How to kill Sphinx (Lv1-6)
The strength of the Sphinx, and the number of troops needed to defeat them, etc.
Basics of Monster Battles
- Fight with only the highest tier of mounted troops.
- Increase mounted troop attack (buff values can be roughly checked in the PvP battle report). Next, increase the number of troops. If you want to get zero wounds, there is no need to raise any other factors. (Reference: How to increase buffs, etc.)
- If casualties are inevitable, the number of wounded can be halved by activating the Monarch Talent Lv6 “Mortality”. Raising mounted troop HP & mounted troop defense is also effective, but does not dramatically reduce the number of wounded.
- Add debuffs.
- Not a normal debuff, but an against-monster debuff.
- Basically, you equip Yukimura Sanada (-5% defense) with a set of 4 dragon equipment (-10% attack & defense).
- If you are fighting solo, set it on the sub-city mayor as possible (they will stack).
- If you are rallying, only one of the participants needs to participate with it (it does not stack with the number of people, it only applies to one person).
For more details, please refer to this article.
Number of Troops to Kill – Details
Details on number of troops, wounded, generals, etc. are as follows.
Lv1 Sphinx 12.4M
t10 Cavalry 153,000 -> Wounded 2,350
(No Details)
t10 Cavalry 252,000 -> Wounded 1,300
Spartacus Lv32 + Gengis Khan Lv22 + Birds of Hurricane
t11 Cavalry 100,000 -> Wounded 0
Martinus with Ares equipment and Achaemenidae helmet, Power: 3.8
Lv2 Sphinx 22.3M
t12 Cavalry 300,000 -> Wounded 0
Martinus with Ares equipment and Achaemenidae helmet, Power: 3.8
Lv3 Sphinx 74.5M
t12 Cavalry 808,122 -> Wounded 2,015
Martinus with Ares equipment and Achaemenidae helmet, Power: 3.8
t12 Cavalry 900,000 -> Wounded 0
- Buff – 1,006% = Mounted Atk 873% + Against Monster Mounted Atk 103% + In-rally Atk 30%
- Debuff – Monster Atk & Def -10% (Dragon Eq Set 6/4)
- Monarch Talent Lv6 Mortality – Available
- Keep Lv38
- Research – Academy Lv35 Mounted MAX / Military Academy Lv3 Mounted MAX
- Main General – Bibars Lv38 3.1M
- Star 5 / Cultivate +500
- Skill Book – Mounted Troop Attack & Defense & HP Against Monster (All Lv4)
- Specialty – None
- Equipment – Dragon Eq x4 / Ares Eq x2
- Spiritual Beast – Bird of Hurricane Lv10 Gold
- Assistant – None
- Blazon – Soul Set Buff (6/6)
- Monarch Gear – Mounted Attack Lv9 / Defense Lv9 / HP Lv9
- Buff Items – None
- Subordinate City – None
Lv4 Sphinx 147.5M
t13 Cavalry 1,500,000 -> Wounded 6,624
- Buff – 1,006% = Mounted Atk 873% + Against Monster Mounted Atk 103% + In-rally Atk 30%
- Debuff – Monster Atk & Def -10% (Dragon Eq Set 4/6)
- Monarch Talent Lv6 Mortality – Available
- Keep Lv38
- Research – Academy Lv35 Mounted MAX / Military Academy Lv3 Mounted MAX
- Main General – Bibars Lv38 3.1M
- Star 5 / Cultivate +500
- Skill Book – Mounted Troop Attack & Defense & HP Against Monster (All Lv4)
- Specialty – None
- Equipment – Dragon Eq x4 / Ares Eq x2
- Spiritual Beast – Bird of Hurricane Lv10 Gold
- Assistant – None
- Blazon – Soul Set Buff (6/6)
- Monarch Gear – Mounted Attack Lv9 / Defense Lv9 / HP Lv9
- Buff Items – None
- Subordinate City – None
t13 Cavalry 1,578,911 -> Wounded 5,978
- Buff – 1,066% = Mounted Atk 933% + Against Monster Mounted Atk 103% + In-rally Atk 30%
- Debuff – Monster Atk & Def -10% (Dragon Eq Set 4/6)
- Monarch Talent Lv6 Mortality – Available
- Keep Lv38
- Research – Academy Lv35 Mounted MAX / Military Academy Lv3 Mounted MAX
- Main General – Bibars Lv38 3.1M
- Star 5 / Cultivate +500
- Skill Book – Mounted Troop Attack & Defense & HP Against Monster (All Lv4)
- Specialty – None
- Equipment – Dragon Eq x4 / Ares Eq x2
- Spiritual Beast – Bird of Hurricane Lv10 Gold
- Assistant – Gaius Octavius
- Blazon – Soul Set Buff (6/6)
- Monarch Gear – Mounted Attack Lv9 / Defense Lv9 / HP Lv9
- Buff Items – Atk / Def / HP all +20%
- Subordinate City – None
Lv5 Sphinx 225.2M
t14 Cavalry 2,161,100 -> wounded 0 (Atk Buff 1,546%)
- Buff – 1,546% = Mounted Atk 1,413% + Against Monster Mounted Atk 103% + In-rally Atk 30%
- Monarch Talent Lv6 Mortality – Available
- Keep Lv38
- Research – Academy Lv35 Mounted MAX / Military Academy Lv3 Mounted MAX
- Main General – Roland Lv39 7.3M
- Red Star 1 / Cultivate +500
- Specialty – Gold x3 / 4th is Orange
- Equipment – Ares Sword / Courageous Ares Armor / Plantagenet Boots, Helmet / Rurik Leg Armor / Freedom Star
- Dragon – Fafnir Lv14
- Assistant – Basil / Specialty – None
- Skill Book – Mounted Troop Attack & HP Against Monster / Mounted Troop Attack & HP / March Size / Luck (All Lv4)
- Blazon – Soul Set Buff (6/6)
- Monarch Gear – Mounted Attack Lv9 / Defense Lv9 / HP Lv9
- Buff Items – Ark / Def / HP +20%
- Subordinate City – None
Lv6 Sphinx 472.9M
(under investigation)
Reference – Mechanics of Monster Battle

Battle Mechanics (Monster, Boss)
In monster warfare, what is going on internally and how? Once we know that, we know what to watch out for. I have conducted many tests and analyzed the mechanics of combat.
Reference – Generals Recommendations
Other Bosses

Calculator: Number of Troops to Kill Boss
The tool calculates the number of troops required for zero wounding by simply entering the boss, troop type and level, and buffs/debuffs.

How Many Troops need to Defeat Boss?
A comprehensive guide that summarizes the required troop level and number of troops for each boss.
Normal Boss
Event Boss
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