Color of General and difference (Rarity, Quality)
You may have some idea that “the rarer the better,” but you may be wondering what exactly makes them different. This article explains those points.
Types of Color (Rarity, Quality)

There are five qualities of Evony’s generals.
- White (common)
- Green (uncommon)
- Blue (Rare)
- Purple (Legendary)
- Gold / Red (Epic)
White (common)

Green (uncommon)

Blue (Rare)

Purple (Legendary)

Gold / Red (Epic)
(“Orange” in the Tavern notation)

Golden “Historic General (described later)” turns “Red” when they reach star level 10.

Differences by Color
The differences by color (rarity, quality) are as follows. In each case, the higher the quality, the better.
- Initial status values (Leadership, Attack, Defense, Politics)
- Status increase value when you level up (lower quality at the same level means lower status)
- Presence and number of Speciality (gold x4, purple x3, other colors x0)
Nevertheless, even if the color (rarity) is different, the EXP required to get to the next level does not change. Therefore, it is not advisable to recruit and train non-golden generals with little reward.

Color & Historic General
There are two main types of generals: historic general & non-historic general.
“Historic General” exist only in Blue, Purple, Gold, Red.
It doesn’t exist in White, Green.
“Non-Historic General” exists in All colors. (This applies to generals that have the same appearance, even if they are of a different color.)
Historic General | Non-Historic General | ||
Common | (White) | Doesn’t exist | Exist |
Uncommon | (Green) | Doesn’t exist | Exist |
Rare | (Blue) | Exist | Exist |
Legendary | (Purple) | Exist | Exist |
Epic | (Gold / Red) (*) | Exist | Exist |
(*) ”Orange” in the Tavern notation
Non-Historic General have a smaller and weaker growth range than Historic General, so it is not recommended to buy or train Non-Historic General, even if they are gold.
What is Historic General?
If you would like to learn more about the historic general, please refer to the following explanations.
What is Epic Historic General?
The term “Epic Historic General” often appears in the game, which, in essence, refers to ” Historic Generals” that are ” Gold/Red” in rarity.
Other variations include
- Legendary Historic General
- Historic generals whose rarity is Purple (Legendary)
- Epic Historic General
- Historic generals whose rarity is Gold/Red (Epic)
- Epic Historic General (Premium)
- Historic generals whose rarity is Gold/Red (Epic). Also, those that cannot be obtained at the tavern.
- Legendary General
- Historic generals & Non-Historic generals whose rarity is Purple (Legendary)
- Epic General
- Historic generals & Non-Historic generals whose rarity is Gold/Red (Epic) rarity.
- Adv General
- Historic generals & Non-Historic generals whose rarity is Purple (Legendary) and Gold/Red (Epic).
Color & Original Skill

Only purple & gold historic generals have one original skill unique to each general.
(Blue historic generals do not.)
Historic General | Non-Historic General | ||
Common | (White) | – | None |
Uncommon | (Green) | – | None |
Rare | (Blue) | None | None |
Legendary | (Purple) | Available | None |
Epic | (Gold / Red) (*) | Available | None |
(*) ”Orange” in the Tavern notation
The decision on whether a general is the right general to buy depends largely on what original skills they have, so white, green, and blue generals who do not have this are not candidates.

Drop Rate of Historic General at Tavern (In-game displayed values & Test results)
How many taverns do we have to refresh to get the golden historic general? I summarized the in-game displayed probabilities & the test results (I actually conducted a mass refresh of the taverns).
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If would be useful if the related section of the article noted the impact of the star levels – in the sense that, it seems intuitive that each star level brings about the noted particular attributes. And therefore to evaluate the impact of achieving a fully ascended general, one sums each attribute through the list. However, the cynic in me suspect the game adjusts the gained attributes to match the star level’s description – dropping all prior listed attributes. e.g. Sanada red 4 negating the red 3 attributes of mob debuff att -10% and +15% troop def.
This article (in that direct area, so later readers don’t have to see the area and then happen to see this comment) explicitly demonstrating which way the game results, would be very much appreciated.
apakah Raja Arthur berwarna emas dan elektra berwarna emas bagus ??
> Are gold-colored King Arthur and gold-colored Elektra good?
Elektra does not perform as well as the newest generals, but it is easy to obtain and is recommended for players with no money. King Arthur is not recommended because his performance is so low.
I am wondering if I should “sell” non gold generals. Are there important non glod ones I should keep or look out for? I just feel like I have a lot of useless generals and would like to know if it benefits me in any way to keep them or get rid of them.
Purple General Sanada Yukimura and Spartacus are worth keeping.
See Section B-7 below for more information.
Best Generals (& Combinations)
some generals are better to keep them such as cleopatra or constance
I forgot to attach the file.
Please tell me about the generals in the lower NPC cities.
On my current screen, I see Berserker Turner, Berserker Barrack, etc. in the Uncommon Subcity. Is there any difference between these and simple Turner and Barrack?
I got a green [Imperial Army Commander Aguilar] together the subcity (because it has a cool name lol), but if there is no difference from simple Aguilar, I am thinking of selling it.
There are differences in performance, but the names are random, so there is no need to worry about them.
Also, there is no need to think too much about the green generals in the rare NPC subordinate cities, as they will all become unnecessary in the near future.
They are only a temporary bridge until the gold and some purple generals (e.g. Sanada Yukimura) become available. Until these are available, I think you can use them as you wish.
Note: There is a list of green generals in NPC lower cities later in this article.
Starks have golden frame i got him from scroll .. is it good
What is an epic historic general and how do I find out which of my generals are epic? All of them are purple
Explanation has been added to the text.
What are the conditions to get above 5 stars? Says that ascending is not available on this General yet.
(barbarossa, lv28, 5 star, 1.9M, leader,attack, defense, politics all 1000 and more.
I won Cleopatra .. in game lv 10. It’s say you won and you owe general cleopatra .. but when I come back and look for it in generals … it not found and the mini game resets every time. 🤷♀️
Look in your Items chest, there will be a scroll there to obtain the general. All your need to do is open it and the general goes in your “generals” box.
My blue/rare Buffalo Bill General has an “original skill” box on his profile (Lv1 ground troop load 15%). However he doesn’t have the golden historic general icon.
To confirm, after receiving your comment, I recruited Buffalo Bill again in the tavern, but he did not have the original skill.
Isn’t that what you granted using the skill book? 🤔
The “original skill” I am referring to is the skill that the general has from the beginning, without the use of a skill book.
no blue generals have the icon, i have friggin robin hood and some OG Chinese guys that are blue stats are better than non history purples but no icon