Red Equipment Comparison (Dragon, Ares, Achaemenidae)

(Note – “Imperial / Parthian / Civilization Equipment” is not included in this article.)
– Here is “Imperial / Parthian Equipment Guide”.
Here is “Civilization Equipment Recommended Combinations”.

6/12/2022 – Removed Plantaginet information due to conflicts with another article
10/8/2021 – Updated information on the Plantagenet Equipment
8/17/2021 – Updated information on the Plantagenet ring
4/28/2021 – Added about Plantagenet Ring which will be added in ver3.87.11 update.

Basic Crafting Requirements

  • At Forge level 27, dragon equipment is available for crafting. (Scroll required.)
  • At Forge level 30, Ares equipment is available for crafting. (Requires an upgrade from dragon equipment)
  • At Forge level 33, Achaemenidae equipment is available for crafting. (Scroll required.)
  • At Keep level 33, Civilization equipment is available for crafting. (Scroll required.) Can be crafted at forge level 32 or lower.

Reference : How to get Scroll

Note about Ares’ Crafting Requirements
there are other requirements to achieve besides the Forge Lv, and depending on the equipment, the difficulty of achieving them varies quite a bit.

For example, Weapons have relatively easy requirements (e.g., Archer camp lv30), but Armor requires “Wonder lv1” (i.e., top 5 in SvS individual ranking), Rings require “Own 6 Epic Historic Generals and each General’s power reaches 3.5M”, etc. Some people will find Achaemenes easier than Ares.

Note about Ares Upgrading – If the dragon equipment you want to upgrade is still equipped on your general, you will not be able to upgrade it to Ares. (Please try removing the equipment from the general.)

Basic Difference

  • Dragon is the weakest, and Ares and Achaemenidae are of equal strength (with different buffing directions). The total amount of materials and cost needed to craft is greater for Ares than for Achaemenidae, but that doesn’t mean that Achaemenes is a better deal.
  • Only Ares and Achaemenidae have equipment with debuffs.
  • The maximum additional buff you can get from refining equipment is 80% for dragons and 100% for Ares and Achaemenidae. Therefore, if efficiency is important, dragon equipment should not be refined. It should be upgraded to Ares before refining it. (For example, with dragon equipment, you can add 4 “Ranged Troop Attack +20%” for +80%, and with Ares equipment, you can add 4 “Ranged Troop Attack +25%” for +100%. (In theory.)

Ares & Achaemenidae’s Primary Usage

Broadly speaking, Ares tends to be good at attacking, Achaemenes good at defending and subordinate city mayor debuffs.

Bow (Ranged)PvP (Attack)PvP (Defense)
Spear (Mounted)Boss Monster Hunt & PvPPvP (vs Ground)
Axe (Siege)PvP (Attack)PvP (Defense)
Sword (Ground)PvPPvP

Helmet– PvP (Defense)– PvP (Attack)– Debuff
– PvP (Defense)
– Monster Hunt
– PvP (Defense)
– Debuff
Armor– PvP (Attack)
– Monster Hunt
– Debuff– Debuff– PvP (Defense)
– Debuff
Leg Armor– PvP (Defense)– PvP (Attack)
– Monster Hunt
– PvP (Defense)
– Debuff
– Debuff
Boots– PvP (Defense)– PvP (Attack)
– Monster Hunt
– Debuff
– PvP (Defense)
– Debuff
Ring– Debuff– Debuff– Debuff– Debuff

*PvP – Player vs Player

Detailed Comparison (Weapons)

Bow (Ranged)

Dragon BowAres BowAchaemenidae Bow
Primary UsagePvP (Attack & Defense)PvP (Attack)PvP (Defense)

Basic AttributesRanged Troop Attack +25%Ranged Troop Attack +30%Ranged Troop Attack +30%

March Speed +25%Marching Ranged Troop Attack +10%In City Ranged Troop Defense +15%

In City Ranged Troop Attack +6%Marching Ground Troop Defense +10%Enemy Siege Machine Attack -20%

Subordinate City Training Speed +20%March Speed +30%March Speed +30%

RequirementLv7 Dragon Scale x15Lv7 Dragon Scale x30Lv7 Dragon Scale x40

Lv7 iron x15Lv7 Bronze x20Lv7 Bronze x30

Lv7 Animal Bone x15Lv7 Animal Bone x20Lv7 Silver Pearl x30

Lv7 Meteorolite x15Lv7 Meteorolite x30Lv7 Wood x40

Dragon Bow Scroll800 Badges, 30M GoldAchaemenidae Bow Scroll

Forge Lv27Forge Lv30Forge Lv33

Archer Camp Lv30

Spear (Mounted)

Dragon SpearAres SpearAchaemenidae Spear
Primary UsageBoss Monster Hunt & PvPBoss Monster Hunt & PvPPvP (vs Ground)

Basic AttributesMounted Troop Attack +25%Mounted Troop Attack +30%Mounted Troop Attack +30%

Marching Mounted Troop Defense +5%Marching Mounted Troop Defense +10%Enemy Ground Troop Defense -20%

Siege Machine Defense +20%Marching Mounted Troop HP +10%Enemy Ground Troop HP -20%

March Speed to Monsters +40%March Speed to Monsters +45%March Speed to Monsters +45%

RequirementLv7 Dragon Scale x15Lv7 Dragon Scale x30Lv7 Dragon Scale x40

Lv7 iron x15Lv7 Bronze x20Lv7 Bronze x30

Lv7 Animal Bone x15Lv7 Animal Bone x20Lv7 Silver Pearl x30

Lv7 Meteorolite x15Lv7 Meteorolite x30Lv7 Wood x40

Dragon Spear Scroll800 Badges, 30M GoldAchaemenidae Spear Scroll

Forge Lv27Forge Lv30Forge Lv33

Stables Lv30

Axe (Siege)

Dragon AxeAres AxeAchaemenidae Axe
Primary UsagePvP (Attack & Defense)PvP (Attack)PvP (Defense)

Basic AttributesSiege Machine Attack +25%Siege Machine Attack +30%Siege Machine Attack +30%

Marching Siege Machine HP +6%Marching Siege Machine HP +10%Enemy Ground Troop HP -20%

Increase Construction Speed in Subordinate City +15%Ranged Troop Defense +20%Enemy Ranged Troop HP -20%

Ranged Troop Defense +20%Enemy Ranged Troop HP -18%In City Ground Troop Defense +15%

RequirementLv7 Dragon Scale x15Lv7 Dragon Scale x30Lv7 Dragon Scale x40

Lv7 iron x15Lv7 Bronze x20Lv7 Bronze x30

Lv7 Animal Bone x15Lv7 Animal Bone x20Lv7 Silver Pearl x30

Lv7 Meteorolite x15Lv7 Meteorolite x30Lv7 Wood x40

Dragon Axe Scroll800 Badges, 30M GoldAchaemenidae Axe Scroll

Forge Lv27Forge Lv30Forge Lv33

Workshop Lv30

Sword (Ground)

Dragon SwordAres SwordAchaemenidae Sword
Primary UsagePvPPvPPvP

Basic AttributesGround Troop Attack +25%Ground Troop Attack +30%Ground Troop Attack +30%

Marching Ground Troop Defense +5%In City Ground Troop Defense +15%In City Ground Troop Defense +15%

Troop Load +15%Enemy Mounted Troop HP -18%Enemy Mounted Troop Attack -20%

Subordinate City Training Speed +20%Troop Load +17%Troop Load +17%

RequirementLv7 Dragon Scale x15Lv7 Dragon Scale x30Lv7 Dragon Scale x40

Lv7 iron x15Lv7 Bronze x20Lv7 Bronze x30

Lv7 Animal Bone x15Lv7 Animal Bone x20Lv7 Silver Pearl x30

Lv7 Meteorolite x15Lv7 Meteorolite x30Lv7 Wood x40

Dragon Sword Scroll800 Badges, 30M GoldAchaemenidae Sword Scroll

Forge Lv27Forge Lv30Forge Lv33

Barracks Lv30

Detailed Comparison (Protectors)


Dragon HelmetAres HelmetAchaemenidae Helmet

Courageous Dragon HelmetCourageous Ares HelmetCourageous Achaemenidae Helmet
Primary UsageGround, WallGround, WallWall, Mayor-Debuff, Mounted

Basic AttributesGround Troop Attack +15%Ground Troop Attack +17%Mounted Troop Attack +17%

Ground Troop HP +15%Ground Troop HP +17%Enemy Ground Troop Defense -20%

Siege Machine Defense +15%Siege Machine Defense +17%Enemy Ground Troop HP -20%

In City Ground Troop Defense +5%In City Ground Troop Defense +10%In City Ranged Troop Attack +10%

Fearless Dragon HelmetFearless Ares HelmetFearless Achaemenidae Helmet
Primary UsageMounted, RangedMounted, RangedWall, Mayor-Debuff

Basic AttributesRanged Troop Attack +15%Ranged Troop Attack +17%Ground Troop HP +17%

Mounted Troop HP +15%Mounted Troop HP +17%Mounted Troop HP +17%

Siege Machine Attack +15%Siege Machine Attack +17%Enemy Mounted Troop Attack -20%

Marching Siege Machine Defense +5%Marching Mounted Troop HP +7%In City Mounted Troop Attack +10%

Courageous & Fearless

RequirementLv7 Dragon Scale x15Lv7 Dragon Scale x20Lv7 Dragon Scale x30

Lv7 Iron x15Lv7 Iron x20Lv7 Iron x30

Lv7 Bronze x15Lv7 Wood x30Lv7 Wood x40

Lv7 Blue Stone x15Lv7 Blue Stone x30Lv7 Blue Stone x40

Dragon Helmet Scroll800 Badges, 30M GoldAchaemenidae Helmet Scroll

Forge Lv27Forge Lv30Forge Lv33

Super Defending Troop Defense Lv25


Dragon ArmorAres ArmorAchaemenidae Armor

Courageous Dragon ArmorCourageous Ares ArmorCourageous Achaemenidae Armor
Primary UsageMounted, RangedMounted, RangedRanged, Wall, Mayor-Debuff

Basic AttributesMounted Troop Attack +15%Mounted Troop Attack +17%Siege Machine Attack +17%

Mounted Troop Defense +15%Mounted Troop Defense +17%Siege Machine Defense +17%

Marching Mounted Troop HP +5%Marching Mounted Troop HP +7%Enemy Siege Machine Attack -20%

Ranged Troop HP +15%Ranged Troop HP +17%Enemy Mounted Troop Defense -20%

Fearless Dragon ArmorFearless Ares ArmorFearless Achaemenidae Armor
Primary UsageGround, Ranged, WallGround, Wall, Mayor-DebuffWall, Mayor-Debuff

Basic AttributesGround Troop Defense +15%Ground Troop Defense +17%Ground Troop Defense +17%

Siege Machine HP +15%Ground Troop HP +17%Ground Troop HP +17%

Ranged Troop Defense +15%Enemy Ranged Troop Attack -20%Enemy Mounted Troop Defense -20%

In City Ground Troop Defense +5%Enemy Siege Machine Attack -20%In City Ranged Troop Attack +10%

Courageous & Fearless

RequirementLv7 Feather x15Lv7 Feather x20Lv7 Feather x30

Lv7 Animal Bone x15Lv7 Animal Bone x30Lv7 Animal Bone x40

Lv7 Leather x15Lv7 Leather x20Lv7 Leather x30

Lv7 Purple Crystal x15Lv7 Purple Crystal x30Lv7 Purple Crystal x40

Dragon Armor Scroll800 Badges, 30M GoldAchaemenidae Armor Scroll

Forge Lv27Forge Lv30Forge Lv33

Wonder Lv1

Leg Armor

Dragon Leg ArmorAres Leg ArmorAchaemenidae Leg Armor

Courageous Dragon Leg ArmorCourageous Ares Leg ArmorCourageous Achaemenidae Leg Armor
Primary UsageRanged, Mounted, Siege, WallRanged, Mounted, Siege, WallRanged, Siege, Wall, Mayor-Debuff

Basic AttributesRanged Troop Defense +15%Ranged Troop Defense +17%Ranged Troop Attack +17%

Mounted Troop HP +15%Mounted Troop HP +17%Siege Machine HP +17%

Siege Machine Attack +15%Siege Machine Attack +17%Enemy Mounted Troop Attack -20%

In City Ranged Troop Defense +5%In City Ranged Troop Defense +10%In City Ranged Troop Defense +10%

Fearless Dragon Leg ArmorFearless Ares Leg ArmorFearless Achaemenidae Leg Armor
Primary UsageGround, MountedGround, MountedGround, Siege, Mayor-Debuff

Basic AttributesGround Troop HP +15%Ground Troop HP +17%Ground Troop HP +17%

Mounted Troop Attack +15%Mounted Troop Attack +17%Siege Machine Attack +17%

Marching Mounted Troop Defense +5%Marching Mounted Troop Defense +7%Enemy Ranged Troop Defense -20%

Subordinate City Training Speed +22%Marching Ground Troop Defense +7%Enemy Siege Machine Attack -20%

Courageous & Fearless

RequirementLv7 Dragon Scale x15Lv7 Dragon Scale x20Lv7 Dragon Scale x30

Lv7 Iron x15Lv7 Iron x30Lv7 Iron x40

Lv7 Feather x15Lv7 Feather x20Lv7 Feather x30

Lv7 Silver Pearl x15Lv7 Silver Pearl x30Lv7 Silver Pearl x40

Dragon Leg Armor Scroll800 Badges, 30M GoldAchaemenidae Leg Armor Scroll

Forge Lv27Forge Lv30Forge Lv33

Hospital Lv30


Dragon BootsAres BootsAchaemenidae Boots

Courageous Dragon BootsCourageous Ares BootsCourageous Achaemenidae Boots
Primary UsageGround, Siege, WallGround, Siege, WallGround, Wall, Mayor-Debuff

Basic AttributesGround Troop Defense +15%Ground Troop Defense +17%Ground Troop Defense +17%

Siege Machine HP +15%Siege Machine HP +17%Enemy Siege Machine Attack -20%

In City Siege Machine Attack +5%In City Siege Machine Attack +10%Enemy Mounted Troop Attack -20%

All Troops Load +22%All Troops Load +24%In City Ranged Troop Attack +10%

Fearless Dragon BootsFearless Ares BootsFearless Achaemenidae Boots
Primary UsageMounted, RangedMounted , RangedRanged, Mounted, Mayor-Debuff

Basic AttributesMounted Troop Defense +15%Ranged Troop HP +17%Ranged Troop HP +17%

Ranged Troop HP +15%Mounted Troop Defense +17%Mounted Troop HP +17%

Marching Mounted Troop Attack +5%Marching Mounted Troop Attack +7%Enemy Siege Machine Attack -20%

March Speed +22%March Speed +24%March Speed +24%

Courageous & Fearless

RequirementLv7 Red Agate x15Lv7 Red Agate x30Lv7 Red Agate x40

Lv7 Leather x15Lv7 Leather x30Lv7 Leather x40

Lv7 Meteorolite x15Lv7 Meteorolite x20Lv7 Meteorolite x30

Lv7 Bronze x15Lv7 Bronze x20Lv7 Bronze x30

Dragon Boots Scroll800 Badges, 30M GoldAchaemenidae Boots Scroll

Forge Lv27Forge Lv30Forge Lv33

Dragon Master


Special Note – If you are looking for a Double Drop, the “Courageous Dragon Ring” is the choice. (Ares and Achaemenidae don’t have it.)

Dragon RingAres RingAchaemenidae Ring

Courageous Dragon RingCourageous Ares RingCourageous Achaemenidae Ring
Primary UsageMonster Hunt, SiegeSiege, Mounted, Mayor-DebuffSiege, Mounted, Mayor-Debuff

Basic AttributesKilling Monster EXP +20%Mounted Troop Defense +20%Mounted Troop Defense +20%

Double Items Drop Rate
from Monsters +20%
Siege Machine Attack +20%Siege Machine Attack +20%

Siege Machine Attack +18%Enemy Ranged Troop Defense -18%Enemy Ranged Troop Attack -20%

Gold Production Speed in
Subordinate City +26%
Siege Machine Attack Range +5%Siege Machine Attack Range +5%

Fearless Dragon RingFearless Ares RingFearless Achaemenidae Ring
Primary UsageRanged, GroundGround, Ranged, Mayor-DebuffRanged, Mayor-Debuff

Basic AttributesRanged Troop HP +18%Ground Troop Defense +20%Ranged Troop Defense +20%

Ground Troop Attack +18%Ranged Troop Attack +20%Ranged Troop Attack +20%

Construction Speed in
Subordinate City +25%
Enemy Mounted Troop Attack -18%Enemy Ground Troop HP -20%

March Size Capacity +5%March Size Capacity +6%Enemy Mounted Troop HP -20%

Courageous & Fearless

RequirementLv7 Dragon Scale x15Lv7 Dragon Scale x20Lv7 Dragon Scale x30

Lv7 Blue Stone x15Lv7 Blue Stone x30Lv7 Blue Stone x40

Lv7 Red Agate x15Lv7 Red Agate x20Lv7 Red Agate x30

Lv7 Purple Crystal x15Lv7 Purple Crystal x30Lv7 Purple Crystal x40

Dragon Ring Scroll800 Badges, 30M GoldAchaemenidae Ring Scroll

Forge Lv27Forge Lv30Forge Lv33

King of Generals

“Which ones should I craft?”

I’ve put together some examples of equipment combinations for each type of troops to focus on. Please refer to the following articles.

Imperial / Parthian Equipment Guide

Civilization Equipment Guide

Forge Guide


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It will encourage me to update the site.


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Question What is the advanced refining in the forge?

How can I use it?


comment apprendre a faire le raffinement des équipements ??


Excuse my comment.
The set ability for a subordinate city mayor with 6 pieces of dragon equipment is listed as “attacking troop’s attack +10%”. Do you know if this set ability refers to the attack of troops from the city towards the monster or from the sub-cities towards the monster?

Naga Hantu-s950

Adakah artikel anda yang membahas pilihan jendral-jendral kota vasal/sub yang terbaik dan bagaimana meningkatkan mereka?

in refin better to save numbers or percentages? 1200 n more than 20%? or? how its working?

Does “ marching “ buffs on the gear work when reinforcing a teammate or when defending a building in battlefield?

Roman (server 990)

Thanks for this guide, it’s very helpful.

Do “In city” skills work only with wall generals?

I noticed differnce between my achaemenedae gear power and other players. Same gear at others have more power. Upgraded and refined. Difference is at some almost 100k in power. What is the catch i am missing out?

I want to upgrade my Dragon Helm to Ares, but I can’t. Why is this?
I have all the requirements.
Forge lv 33


Dragon equipment cannot be upgraded if the general is still wearing it. Could that be the cause?
Let’s remove the dragon helm from the general.

Kaan Ozberk

Plantagenet BOW:
Range Troop Attack +60% and Marching Ranged Troop Attack +35%
For attacking/Marching troop total is +95%
Or Only
For attacking/Marching troop total is +35%
Which one is correct?

Just a Q

Do you have an article about refinement?

I had the question,
Is it better to accept the increase of % or the increase of points?

What percentage should I accept when I refine the dragon/Archimea gear, 17% or 20% or only 23-25%?


I refer to this site all the time. It is my bible.
I would like to ask for your opinion on the “Han Dynasty Halberd” which was recently set to cake lvl 6 in Wonder’s equipment.
I’m wondering what kind of general should have it, and whether I should pay a lot of money to get it in the first place.

I’d like to ask you about refining equipment. When you refine an item, you get a random percentage increase, such as 1-15% (for king equipment), or you get the numerical value. When you get the value you want, lock it with a gem and keep refining the other three items until you get the similar value, is that the right way to do it?

Does this mean that all items except the locked item will continue to change with each refinement?

I’m not sure if this is the right way to think about it, but I’d appreciate it if you could tell me.

Thanks again for your help 😊.

Thank you very much for your help.

This is the first time I’m crafting dragon equipment, so I’d like to ask for your advice. In the basic performance of the equipment, there is a dragon equipment that says “in-city xxx attack +5%”. Does this mean that this ability is only available when it is equipped to a defense general? 

For example, if you equip it when attacking an opponent’s castle, does it mean that only the basic performance other than the one that says “in-city xxx” will be effective?

I would appreciate it if you could tell me.
Please let me know.

If I refine Dragon armor is there differences in the options for refinement, I can’t seem to get mounted attack at all? Additionally what’s the difference between % and + attributes?

Armor can not refine for Attack. Only Ring And Weapon can. Armor will get defends. Attributes are better for low tier troops, but worse in the lategame on High Tier Troops -> refine for percentages

I always refer to it and it is very helpful 😊
Thank you!

I have a question about upgrading from dragon equipment to ares equipment.

I thought it would be difficult for a while to meet the conditions for Ares equipment and Achaemenid equipment, so I starred and refined the dragon equipment.

If I upgrade my starred and refined dragon equipment to Ares equipment, will it still be upgraded at the same level as before?

Or is it better to create a new dragon equipment and upgrade to Ares equipment?

I would appreciate it if you could let me know.
Thank you.


I always use your site as a reference for my strategy. Thank you very much.

I have a question about the attack parameter of equipment refinement.
There are two items in the equipment refinement that increase attack: numerical increase and % increase, which one is more advantageous?

In my opinion, I think the former is a recognition that is added to the attack value per body before buffing. If that is the case, it seems that the former is simply better than the latter in terms of performance between +1000 and +25%, which is almost the maximum value for Ares equipment.

It’s a question that I’m groping for because there are so many things I don’t understand, but I would appreciate it if you could teach me. Nice to meet you.


I am sorry for the delay in contacting you. The page you presented solved my question. Thank you very much.

Nguyễn Tuấn Anh

Bạn cho tôi hỏi cách tinh luyện trang bị để có tỉ lệ % cao nhất. Cảm ơn bạn. Tôi rất khó khăn để đạt được % kết quả tinh luyện cao.

> Can you tell me how to refine equipment to get the highest percentage. Thank you. It’s very difficult for me to get a high refining result %.

We have no choice but to do it many times. There is no method like a trick.

In the case of Ares & Achaemenidae, At the very least, the best way to keep costs down is to not lock anything below 20%. Lock only 21% to 25%. Locking 20% or less “for the time being” and starting over later is a huge waste of gems & refining stones.

I got the Plantagenet ring scroll, but it’s not even listed in the forge. It is listed in the items.


There is a list in Wonder’s Civilization Equipment.

Thank you. It would be hard to redo the refinement because it would consume a lot of gems, and I think it would take a lot of time and gems to get the attack x4, do you have any tips?

Unfortunately, there is no way to deal with this except to not refine the dragon equipment.
The only way to make it attack x4 is to pour gems and refining stones into it anyway.

I always refer to your site. Thank you very much.
I’ve upgraded to 3 different types of Ares equipment. (Helm, Boots, and Spear) Each has a March size of +10%, but the March size has not changed since the Dragon equipment. Since the Fearless Dragon Ring originally had the ability to increase March Size (+11%), is it not added and the maximum value is applied?

I think you probably mean the buffs in the “Set Attributes” column, but “March Size Capacity +10%” is not attached to each piece of equipment, but is enabled when you equip 6 Ares equipment.
In addition, since you have 3 Ares, the “Attacking Troop’s Attack +15%” should be active. (If you look at the general’s equipment screen, the text should be green.

Oh, my God! So that’ s how it was. Regardless of Ares, I didn’t understand the situation in which the “set attribute” was demonstrated in the first place. As you said, a general with a full set of equipment has the set attribute column in green, but equipment that is used separately is still in white. I would like to review all other equipment as well. Thank you very much for your help.

Does upgrading to Ares equipment take as much time as crafting?
Or is it done instantly as long as the conditions are right?


superbe guide merci
Quel est le meilleur équipement pour général Cavalerie et Boss ?
entre Arés et Archemenide
Je pense
-Lance Arés
-Casque Archemenide courageux
-Armure Ares Courageux
-Jambières Ares intrépide
-Botte Archemenide Intrepide
-Anneau Ares courageux

Merci pour votre réponse

great guide thank you
What is the best equipment for general Cavalry and Boss?
between Ares and Archemenidae
I think
-Ares spear
-Courageous Archemenidae Helmet
-Courageous Ares Armor
-Fearless Ares leg Armor
-Fearless Archemenidae Boot
-Courageous Ares Ring

Thank you for your answer
There is one suggestion in this guide. Please refer to it.
Red Equipment Combination List (Which Should You Make?)

Forgot to mention. That is lot of effort to write these articles. Really appreciate. Really glad you have taken time and sharing your experience.

Any plan to upgrade this equipment lists brother? Waiting for the rest (leg armor, boots, ring).
Any suggestion for pure archer attack general?
For alfred i was thinking:
– Fearless Ares Bow
– Fearless Ares Helmet
– Courageous Ares Armor (or Courageous Achaemenidae Armor?)
– Fearless Achaemenidae Ring
– Courageous Achaemenidae Leg Armor
– Fearless Achaemenidae Boot(or Fearless Ares Boot)

I’m sorry for the wait. 😭  It’s taking me a while to make the list, but I will make it all.

Pure archer specialization (with little or no siege) If you mean that, then I think almost the same.
However, for boots, I would choose “Fearless Achaemenidae Boot”. (I would not choose the Fearless Ares Boot.)
The reason is that it has a debuff against siege machines, the natural enemy of archers.

In addition, if you want to use a “archer + siege”, I think the “Courageous Achaemenidae Armor” and “Courageous Achaemenidae Ring” are better. 😃

Nice guide.
A lot of work needed in this game. Who knows how long it will take to make all the attack, defense gears then the achae gears for subs. And refining each. But that’s the beauty of the game. Its a marathon. Not a sprint.

I’ve refined my dragon equipment to a pretty good point, but I’m having trouble running out of refining stones. If a member belongs to an alliance that can collect materials well, I think it would be better to hold out until Ares.

Like the material, the refining stone will be gone soon😭
Comparatively, I get a lot from the Vikings and I try my best to beat them, but it’s not enough 😂

I can understand the argument that “dragon equipment shouldn’t be refined,” but if I did, I’d have to fight with a weak general until I could make Ares.
It may be futile in the end, but that’s one way to play it, I think.

Thank you for your opinion. I think so too.
I wrote it in the sense of “if you value efficiency,” so I may have written it in the wrong way. I’ve reworked it a bit.

I’m always referring to this site. I’ve upgraded from Dragon equipment to Ares. Is the additional buff going to change from 20% to 25%? I added the attack x4 buff to my dragon equipment by refining it. Will the % increase if I refine it again?

Yes. The maximum value will change. The value you got from the previous refinement will be carried over. Therefore, you have to redo the refinement to get more than 20%.

I agree with you that dragon equipment should not be refined for efficiency.

However, since the period from k27 to k30 may be quite long for some people, I feel that it would be more efficient to refine the dragon spear and dragon ring for monster hunting to some extent, exceptionally considering the efficiency of monster hunting.

However, recently, due to the enhancement of event bosses, resources and speed-ups have become much easier to collect, so you might be able to reach k30 in an instant without thinking about it (lol).


Yes, you can refine it up to 18%-20% for 1 stat (only 1), dont bother with using locks as once it is upgraded to Ares gear then those lock uses would be a waste. This is the optimal way.


If I upgrade from Dragon to Ares, will the star level upgraded in Dragon be reset?

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