Revelation of Maya Event

11/7/2022 Updated – Major addition to “Tips for getting a high score”.

Note: The following is based on my own research and compilation. Unauthorized reproduction or plagiarism is prohibited.

Tips to complete all levels

  • Collect lots of generals and healing items anyway.
  • To do so, remove all fog as much as possible, find Mayan camps, and defeat all Mayan warriors and Mayan guards.
  • Is it better to preserve soldiers without defeating Mayan warriors and Mayan guards, or to defeat them all and collect items and buffs? I tried both and felt the latter was easier to complete.
  • In order to conserve troops, do not occupy the totem tower.
  • In order to conserve troops, do not remove the green poison fog.
  • (However, both are required if you are aiming for a high score.)
  • Use healing items as little as possible, and use the Life Stream to heal. Use healing items only in the latter half of the stage as much as possible.
  • Therefore, do not get the next buff. You will not be able to heal. : “Desperate Measures” / “Hand of Death”
  • There are good and bad generals that can be employed in Mayan camps. Even if they are the same general, they have different troop compositions. For example, a general who is good at ground troops may not necessarily have a troop composition with many ground troops. In some cases, all types of troops are evenly distributed. Therefore, be sure to check the unit composition of each general.
  • To prepare for the last boss (level 20), save the following items without using them.
    • Blade Rune (enemy HP reduction)
    • Prediction Rune (attack, defense, and HP +100%)
  • Recommended buffs to get if at all possible
    • Battlefield Hospital
    • Lucky Upgrading

Tips for getting a high score

I was able to score 11,190 points. What I did was the following.

  1. Defeat all enemies
  2. Occupy all towers (+ occupy as many Poisonwood as possible)
  3. Dispel all poisonous fog (green)
  4. Defeat the last boss (stage 20) with no damage (maximum number of troops remaining)

Particularly, 4 is quite important. The score changes by nearly 1,000 depending on the number of troops remaining after defeating the last boss.

However, it is not easy to achieve these 1 to 4. The following are required.

  • A huge buff buildup.
  • Getting lots of healing items and healing all the soldiers just before the last boss.

These are pretty much luck-dependent, so you will have to retry many times.

(I had to start over from stage 1 about 10 times)

Reference 1: Buffs & Troop composition when I scored 11,190 points


I achieved over 2,000% by making it easier to obtain Mayan gold while making the buffs increase in proportion to the number of Mayan gold possessed (the same buffs stack in effect). Although the defensive buffs were negative, I was able to defeat the last boss unscathed.

I also increased the instant-death buff on siege machines’ attacks, while making the troop formation mainly composed of siege machines.

Ring of the Rhine
Increases all troops’ attack by 1.5% and reduces all troops’ defense by 1% for each 1 Mayan Gold owned.
Hand of Famine
Increases all troops’ HP by 10% and defense by 10%. Special: Increases Mayan Gold gained by 25%. Increases all troops’ attack, defense and HP by 0.5% for each 1 Mayan Gold owned. You can no longer buy Runes or Buffs from Mayan Market.
MoneybagsGets 50 Mayan Gold immediately. Doubles the amount of Mayan Gold gained in the remaining levels of this exploring.
Hand of PlagueIncreases all troops’ defense by 25% and ranged troops’ attack by 25%. Special: Increases all troops’ attack and HP by 10% for each 1 Rune owned.
Unstoppable Force
Siege machines have a 30% chance to destroy the target directy when they attack. This chance is 3% against Mayan High Priest.
Laws of SurvivalDoes not take damage when dispelling poisonous fog.
Unbreakable WallIncreases ranged troops and siege machines’ attack by 10% and siege machines’ basic attributes by 25%.
Triple LinesIncreases all troops’ attack, defense and HP by 333.33% if you send 3 troop slots to attack at same time.
King’s PowerDeals damage equal to 10% of the target’s maximum HP when the battle starts. Only takes effect once on a single target.
Lucky UpgradingOffers 4 buff options.

Generals & Troop composition

  • Elektra
  • Zhao Yun
  • Elise
  • Ramesses II
  • Philip II

Generals – I selected those that were as well-trained as possible, regardless of the type of troops.

Troop Formation – Although it is not clear whether the theory in PvP applies directly to this event, in PvP, the easiest way to achieve an unwounded victory is to form a troop formation specializing in siege machines. (this has been proven by the way the NPC subordinate city is defeated unwounded.) Therefore, for each generals, the number of siege machines was maximized and the number of other types of troops was set to zero (when aiming for an unwounded victory, layers of other types of troops are not suitable because they tend to become a wall of flesh and become wounded). Also, although generals such as Elektra are not normally suitable for siege machines, in this event, the general buff would be much smaller than the stage buff, so it was decided that this would not be a problem.

Reference 2: How to achieve over 7,000% buffs

The following table shows the buffs I obtained when I exceeded 7,000%.

As in Reference 1, the buffs are made to increase in proportion to the number of Mayan gold possessed, while also making Mayan gold easier to obtain. (The same buffs stack in effect.)

Furthermore, when the “Gold in Fog” is added, each time the fog is removed, the Mayan gold increases. Thus, the value is an order of magnitude higher.

Gold in FogGrants you 1 Mayan Gold for dispelling fog each 1 times.
Ring of the Rhine
Increases all troops’ attack by 1.5% and reduces all troops’ defense by 1% for each 1 Mayan Gold owned.
Hand of Famine
Increases all troops’ HP by 10% and defense by 10%. Special: Increases Mayan Gold gained by 25%. Increases all troops’ attack, defense and HP by 0.5% for each 1 Mayan Gold owned. You can no longer buy Runes or Buffs from Mayan Market.
MoneybagsGets 50 Mayan Gold immediately. Doubles the amount of Mayan Gold gained in the remaining levels of this exploring.
Hand of PlagueIncreases all troops’ defense by 25% and ranged troops’ attack by 25%. Special: Increases all troops’ attack and HP by 10% for each 1 Rune owned.
Battering Arrow
Increases ranged troops and siege machines’ attack by 10% and ranged troops’ basic attributes by 25%.
King’s PowerDeals damage equal to 10% of the target’s maximum HP when the battle starts. Only takes effect once on a single target.

Generals Buffs & Stage Buffs

There are 2 main types of buffs.

They can be found under “Attributes” at the bottom of the screen.

Generals Buffs

A buff specific to each general selected at the start of Stage 1.

The following are applied

  • Attributes (Leadership, Attack, Defense) (Does not include the boost from dragons. Includes boost from Victory Column)
  • Skill (including the red star from ascend)
  • Skill Book
  • Specialty

Skills and Specialties that are not effective without a dragon will function if a dragon is attached.

Buffs from equipment, research, etc. are not included.

Stage Buffs

Buffs acquired within the Revelation of Maya event.

Enemy’s Power

Mayan Warrior100M114M129M152M172M213M281M337M410M527M
Mayan Guard125M143M161M189M215M266M351M422M513M658M1.1B
Mayan High Priest150M171M194M212M227M258M319M381M421M506M615M790M965M1.2B1.3B1.4B



  • Mayan Warrior: 10
  • Mayan Guard: 20
  • Mayan High Priest: 40

Score per each enemy.
Enemies get stronger as the stage goes on, but the score remains the same.

Scores are also given for killing with the “Justice Rune”


  • Dispel poisonous fog (green): 5
  • Occupy Crescent Totem Tower: 20
  • Occupy Typhoon Totem Tower: 50
  • Occupy Poisonwood Totem Tower: 100
    • Note: You will not receive a score if you destroy it with the “Holy Wrath Rune”.


3No enemies
5Boss (High Priest only)
8No enemies, Healing
10Boss (High Priest only)
13Poisonous Fog
14No enemies, Healing
15Poisonous Fog
16Poisonous Fog
17Boss (High Priest only)
18No enemies, Healing
19Middle Boss (Guard and High Priest only)
20Boss (High Priest only)
  • The regular stage will feature the following
    • All “Mayan Warrior”, “Mayan Guard”, and “Mayan High Priest”.
    • One of the Totem Towers (random). In some cases, no tower will appear.
    • One of the buildings (random). (Mayan Camp, Life Stream, Mayan Calendar Stone) Unknown if there will be a Mayan Market.

Stages you can return to by Reset

(Stage = Level)

  • Stage 1
  • Stage 3
  • Stage 8
  • Stage 14
  • Stage 18

Note: You can only return to the previous stage and stage 1. For example, if the stage you are in is stage 16, you can only return to stage 14 or stage 1.

List of Buff / Rune / Building

Attributes > Epic Buff (Yellow & Purple)


How to get: At the beginning of level 1 and 11

Although at first glance, “Desperate Measures” is attractive, this is not recommended because they make it difficult to heal.

What you can get only in Stage 1
Offence-defense BalanceIncreases ground troops’ attack and defense by 25%, and ranged troops and siege machines’ HP by 10%.
RangersIncreases mounted troops’ defense and HP by 20%, and ranged troops and siege machines’ attack by 15%.
Arrow ShowerIncreases ranged troops’ attack and defense by 20%, and ground troops and moutend troops’ HP by 20%.
Heavy ArtilleryIncreases seige machines’ attack and HP by 30%, and ground troops and moutend troops’ defense by 15%.
Desperate MeasuresIncreases all troops’ attack, defense and HP by 80%. Using Life Stream will not take effect, but will receive 10 Mayan Gold instead.
Brutal StrikeYour troops gain 5% attack for every 1% troops amount lost. (Up to 500%)
Logistic SupplyRestores 3% of maximum troop amount for all the troop slots each time you enter a new level.
MoneybagsGets 50 Mayan Gold immediately. Doubles the amount of Mayan Gold gained in the remaining levels of this exploring.
What you can get only in Stage 11
Art of CommandingEach troop loses no more than 20% of its maximum troop amount in a battle. If all troop of a troop slot die in the battle, this buff will not take effect.
King’s PowerDeals damage equal to 10% of the target’s maximum HP when the battle starts. Only takes effect once on a single target.
Giant KillerIncreases troops’ attack by 10% against Mayan Guard and Mayan High Priest.
War ZealotIncreases all troops’ attack, defense and HP by 5% for each battle won. This effect can be stacked up to 10 times. Doubles the effect value when it reaches the maximum stacks. (0 stack(s) gained)
Strength in NumbersIncreases all troop slots’ March Size Capacity by 10%.
Lucky StrikeGet 50% off when buying Runes from Mayan Market.
Desperate GamblerConsumes all Mayan Gold to gain 2 random Common Buffs.
RehabilitationRestores 1% of maximum troop amount for all the troop slots each time you enter a new level.


How to get: Defeat enemys and get one of the three as “Mayan Blessing

I recommend “Field Hospital”.

Although at first glance, “Hand of Death” is attractive, this is not recommended because they make it difficult to heal.

Triple LinesIncreases all troops’ attack, defense and HP by 333.33% if you send 3 troop slots to attack at same time.
Mixed ForceIncreases all troops’ attack by 35% for each troop type in marching troops.
Chain LightningIncreases ground troops and mounted troops’ attack by 10% and ground troops’ basic attributes by 25%.
Power of BloodIncreases ground troop and mounted troops’ attack by 10% and mounted troops’ basic attributes by 25%.
Battering ArrowIncreases ranged troops and siege machines’ attack by 10% and ranged troops’ basic attributes by 25%.
Unbreakable WallIncreases ranged troops and siege machines’ attack by 10% and siege machines’ basic attributes by 25%.
Main Force SuppressionIncreases all troops’ attack, defense and HP by 20% and extra 20% attack for the troop type with the most remaining amount.
Hand of PlagueIncreases all troops’ defense by 25% and ranged troops’ attack by 25%. Special: Increases all troops’ attack and HP by 10% for each 1 Rune owned.
Hand of FamineIncreases all troops’ HP by 10% and defense by 10%. Special: Increases Mayan Gold gained by 25%. Increases all troops’ attack, defense and HP by 0.5% for each 1 Mayan Gold owned. You can no longer buy Runes or Buffs from Mayan Market.
Hand of WarIncreases all troops’ HP by 30% and ground troops’ attack by 25%. Special: Reduces Mayan Gold gained by 20%, and increases all troops’ attack by 70%.
Hand of DeathIncreases all troops’ attack, defense and HP by 10%. Special: Deals damage equal to 30% of the target’s maximum HP when the battle starts. Only takes effect once on a single target. All Healing Runes, Recovery Runes and Rebirth Rune cannnot be used.
Ring of the RhineIncreases all troops’ attack by 1.5% and reduces all troops’ defense by 1% for each 1 Mayan Gold owned.
AdaptaitonIncreases defense of troop slots with over 80% remaining troop amount by 30%. Increases attack of troop slots with less than 50% remaining troop amount by 50%. Increases HP of troop slots that do not meet the above 2 conditions by 25%.
Unstoppable ForceSiege machines have a 30% chance to destroy the target directy when they attack. This chance is 3% against Mayan High Priest.
Field HospitalRestores 20% of lost troop amount after each battle.
Laws of SurvivalDoes not take damage when dispelling poisonous fog.
Lucky UpgradingOffers 4 buff options.
Gold in FogGrants you 1 Mayan Gold for dispelling fog each 1 times.

Buff (Blue)

How to get: Mayan Calendar Stone or Mayan Market on the map / Defeat enemies and get one of the three as “Mayan Blessing”

Lv1 Ground Troop AttackGround Attack +8%
Lv2 Ground Troop AttackGround Attack +15%
Lv3 Ground Troop AttackGround Attack +25%, Mounted Attack +10%
Lv1 Ground Troop DefenseGround Defense +8%
Lv2 Ground Troop DefenseGround Defense +15%
Lv3 Ground Troop DefenseGround Defense +25%, Mounted Defense+10%
Lv1 Ground Troop HPGround HP +8%
Lv2 Ground Troop HPGround HP +15%
Lv3 Ground Troop HPGround HP +25%, Mounted HP +10%
Lv1 Mounted Troop AttackMounted Attack +8%
Lv2 Mounted Troop AttackMounted Attack +15%
Lv3 Mounted Troop AttackMounted Attack +25%, Ground Attack +10%
Lv1 Mounted Troop DefenseMounted Defense +8%
Lv2 Mounted Troop DefenseMounted Defense +15%
Lv3 Mounted Troop DefenseMounted Defense +25%, Ground Defense +10%
Lv1 Mounted Troop HPMounted HP +8%
Lv2 Mounted Troop HPMounted HP +15%
Lv3 Mounted Troop HPMounted HP +25%, Ground HP +10%
Lv1 Ranged Troop AttackRanged Attack +8%
Lv2 Ranged Troop AttackRanged Attack +15%
Lv3 Ranged Troop AttackRanged Attack +25%, Siege Attack +10%
Lv1 Ranged Troop DefenseRanged Defense +8%
Lv2 Ranged Troop DefenseRanged Defense +15%
Lv3 Ranged Troop DefenseRanged Defense +25%, Siege Defense+10%
Lv1 Ranged Troop HPRanged HP +8%
Lv2 Ranged Troop HPRanged HP +15%
Lv3 Ranged Troop HPRanged HP +25%, Siege HP +10%
Lv1 Siege Machine AttackSiege Attack +8%
Lv2 Siege Machine AttackSiege Attack +15%
Lv3 Siege Machine AttackSiege Attack +25%, Ranged Attack +10%
Lv1 Siege Machine DefenseSiege Defense +8%
Lv2 Siege Machine DefenseSiege Defense +15%
Lv3 Siege Machine DefenseSiege Defense +25%, Ranged Defense +10%
Lv1 Siege Machine HPSiege HP +8%
Lv2 Siege Machine HPSiege HP +15%
Lv3 Siege Machine HPSiege HP +25%, Ranged HP +10%


How to get: Mayan Chest on the map / Defeat enemies

Junior Blade RuneSelect a target, dealing damage equal to 20% / 10% / 2% of the maximum HP of Mayan warrior / Mayan guard / Mayan High Priest respectively.
Medium Blade RuneSelect a target, dealing damage equal to 30% / 15% / 3% of the maximum HP of Mayan warrior / Mayan guard / Mayan High Priest respectively.
Senior Blade RuneSelect a target, dealing damage equal to 50% / 25% / 5% of the maximum HP of Mayan warrior / Mayan guard / Mayan High Priest respectively.
Teleportation RuneSelect a target, teleporting it to a random unlocked location.
Dispelling RuneSelect a target, unlocking the locked status of fogs around it.
Junior Healing RuneSelect a troop slot, restoring 20% of its maximum troop amount.
Medium Healing RuneSelect a troop slot, restoring 40% of its maximum troop amount.
Senior Healing RuneSelect a troop slot, restoring 60% of its maximum troop amount.
Junior Recovery RuneRestore 15% of maximum troop amount for all troop slots.
Medium Recovery RuneRestore 20% of maximum troop amount for all troop slots.
Senior Recovery RuneRestore 30% of maximum troop amount for all troop slots.
Rebirth RuneSelect a troop slot with 0 troop, restoring 20% of its maximum troop amount and enabling it to battle again.
Junior Justice RuneDestroy the selected target directly. Only applies to Mayan Warrior.
Medium Justice RuneDestroy the selected target directly and earn double Mayan Gold. Only applies to Mayan Warrior.
Senior Justice RuneDestroy the selected target directly and earn double Mayan Gold. Not valid for Mayan High Priest.
Junior True Sight RuneImmediately mark the location of all Mayan Warriors in this level. (mark locations only)
Medium True Sight RuneImmediately mark the location of all Mayan Guards in this level. (mark locations only)
Senior True Sight RuneImmediately mark the location of all buildings in this level. (mark locations only)
Holy Wrath RuneDestroy all Poisonwood Totem Towers in this level directly. It cannot be used when there is no Poisonwood Totem Tower.
Prediction RuneIncrease all troops’ attack, defense and HP by 100% only in the next battle.


PortalEnter the next level.
Typhoon Totem TowerConsume 10% of all troop slots’ troop amount to occupy this building. Deals damage equal to 40% of the target’s maximum HP when attacking in this level after occupying this building.
Poisonwood Totem TowerReduces all troop slots’ troop amount by 5% for each 1 fog(s) dispelled when this building exists. This effect will disappear when any fog around this building is dispelled. Consume 10% of all troop slots’ troop amount to occupy this building, occupying it offers you points.
Crescent Totem TowerConsume 10% of all troop slots’ troop amount to occupy this building. Increases all troops’ attack, defense and HP by 25% after occying it.
Mayan CampRecruit one from 3 troops to battle.
Life StreamRestore a certain troop amount here.
Mayan Calendar StoneGet a random Buff.
Mayan MarketGet Runes and Buffs by spending Mayan Gold here.


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Midnight Rider S661

Thanks guys, I followed your article & scored 11500 in Maya event. What’s highest score ? 11600 or more

Actually the best way to score high on this event is all siege troops & choosing heavy artillery starting buff


It has been two months since I was able to clear the Revelation of Maya with the help of this site.
Thank you very much.

Revelation of Maya, but I think the difficulty level has increased since this time.

King’s Power
Triple Lines x5
Ring of the Rhine x4 (310 gold)
Unbreakable Wall
Main Force Suppression

Even with all these items, I still take damage from even the Mayan Guard in Stage 19.
I think it was not like that before, even under the same or slightly lower conditions….
I would like to hear from other players who are playing Revelation of Maya, as there are no other players besides me who are playing Revelation of Maya.


Excuse my comment.
I see posts that 11,600 is the actual highest score, but there are people who score higher than that. Maybe it’s a bug, but those people are actually taking the top prizes, and they are getting lower and lower in the rankings.
How do you get a score higher than 11,600? I was wondering if you could comment on what you think.


Our server’s current 1st place is 20,760 points. Currently 2nd place has 12,660 points. Is it possible to have such a score?

Nice to meet you. I’m always looking for your reference. Thank you very much!
This time, I took on the challenge after studying here, and I scored 10,450 for the first time and am now in 6th place.
I would like to aim for the top 5, but if I start from stage 1, will I disappear from 6th place? (Does the second score take precedence over the first?)
I would appreciate it if you could tell me. Thank you in advance.


The score is the highest score, so it won’t disappear if you redo it.

Thanks for the info. Finished with 10,870… but it was after change over so it only counted my score from lv 11. some glitch let me keep playing i guess. anyway, i won’t wait til last minute and maybe i can win some general fragments next event.

Went all seige, triple lines, hand of famine, seige buffs. Napolean with heavy seige or heavy seige gens as allowed.

Thanks again

This time, when I first selected the generals, I encountered a glitch where the generals I did not select were removed from the castle’s duty officers.
I played the game without noticing that the defender Shajar was removed, and when I returned to the castle, my food had decreased by about 10M.
Please be careful.

It appears to be a bug that occurs when the general is selected in “List” mode.
It did not happen in “Details” mode.

I got 11550 points in the end by getting the Typhoon tower only in one stage and the Poisonwood in all the other stages. Therefore, if you get all poisonwood, I think you can get 11600 points, depending on the number of injuries at the end.
Buffing is also important, but I focused on the tower.

Thats great bro, if my score stands as it is this one would be my 3rd #1 spot of maya of the server but even i didnt ever get that many points, im on 11350 and last time also something like that but thats much easier then 11550


Field Hospital x 5 allowed me to defeat the bosses of stages 19 and 20 unscathed. (Even if I lost, I did not reduce the number of soldiers.)

However, other buffs were inadequate and wounded heavily, and it was difficult to use items to restore full health, so I often could not fill up full health when completing the game.


When they say “basic attributes” increase, what statuses are increased?


Having a huge buff does not seem to be sufficient to finish with zero wounded. I ended with over 14k attack buff pure siege and am still getting wounded. My defense is debuffed by about 6k. Maybe this is a factor.

The trick is to nearly kill the boss instead of killing it, you can make it even closer to chip away with runes after a calculated attack. When thats done you need enough recovery runes to max heal all troops then finish the attack, when you do that you wont get any wounded (im consistently getting 11k+ points, my current is 11270)


Daha detaylı anlatırmısınız ,kuşatma ile de askerlerim ölüp aşama 10 u geçemiyorum atlılar ile de

If we were to choose a general, does this mean that generals with march size increasing skills have some advantage?

>What is your recommendation for 1 siege general
You don’t need to worry too much about generals for this event.
Just keep redoing it over and over until you get a huge stage buff (it doesn’t matter if the general is weak).
For example, the red general buff you can get at camp is 200-300% at most, but if you can get 3 “Triple Line” of stage buff, you can get close to 1000%.


Even getting seven “Triple Lines” did not result in unharmed.

Thank you so much to the admin and all comments contributor for the tips in this topic specifically and this website in general. Keep up the good work. I highly appreciate you and your effort.

I got something like 11200 last time this event was on with all mounted and 3x Triple Lines, got lucky with Healing Stream on lots of levels too. If I don’t get Triple Lines on the first level, I reset until I do. I find it’s the best starting buff.

How can i remove the Hand of Dead attrivutes so i can use the Rebirth?

i got 11200 points ,, use only seige machines , and target all the seige blue buffs that you get,, if possible use those generals which have march size increase thus alloweing you to get more troops , also temporarily use seige machine books on those generals (if you have got the spare) ,, i always sent 3 general marches ,, start with moneybags ,,

aim for these buffs — hand of famine , ring of the rhine , triple lines ,

buffs are stacked

you have to get as many poisonwoods as possible , and you have to dispel all the poisonous fogs (it will be excellent if you have “law of survival”) ,, i aimed to to get poisonwoods at reset junctions

its important to pay attention at every stage on how much damage you receive ,, so that you can always recover your max troop strength at life of stream (20% all troops) or atleast very close to the max limit ,,

recruit from the mayan camps but try to use your own selected generals as much as possible ,,

you have to keep on RESETTING till you get the desired result at reset junctions (stage 3 , 8 , 14 , 18)

getting all the desired buffs is purely based on luck ,, but you will hit the jackpot when you keep on trying ,,

I scored 11150 points and got no.1 ,but today someone gets 11120 points.I don’t know how can he do it and I am just no.2 now.

I’m always referring to you!!! Thanks to your articles, I’m currently the second highest scorer on our server!!! My alliance members were surprised but I am the most surprised lol. I wonder if I can keep running away with it?
The first time I did this, I was wiped out after about 400 points with a mix of armies. Then an Alliance member advised me to do it with mounted troops only, and I got to about 5000 points, and finally, after following your article, I got over the 10,000 score!!!

Thank you for your help.
If I start over, will the scores I got before be invalid? (Do I lose them?)


For me all towers except Poisonwood Totem Tower gives me points for occupying, others don’t. Are you sure about this info ? Also in the description of the towers, only the Poisonwood Totem Tower states to give points when occupied.


I got 11400 points. I think the maximum score is between 11500 to 11600 around there.

i got 11200 , 2nd position in our sever ,, highest scorer was 11400 ,, i see similar scores all around ,,


Thanks to you, I took first place with a score of 10970. Thanks 🙏🏻 By the way, I used a purple general who had not been raised up but had high HP.

Not Mariah Carey

I just got 11400 too. Try restarting from stage 18, using rune and the score is still the same. Looks like 11400 is the max score? I have 5000% attack buff and -2000% defense lol

Thanks to you i scored exactly 11k ,got that gold from fog thing twice after a few resets but only one gold to attack buff i.e ring of rine x 1

Is each monster weak against a certain troop? I’m guessing it’s not like the normal game where you only use mounted against monsters.

I do not know if it is compatible with the enemy. But at least I did not feel that it was easier to complete all stages by using mounted troops.
In addition, I prefer to use siege machines, not from a compatibility standpoint, but from the standpoint of the unharmed and instant-death buffs. For more information, please refer to the article.


Are all the Mayan enemies considered ground troops? Is there a penalty when you attack with multiple generals leading different troop types?


does having more gold at the end increase your overall points? so far I’ve got 8.5k points but i really want to get more but now I’m only getting 6k every time.


If you get 5 field hospitals, you can defeat the enemy with zero wounds.

Crabby patty

This event is based on luck, depending on what good special buffs you can get and if you get good general layers (700k 1 troop type) from the camp, throughout the stages. I got around 9200 points. I sent all seige no layers, strongest generals I have doesn’t matter if they’re not seige generals. I didn’t attack any towers. I picked brutal strike as the first special buff, then aimed at getting fog dispelling (5 points per green fog dispelled with no damage), seige buff 3% chance to kill priest, march size increase, some attack buffs and healing buffs and of course using the healing and damage runes in later stages too.

Hi can I check if the buff can be stacked? If I get 2 field hospital how does this works?


I have always found you helpful.
Please let me know your strategies for selecting generals, formations, etc.


Nice to meet you, please excuse my comment.
I don’t know how to play this event…all my troops died in the middle of the event. Do I have to start over from the first level?
I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to play this event. Thank you very much.

Unfortunately, you are right.
Depending on the progress, you can start over from a few stages earlier, but in most cases it is better to start over from level 1.


Thank you for your reply.
I guess we just have to make it through from the beginning to the final stage somehow (><).
I've been playing Evony for a few months now, so there are a lot of things I don't understand, and I'm learning a lot here.
Thank you for teaching me!

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