
Click here to see
– Main Generals Ranking (Mounted)
– Generals Combination Recommendation
– Generals Combination Compatibility List

2/21/2025 – Added Artemis & Hermes.
1/10/2025 – Added Haakon Haraldsson.
11/28/2024 – Added George Monck.
10/4/2024 – Added Cheng Yaojin.
8/23/2024 – Added Marco Polo.
6/28/2024 – Added Washington (Prime).
5/24/2024 – Added ranking “for Reinforce to an ally’s city & Wall Defender”.
5/17/2024 – added Hestia.
2/23/2024 – added Jayavarman II.
2/16/2024 – added King Arthur (after enhanced specs).
12/1/2023 – added Napoleon(Prime), Andre Massena.
11/6/2023 – added Martinus(+Skin).
9/15/2023 – added Laudon.
6/23/2023 – added Poligenus.
1/20/2023 – added Sun Ce.
11/16/2022 – Added Mordred.
10/7/2022 – Added Ii Naomasa.


Compatibility with the main general

It is not possible to make an absolute ranking, since the compatibility with the main general must also be taken into account.

The rankings in this article do not include as a ranking factor who can be paired with whom.
Basically, the rankings are based solely on the height of the buffs.

Please also refer to the “General’s Combination Compatibility List” in this article.

Evaluation Criteria

The following 3 types.

  • Evaluation 1 – Considers only Buffs
    • Add up the percentages of the 5 types of buffs: attack, defense, HP, march size, and rally capacity.
  • Evaluation 2 – Considers Skill Book limitations
    • If there is a skill book that cannot be used, points are deducted from the Evaluation 1 score.
    • For example: if an attack skill book is not available, -25.
  • Evaluation 3 – Considers Debuffs
    • If a general has a debuff, its percentage is added to the score of Evaluation 2.
    • If debuffs for all types of troops, the debuff value x4.

Since I think that the most practical is evaluation 2, the ranking is in the order of the highest evaluation 2.

The ranking of the evaluation 1 and 3 can be seen by rearranging the table in the article. Please refer to it if you are interested.

Ranking of Assistants requiring Dragon & Spiritual Beast

Since it is not difficult to assign a Spiritual beast to an assistant, it is included in the ranking.

Assigning dragons to assistants is not practical for most players, so they have been excluded from the rankings.

However, they are included in the table, so if you are interested, please refer to that list.

4 types of ranking

The ranking is divided into the following four categories (2 x 2)

Category 1: with or without Marching Buff

  • A) for March & Rally
    • With Marching buff
  • B) for Reinforce to an ally’s keep & Wall Defender
    • Without Marching buff

Some buffs that each general has are not valid if they are used as reinforcements to an ally’s keep or if they are made defenders of their own keep. (For more information: Buff / Debuff – Basic Guide)

In other words, some generals have “march/rally and “Reinforcements to an ally’s keep/Defenders” have very different performances.

For this reason, the ranking is divided between these 2 types.

Category 2: with or without Specialty & Covenant

  • 1) Basic skills only
    • Mainly for F2P (Free to Play) or players who pay a little.
  • 2) Basic skills + Specialty & Covenant
    • Mainly for players with heavy payer.

Each general’s performance depends largely on his ability to maximize the 4 specialties & Covenant. And it is difficult to maximize all unless you are a heavy payer. (Reference : Specialty Guide)

Therefore, the ranking is divided into two categories: without specialties/covenant and with specialties/covenant.

A) for March & Rally

= With Marching Buffs. (Reference: Buff / Debuff – Basic Guide)

A-1) Basic skills only

Mainly for F2P (Free to Play) or players who pay a little.

Specialties are not included.

Does not include additional basic skills added by ascending. (They do not add up due to the specifications.)

Covenant are not included.

1. Artemis

  • With Skin
    • Score: 155
    • Attack 50% / Defense 50% / HP 55% / March Size 0% / Rally Size 0%
  • Without Skin
    • Score: 140
    • Attack 50% / Defense 50% / HP 40% / March Size 0% / Rally Size 0%

2. Haakon Haraldsson

  • Score: 140
  • Attack 50% / Defense 40% / HP 50% / March Size 0% / Rally Size 0%

3. George Monck + Spiritual Beast

  • Score: 130
  • Attack 50% / Defense 40% / HP 40% / March Size 0% / Rally Size 0%

3. Hestia + Spiritual Beast

  • Score: 130
  • Attack 45% / Defense 45% / HP 40% / March Size 0% / Rally Size 0%

4. Marco Polo

  • Score: 125
  • Attack 45% / Defense 40% / HP 40% / March Size 0% / Rally Size 0%

5. Napoleon (Prime) + Spiritual Beast

  • with Skin
  • Score: 120
  • Attack 60% / Defense 30% / HP 30% / March Size 0% / Rally Size 0%
  • without Skin
  • Score: 110
  • Attack 50% / Defense 30% / HP 30% / March Size 0% / Rally Size 0%

6. Hermes

  • Score: 112
  • Attack 50% / Defense 0% / HP 50% / March Size 12% / Rally Size 0%

Table (A-1) March/Rally – Basic Skills only

GeneralsAtkDefHPMarch SizeRally CapacityDebuffSkillbook LimitScore 1Score 2Score 3
Artemis (+Skin)50505500Ground HP -10%155155165
Haakon Haraldsson50405000140140140
George Monck
(+Dragon or Spiritual Beast)
Cheng Yaojin45353500Attack1159090
Marco Polo45404000125125125
Washington (Prime)40040150959595
(+Dragon or Spiritual Beast)
Beowulf (when PvP)35353000100100100
Jayavarman II45252500959595
King Arthur
(After enhance
on 2/16/2024)
35350150March Size857373
Napoleon (Prime)
(+Dragon or Spiritual Beast +Skin)
60303000Ground HP -20%120120140
Napoleon (Prime)
(+Dragon or Spiritual Beast)
Napoleon (Prime)500000505050
Andre Massena4500120Attack573232
Sun Ce350000353535
Ii Naomasa2504000Attack654040
Zhao Yun3003000606060
George A. Custer4000100505050
(+Dragon +Skin)
Prince Eugene35101000Attack553030
Gaius Octavius400000404040
Li Jing350000Attack351010
Bertrand du Guesclin3520000555555
Maximilian I3030000Ranged Atk -20%606080
Basil II3015000454545
Yue Fei2501000353535
Roberto Guisgard250000Ground Def -15%
Mounted Def -15%
Takeda Shingen200000202020
El Cid (+Dragon)250000252525
El Cid100000101010
Cyrus the Great250000252525
Wei Qing150000Ground Atk -15%
Mounted Atk -15%
Honda Tadakatsu150000Ground HP-15%
Mounted HP-15%
Ulysses S. Grant (+Dragon)300000303030
Ulysses S. Grant150000151515
Xiang yu350000Attack351010

A-2) Basic skills + Specialty + Covenant

Mainly for players with heavy payer.

For those who want to compare by the maximum value of assistants buffs.

1. Artemis

  • with Covenant + Skin
  • Score: 405
  • Attack 160% / Defense 115% / HP 125% / March Size 5% / Rally Size 0%
  • with Covenant, no skin
  • Score: 390
  • Attack 160% / Defense 115% / HP 110% / March Size 5% / Rally Size 0%

2. Haakon Haraldsson

  • with Covenant
  • Score: 354
  • Attack 140% / Defense 120% / HP 70% / March Size 24% / Rally Size 0%

3. George Monck + Spiritual Beast

  • with Covenant
  • Score: 330
  • Attack 140% / Defense 90% / HP 100% / March Size 0% / Rally Size 0%

4. Hestia + Spiritual Beast

  • with Covenant
  • Score: 320
  • Attack 135% / Defense 100% / HP 85% / March Size 0% / Rally Size 0%

5. Marco Polo

  • with Covenant
  • Score: 316
  • Attack 135% / Defense 70% / HP 90% / March Size 21% / Rally Size 0%

6. Hermes

  • with Covenant
  • Score: 308
  • Attack 130% / Defense 60% / HP 80% / March Size 38% / Rally Size 0%

Table (A-2) March/Rally – Basic Skills + Specialty + Covenant

GeneralsAtkDefHPMarch SizeRally CapacityDebuffSkillbook LimitCovenant
Score 1Score 2Score 3
Artemis (+Skin)16011512550Ground HP -10%Included405405415
George Monck
(+Dragon or Spiritual Beast)
Cheng Yaojin1358055290can’t attach AtkIncluded299274274
Marco Polo1357090210Included316316316
Washington (Prime)1255585260Included291291291
(+Dragon or Spiritual Beast)
Beowulf (when PvP)855555140Included209209209
Jayavarman II140656550Included275275275
King Arthur
(After enhance
on 2/16/2024)
45450250All troop Atk -6%March Size115103127
Napoleon (Prime)
(+Dragon +Skin)
160804050Ranged Atk -15%
Siege Atk -15%
Ground HP -20%
Napoleon (Prime)
(+Spiritual Beast +Skin)
120504050Ground HP -20%Included215215235
Napoleon (Prime)
130804000Ranged Atk -15%
Siege Atk -15%
Napoleon (Prime)
(+Spiritual Beast)
Napoleon (Prime)90201000120120120
Andre Massena1305520180Ranged Atk -10%
Siege Atk -10%
Sun Ce95401060151151151
Ii Naomasa60209500All troop HP -10%Attack175150190
Zhao Yun105204060171171171
George A. Custer1002040100170170170
Roland85352560Ranged Atk -20%151151171
(+Dragon +Skin)
Prince Eugene90453560Attack176151151
Gaius Octavius9603060132132132
Li Jing105201000Attack135110110
Bertrand du Guesclin80304000150150150
Maximilian I76301000All troop Atk -10%
Ranged Atk -20%
Ranged Def -30%
Basil II56151000All troop Atk -10%8181121
Yue Fei6602060Mounted Atk -20%9292112
Roberto Guisgard65203060Ground Def -15%
Mounted Def -15%
Takeda Shingen6202000828282
El Cid (+Dragon)8110000919191
El Cid6610000767676
Cyrus the Great7101060878787
Wei Qing6101060Ground Atk -15%
Mounted Atk -15%
Honda Tadakatsu35107000Ground HP-15%
Mounted HP-15%
All troops def -10%
Ulysses S. Grant
Ulysses S. Grant250060313131
Xiang yu4510000All troops Def -10%Attack553070

B) for Reinforce to an ally’s city & Wall Defender

= Without Marching Buffs. (Reference: Buff / Debuff – Basic Guide)

When a reinforcement to “Alliance member’s City”, or a wall defender, the “marching buff” (“when General is leading the army to attack” buff) is disabled.

NOTE: When a reinforcement to “Building”, the “marching buff” is enabled. See section A.

Reinforcement to an alliance member’s keep

B-1) Basic skills only

1. Haakon Haraldsson

  • Score: 140
  • Attack 50% / Defense 40% / HP 50% / March Size 0% / Rally Size 0%

2. Hermes

  • Score: 112
  • Attack 50% / Defense 0% / HP 50% / March Size 12% / Rally Size 0%

3. Washington (Prime)

  • Score: 95
  • Attack 40% / Defense 0% / HP 40% / March Size 15% / Rally Size 0%

4. Cheng Yaojin

  • Score: 90
  • Attack 45% / Defense 35% / HP 35% / March Size 0% / Rally Size 0%
  • Can’t attach Attack skill book

5. Laudon

  • Score: 45
  • Attack 40% / Defense 15% / HP15% / March Size 0%
  • Can’t attach Attack Skill Book

Table (B-1) Reinforce/Defender – Basic Skills only

Artemis (+Skin)March0000Ground HP -10%0010
Haakon HaraldssonBasic5040500140140140
George Monck
or Spiritual Beast)
Cheng YaojinBasic4535350can’t attach Atk1159090
Marco PoloMarch0000000
Washington (Prime)Basic4004015959595
Hestia (+Dragon
or Spiritual Beast)
(when PvP)
Jayavarman IIMarch0000000
King Arthur
(After enhancement
on 2/16/2024)
March00015can’t attach
March Size
Napoleon (Prime)
March0000Ground HP -20%0020
Napoleon (Prime)
or Spiritual Beast)
Napoleon (Prime)March0000000
Andre MassenaBasic450012can’t attach Atk573232
LaudonBasic4015150can’t attach Atk704545
Sun CeBasic35000353535
Ii NaomasaBasic250400can’t attach Atk654040
Zhao YunMarch0000000
George A. CusterMarch00010101010
Martinus (+Dragon+Skin)Basic501500can’t attach Atk654040
Martinus (+Dragon)Basic40000can’t attach Atk401515
MartinusBasic25000can’t attach Atk2500
Prince EugeneBasic0000can’t attach Atk000
Gaius OctaviusMarch0000000
Li JingBasic35000can’t attach Atk351010
Bertrand du GuesclinMarch0000000
Maximilian IMarch0000Ranged Atk -20%0020
Basil IIMarch0000000
Yue FeiMarch0000000
Roberto GuisgardBasic25000Ground Def -15%
Mounted Def -15%
can’t attach Atk25030
Takeda ShingenBasic20000202020
El Cid (+Dragon)March15000151515
El CidMarch0000000
Cyrus the GreatMarch0000000
BarbarossaMarch00010March Size can
attach Lv4 only
Wei QingBasic15000Ground Atk -15%
Mounted Atk -15%
WashingtonBasic35000can’t attach Atk351010
Honda TadakatsuBasic15000Ground HP -15%
Mounted HP -15%
Ulysses S. Grant (+Dragon)Basic30000303030
Ulysses S. GrantBasic15000151515
Xiang yuBasic35000can’t attach Atk351010

B-2) Basic skills + Specialty + Covenant

1. Haakon Haraldsson

  • with Covenant
  • Score: 339
  • Attack 125% / Defense 120% / HP 70% / March Size 24% / Rally Size 0%

2. Hermes

  • with Covenant
  • Score: 318
  • Attack 140% / Defense 60% / HP 80% / March Size 38% / Rally Size 0%

3. Washington (Prime)

  • with Covenant
  • Score: 281
  • Attack 115% / Defense 55% / HP 85% / March Size 26% / Rally Size 0%

4. Cheng Yaojin

  • with Covenant
  • Score: 264
  • Attack 125% / Defense 80% / HP 55% / March Size 29% / Rally Size 0%
  • Can’t attach Attack skill book

5. Andre Massena

  • with Covenant
  • Score: 178
  • Attack 110% / Defense 55% / HP20% / March Size 18%
  • Can’t attach Attack Skill Book

Table (B-2) Reinforce/Defender – Basic Skills + Specialty + Covenant

DebuffSkill Book
Artemis (+Skin)March2020205Ground HP -10%Included656575
Haakon HaraldssonBasic1251207024Included339339339
George Monck
or Spiritual Beast)
Cheng YaojinBasic125805529can’t attach AtkIncluded289264264
Marco PoloMarch30302021Included101101101
Washington (Prime)Basic115558526Included281281281
Hestia (+Dragon
or Spiritual Beast)
(when PvP)
Jayavarman IIMarch6020205Included105105105
Jayavarman II
(No Covenant)
King Arthur
(After enhancement
on 2/16/2024)
March1010025All type Atk -6%can’t attach
March Size
Napoleon (Prime)
March2020105Ranged Atk -15%
Siege Atk -15%
Ground HP -20%
Napoleon (Prime)
(No Covenant)
March2020100Ranged Atk -15%
Siege Atk -15%
Ground HP -20%
Napoleon (Prime)
(No Covenant)
March2020100Ranged Atk -15%
Siege Atk -15%
Napoleon (Prime)
(+Spiritual Beast)
(No Covenant)
Napoleon (Prime)
(No Covenant)
Andre MassenaBasic110552018Ranged Atk -5%
Siege Atk -5%
can’t attach AtkIncluded203178188
Andre Massena
(No Covenant)
Basic110552018can’t attach Atk203178178
LaudonBasic8560500can’t attach Atk195170170
Sun CeBasic8540106141141141
Ii NaomasaBasic6020950All type HP -10%can’t attach Atk175150190
Zhao YunMarch6520106101101101
George A. CusterMarch40204010110110110
RolandMarch4520106Ranged Atk -20%8181101
Martinus (+Dragon+Skin)Basic11625200can’t attach Atk161136136
Martinus (+Dragon)Basic10610200can’t attach Atk136111111
MartinusBasic4510200can’t attach Atk755050
Prince EugeneBasic4535256can’t attach Atk1118686
Gaius OctaviusMarch460306828282
Li JingBasic8520100can’t attach Atk1159090
Bertrand du GuesclinMarch2510400757575
Maximilian IMarch460100All type Atk -10%
Ranged Atk -20%
Ranged Def -30%
Basil IIMarch260100All type Atk -10%363676
Yue FeiMarch310106Mounted Atk -20%474767
Roberto GuisgardBasic5520306Ground Def -15%
Mounted Def -15%
can’t attach Atk11186116
Takeda ShingenBasic620200828282
El Cid (+Dragon)March411000515151
El CidMarch261000363636
Cyrus the GreatMarch360106525252
BarbarossaMarch1001016March Size can
attach Lv4 only
Wei QingBasic510106Ground Atk -15%
Mounted Atk -15%
WashingtonBasic8136100can’t attach Atk127102102
Honda TadakatsuBasic3510700Ground HP -15%
Mounted HP -15%
All type Def -10%
Ulysses S. Grant (+Dragon)Basic56006626262
Ulysses S. GrantBasic15006212121
Xiang yuBasic451000All type Def -10%can’t attach Atk553070

Related – Other Recommended Generals

List of Best Generals

Recommended generals are summarized by role, such as battle-oriented and development-oriented.

Recommended Main Generals

For a detailed look at each type of troops, click here.

Recommended Assistant Generals
Subordinate City Debuff Generals (Mayor)
Subordinate City Generals (Mayor) Debuff Comparison Tool

Red Star & Specialty can be specified.

List of All Generals
List of Generals by Role (+ How to Get)

A comprehensive list of all golden historic generals, over 100 in total, by role.


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Phong Lãng

Kích thước hành quân liệu có tốt hơn các chỉ số tấn công, phòng thủ không?

Does a 2 star Hestia with full speciality finished beat a 1 star Napoleon with full speciality when placing as a an assistant, I’m not sure and I am wondering.

Also will a 1 star Napoleon or 2 star Hestia with complete speciality have more buff and be better for attack than a 10 star Roland, if using Andre Massena as the assistant, when I add up buffs it looks pretty close but I’m not sure.

First question: Hestia is superior. Assistant’s stars are meaningless (details).

Second question: is the star you are referring to the red star? If you can put a skin and a dragon on Napoleon Prime, then Napoleon Prime is superior.
If you can’t put skins on Napoleon, then all three of them are about equal under those conditions.


Why isn’t Napoleon prime at the first place in ranking B? And since when is there a difference between him having a dragon or Spiritual beast? And where is B2 ranking?

The reason for not putting him in first place has already been stated in the premise.
There is a difference between a dragon and a beast from the beginning. See his specialty.


roland assist poligenus or martinus assist mordred is better ?


Hi, i have Poligenus, Sun Ce, Roland and Li Naomasa

I was thinking to pairing Poligenus with Sun Ce and Roland with Li Naomasa. Is that good?

However, Roland and Li Naomasa cannot add mounted attack due to basic skills, is there better way to pair 4 of them?


I checked on 3/11/2023 (app version 4.42.1) and found that the original skill of the assistant general Honda Tadakatsu was grayed out due to conflict with the main general’s additional skill “mounted troops attack Lv.4”.
I would like to confirm if this is due to the update, as I thought it was effective before.

Hello. Thanks for sharing. It’s really helpful to me. I need a suggestion. I can’t still make a decision between monster hunter and mounted pvp general combo. I have roland, martinus, modred and maximilian I. I want to put roland as my pvp general but unfortunately modred can’t be paired up with roland. So my question is if i make modred as monster assistant general (main general -martinus). If so, will his skill would become a waste? And i’m f2p player.

It will not be wasted.
Whether a skill is wasted or not is summarized in the compatibility chart in the following article.
Assistant Generals Guide

Ultimately, it depends on whether PvP or monster hunting is more important to you.
For the more important one, I would suggest Martinus + Mordred, and for the less important one, Martinus + Roland. (The former has better numbers)

Уровень монарха 32. Генерал Юэ Фей главный, помощник Цезарь. Викинг 44 уровень(трудный). Войска Т12 кавалерия 718000. Все 3 баффа. раненых 31500. Это нормально или очень плохо? Подскажите.

Evony silently nerfed Eugene. I have him as assistant to Hannibal and your Combo suggestions show you like them also. It was always fine. But now I see that Eugene‘s main skill suddenly is greyed out, because it collides with cavs attack skillbook which I have on Hannibal. This wasn’t the case earlier. This reduces the combo by 25% cavs attack 😞

Your Table shows Roland has -20% range debuff. I am not seeing that anywhere. Can you explain?

Have custer as monster hunter with attack,attack against monsters and HP against monsters..can you recommend an assistant that works please?

Fahim Nazari

Hi over all it is best information i always got from here. But i have a question ⁉️ I really work on Hannibal as main general but I don’t know which general is best for his assist general would you give me some help about it! please 🙏


When I put a march size skill on Barbarossa in addition to his unique skills when I made him an assistant, there was a counteracting of skills inside Barbarossa. (I did not put the March Size skill on my main general.)

Try Wei Qing
he can work for either Mounting or Range
if you have limited RSS, you might just want to train him and put in March Size, March Speed.

Fahim Nazari

I use Hannibal as main general and Roland as assist general but Roland doesn’t give 30% why ? in here you write it gives what is the matter?

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