Skillbook List (Lv1~4 Effects)

Updated 1/28/2021 – New skill book added (Attack, Defense, HP when attacking monsters)


March Size3%6%9%12%Increases March Size when General is leading the army.
March Speed10%15%20%25%Increases March Speed when General is leading the army.
Renascence15%25%50%75%Reduces the General’s imprisoned time and reviving time.
Ground Troop Speed5%10%15%20%Increases Ground Troop Speed when General is leading the army.
Ground Troop Attack10%15%20%25%Increases Ground Troops Attack when General is leading the army.
Ground Troop Defence10%15%20%25%Increases Ground Troops Defense when General is leading the army.
Ground Troop HP10%15%20%25%Increases Ground Troops HP when General is leading the army.
Ranged Troop Range Bonus255075100Increases Ranged Troop’s Attack Range when General is leading the army.
Ranged Troop Attack10%15%20%25%Increases Ranged Troop Attack when General is leading the army.
Ranged Troop Defence10%15%20%25%Increased Ranged Troop Defense when General is leading the army.
Ranged Troop HP10%15%20%25%Increases Ranged Troops HP when General is leading the army.
Mounted Troop Speed5%10%15%20%Increases Mounted Troop Speed when General is leading the army.
Mounted Troop Attack10%15%20%25%Increases Mounted Troop Attack when General is leading the army.
Mounted Troop Defence10%15%20%25%Increases Mounted Troop Defense when General is leading the army.
Mounted Troop HP10%15%20%25%Increases Mounted Troop HP when General is leading the army.
Siege Machine Range Bonus50100150200Increases Siege Machine’s Attack Range when General is leading the army.
Siege Machine Attack10%15%20%25%Increases Siege Machine Attack when General is leading the army.
Siege Machine Defence10%15%20%25%Increases Siege Machine Defense when General is leading the army.
Siege Machine HP10%15%20%25%Increases Siege Machine HP when General is leading the army.
Ground Troop Attack Against Monster15%25%35%45%Increases Ground Troops Attack when General is leading the army to attack Monsters.
Ground Troop Defence Against Monster15%25%35%45%Increases Ground Troops Defense when General is leading the army to attack Monsters.
Ground Troop HP Against Monster15%25%35%45%Increases Ground Troops HP when General is leading the army to attack Monsters.
Ranged Troop Attack Against Monster15%25%35%45%Increases Ranged Troop Attack when General is leading the army to attack Monsters.
Ranged Troop Defence Against Monster15%25%35%45%Increased Ranged Troop Defense when General is leading the army to attack Monsters.
Ranged Troop HP Against Monster15%25%35%45%Increases Ranged Troops HP when General is leading the army to attack Monsters.
Mounted Troop Attack Against Monster15%25%35%45%Increases Mounted Troop Attack when General is leading the army to attack Monsters.
Mounted Troop Defence Against Monster15%25%35%45%Increases Mounted Troop Defense when General is leading the army to attack Monsters.
Mounted Troop HP Against Monster15%25%35%45%Increases Mounted Troop HP when General is leading the army to attack Monsters.


Note: The following “Exploration” skill books are currently only implemented on some servers. Also, only Lv 3 is confirmed.

Food Exploration20%Food to be brought back from the resource tile on the map will be added.
Lumber Exploration20%Lumber to be brought back from the resource tile on the map will be added.
Stone Exploration20%Stone to be brought back from the resource tile on the map will be added.
Ore Exploration20%Ore to be brought back from the resource tile on the map will be added.
Food Gatherer15%25%35%45%Increase Food Gathering Speed when General is leading the army.
Lumber Gatherer15%25%35%45%Increases Lumber Gathering Speed when General is leading the army.
Stone Gatherer15%25%35%45%Increase Stone Gathering Speed when General is leading the army.
Ore Gatherer15%25%35%45%Increase Ore Gathering Speed when General is leading the army.
Ground Troop Load15%25%35%45%Increased Ground Troop Load when General is leading the army.
Ranged Troop Load15%25%35%45%Increase Ranged Troop Load when General is leading the army.
Mounted Troop Load15%25%35%45%Increased Mounted Troop Load when General is leading the army.
Siege Machine Troop Load15%25%35%45%Increased Siege Machine Load when General is leading the army.
Luck5%10%15%18%Grants you a Double Items Drop Rate from Monsters when General is leading the army.
Monster’s Respect10%15%20%25%Offers extra EXP from killing monsters when General is leading the army.
Monster March Speed15%25%35%45%Increases March Speed towards Monsters when General is leading the army.

Subordinate City

Rebirth1%2%3%5%Increase subordinate city troops’ death to survival rate when General is the Mayor.
Construction15%25%35%45%Increases the Construction Speed in Subordinate City when General is the Mayor.
Gold Production15%25%35%45%Boosts the Gold Production Speed in Subordinate City when General is the Mayor.
Training Capacity15%25%35%45%Increases Troop Training Capacity in Subordinate City when General is the Mayor.
Training Speed10%15%20%25%Increases Troop Training Speed in Subordinate City when General is the Mayor.



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I didn’t know there was such a thing as a skill book for the duty.
I think it’s a good implementation that scratches an itch.
But there are many kinds of books from level 1 to 4, and one random book for $99 is a bit much….


Around the 4.49 version, exploitation, a skill that should be possible to learn at book level 3, is missing from the book.
If you have any information on this, I would appreciate it if you could let me know.

6 times 7

Let’s say my I attack a monster with a main general, and assistant general, and all my subordinate cities. My main general has Monster’s respect.
Does the EXP bonus only go to the general with Monster’s respect?
Or does my assistant get the EXP bonus also? Do the subordinate city generals get the EXP bonus?


I just want to know that , let suppose if general have one main skill and one red book skill but both are same skill . Does the both skill will take effect .
For example “Wason Weaver ” she have range attack in main skill if I gave her same red book ( range attack red book ) , does red book take effect

Click on the “magnifying glass” next to your general, when configuring the march (right before the attack). It will show which skills/books are active/inactive.

Hello, I am always referring to you. Thank you! The other day I saw for the first time a skill that increases the amount of each resource gathered, where can I get this skill? If you know, I would like to know.

Is there skill books out there that you can’t get anymore? I have buffalo bill (and only keep him for this skill) he has a level 3 lumber exploration skill book. This lets him gather an extra 20% lumber. My server was made in January.


I have always been interested in your site. This week in the throne war, there was a phenomenon in which it was possible to put up a truce shield in spite of the fact that I took the royal city.
After checking with some people, we settled on the result that it seems to be possible to use as long as it is a 3-day truce shield, but is that possible?

From new server’s event, we can get exploitation skill books, which make extra resources from gathering. They are all lv3, making 20% extra. They’re precious and not easy to keep, because we have only one for each, and it may be replaced when learning new skill. Extra resources are really appealing, because it’s a conception of compound interest. The formula of all you got is base*(1+a%)*b%*time, where a is all speed buffs you get, b is extra rate.

This isn’t a full list..? I have skill books lvl 3 ore exploitation. Where are the rss exploitation skill books? Looking for lvl 4

Does ground troop speed book work for wall general or only for attacking ground general?

Michael Palmer

So military skills such as increase ranged troop attack have an effect on a main city defense general?

Is “march speed” only effective in PvP? I thought that if I could stack “march speed” with “march speed against monsters”, I could use Cleopatra, who has low attack power, as a monster-hunting general for 1:1 rally participation only.

Thank you very much. I found out that the monster march speed is added to the basic march speed. If I participate in a rally, it will only be faster on the way back, but I still think it’s better than nothing.

The 1* , my General’s first book, started to glow, what does it mean?


In the effect of cavalry speed, I don’t understand what “increases the speed of cavalry” means. What exactly is the effect of this?

I want to replace a lvl3 ground troop hp skill with a lvl 4 March speed without replacing the existing skills of lvl4 monsters respect & lvl4 mounted troop defence which are already on my general.
Pls guide

Sweety Heys

Hallo, wenn ich skill Book Reiter HP 25% und Reiter HP gegen monster 45% nehme addieren sich die Werte???

> Hello, if I take skill book mounted HP 25% and mounted HP against monster 45% the values add up???
Please see my response to Tim B. below. I think it is the same.

Does the Monsters Respect skill book only give additional general xp or does it also give additional monarch xp? Thanks!

With Li Jing bass +35 mounted attack I added mounted attack against monsters +25 and the injured seemed to go up. Am I correct in thinking when attacking monsters the game only uses one attack skill at a time? In this case the +25 against monsters not both +60.

I actually tested it. Both skills are added and used.
A) When “Mounted Attack Against Monster +45%” is added to a general with “Mounted Attack +10%”
B) For the “A” of the above, When “Mounted Attack” is upgraded to +25%.
In both cases, wounds were reduced.

With only the result of A, there are three possibilities.
– Both are added.
– Only against-monsters are used.
– Only the higher% is used.

But considering the result of B, both are added.

Note that in the case of normal monsters, not bosses, increasing the attack may increase the wound “count”.
See the following article for details.
Battle Mechanics (Monster, Boss)


I always find it helpful. Thank you for a great site.
I have a question, does the Against Monsters skill also work on world boss monsters?
I wasn’t able to verify this last time, so if you already know, could you please let me know?


I verified that it was valid. Thank you very much.


I think that’s treated differently from monsters, since the monster march speed doesn’t apply…

These new “against monster” skills were introduced recently.. why about Generals who already have 3 older skills added.. how do I add these new “against monster skills

For example, if you use the “Mounted Troop Attack Against Monster” skill book on a general who already has three additional skills and already has the “Mounted Troop Attack” skill, the “Mounted Troop Attack Against Monster” will definitely be added, but which skills will disappear is luck. There is no control over this.


If I have 3 skills on a general and want to upgrade with the equivalent 3 skills vs monster… Will that work? Or so I need to start over?

You need to start over.😭
“Mounted Troop Attack” and “Mounted Troop Attack Against Monster” are treated differently.
Therefore, if you already attach a level 1 “Mounted Troop Attack” on your general, and then use a level 4 “Mounted Troop Attack Against Monster”, you will not be able to upgrade.
However, the good news is that you can put both of these on your general, so you can increase his attack more than ever.
Also, you can also attach “Mounted Troop Attack Against Monster” to a general who cannot attach “Mounted Troop Attack” like Li Jing! 😃

Am I correct in assuming that all of the new skill books will be effective when attacking monsters?

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