Rank Type, Buff, Requirement List


Rank Requirements
  • Prestige: 3,000,000 & Rank Ranking: within 3
  • Or, use VIP Time at VIP Level avobe 19
  • Training Speed +70%
  • Healing Speed +70%
  • March Speed +70%
  • Generals Capacity +8
  • Subordinate Cities Capacity +6
  • March Size Capacity +100K
  • Traps Building Speed +70%


Rank Requirements
  • Prestige: 703,000 & Rank Ranking: within 10
  • Or, use VIP Time at VIP Level 18
  • Training Speed +50%
  • Healing Speed +50%
  • March Speed +50%
  • Generals Capacity +6
  • Subordinate Cities Capacity +6
  • March Size Capacity +50K
  • Traps Building Speed +50%


Rank Requirements
  • Prestige: 343,000 & Rank Ranking: within 40
  • Or, use VIP Time at VIP Level 17
  • Training Speed +30%
  • Healing Speed +30%
  • March Speed +30%
  • Generals Capacity +4
  • Subordinate Cities Capacity +5
  • March Size Capacity +30K
  • Traps Building Speed +30%


Rank Requirements
  • Prestige: 163,000 & Rank Ranking: within 90
  • Or, use VIP Time at VIP Level 16
  • Training Speed +20%
  • Healing Speed +20%
  • March Speed +20%
  • Generals Capacity +3
  • Subordinate Cities Capacity +4
  • March Size Capacity +20K
  • Traps Building Speed +20%


Rank Requirements
  • Prestige: 65,000 & Rank Ranking: within 170
  • Or, use VIP Time at VIP Level 15
  • Training Speed +15%
  • Healing Speed +15%
  • March Speed +15%
  • Generals Capacity +2
  • Subordinate Cities Capacity +3
  • March Size Capacity +15K
  • Traps Building Speed +15%


Rank Requirements
  • Prestige: 20,000 & Rank Ranking: within 270
  • Or, use VIP Time at VIP Level 14
  • Training Speed +10%
  • Healing Speed +10%
  • March Speed +10%
  • Generals Capacity +1
  • Subordinate Cities Capacity +2
  • March Size Capacity +10K
  • Traps Building Speed +10% 


Rank Requirements
  • Prestige: 5,000 & Rank Ranking: within 5,270
  • Or, use VIP Time at VIP Level 13
  • Training Speed +5%
  • Healing Speed +5%
  • March Speed +5%
  • Subordinate Cities Capacity +1
  • March Size Capacity +5K
  • Traps Building Speed +5%

Note: How to increase your Rank quickly

To move up in rank, you need to earn prestige. For more information on how to earn prestige quickly, please refer to the following article.


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I have been promoted to Baron several times over the past few weeks, but now today all of a sudden it says I was promoted to Knight again??
Nothing has changed on my account at all, so I am confused why I would be randomly demoted out of nowhere, was this some kind of stupid bug with the latest update to the game??

I have enough prestige and rank, yet I haven’t been promoted. Is there something else I Need


I have been promoted to knight, but I cannot unlock subordinate city.
Why is this? Is there a time difference or something…


Do ranks go down if I don’t meet the requirements? For example, if I become a baron but don’t clear my fame points and ranking, I would go back to being a viscount, right?


Get prestige by offering in the shrine. You can offer gems. But if you’re in an alliance, tributes can be bought in the alliance shop, or tributes can also be found on the black market, but that is rare and expensive.


I have over 70,000 points in the shrine, but my rank has not been raised from knight. Do I have to raise my VIP rank?


No. You need to raise your rank in “Rank Ranking”.

How do i watch the list with the rank of everyone in my server? I saw i photo of it a while back. But i can’t find where it was taken.

Click the circle with the 3 dots – select ranking – which takes you to the ‘Top Charts’. 2nd one down is ‘Rank Rating’. this tells you your current prestige and you weekly rank rating. If you scroll down the list you can see what others have got and then work out how much extra prestige you need to be promoted.

I don’t mean to sound so stupid. I am confused about the whole rank and points system. I am a viscount now. I have NO idea how I got there and I have no idea how to get to the next rank?

Crimson 18

My rank is Baron but I only have one subordinate city. How can I get more?

Frank Lawrence

So my Prestige is good for a Duke but my rank ranking is too high. I always place in the top 50 in monarch competition so what do I need to do to increase this side to promote myself


Thank you for your prompt reply. I see! Then I’ll increase the number of subordinate cities while I’m a Earl. Thank you very much.


Good evening. I think this is probably the right place to ask this question, so I’ll ask it here.

I was promoted to a Earl today, and when promoted to an Earl, the number of subordinate cities I can own is increased by one. I was a Viscount until now, so that means I can have 7 subordinate cities instead of 6, but when I go back to being a Viscount with 7 subordinate cities, how will the number of subordinate cities decrease?

For example, will I lose one of my subordinate cities regardless of my will, or will I be able to choose to reduce it? I’m confused because I was promoted to Earl when I was implementing the method promoted by this site on a daily basis without thinking about it. If you can tell me, please answer.

When you drop in rank, you will not lose any of the subordinate city you hold, but if you subsequently give any of them up for some reason, you will not be able to hold any more.

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