Art Hall General (General Hall) – How to Get

9/12/2023 – Added General Hall III.
3/27/2023 – Reflects the addition of “Sengoku Warlord” “Roman Emperor” “Charismatic Leader” “Mighty Emperor” to General Hall II.
1/9/2023 – Reflects the addition of “Unstoppable General” “Peerless Hero” “Famous Leader” to General Hall II.
12/20/2022 – Reflects the addition of “North Ocean War Song” to General Hall II.
7/15/2022 – Reflects the increase in generals available at the tavern.
1/27/2022 – Reflects the increase in generals available at the tavern.

Collecting generals listed in the “General Hall” of the Art Hall will give you various rewards and buffs. The following is a summary of where to get these generals.

List of Ways to Get

  • Tavern : You can get them from the Tavern -> Recruit
  • Chest : You can get them from the “Great General Chest” in the tavern and the “Daily Free Chest” in the store (Gems category).
  • Relics : You can get them from the “Relic Chamber”.
  • Shop : You can get them by
    • Buying a Paid Pack
    • Battlefield Shop (2,040 badges or 6,000 dragon crystals) in front of the wall

Note: “General Portrait Exhibition” event (described later) – In this event, all generals in the “General Hall” can be obtained. So it is not included in the table below.

General Hall I

GeneralTavern(G)ChestRelicsShopOther Destinations
TyrantAmir Timurx28Mx
Empress Dowager Cixix26Mx
Raged KingxAvailable at Wheel of Fortune
Victorious MasterTrần Hưng Đạox38Mx
Casimir Pulaski
(old name: Robert Lee)
Charles Martelx30Mx
William Wallacex32Mx
Aura of EmpressQueen Jindeokx21Mx
Empress Wux27Mx
Queen Victoriax28.5Mx
Shajar al-Durrxx
Strategy MasterGustavus Adolphusx40Mx
Li Jingx45Mxx
Nathanael Greenex32Mx
Takeda Shingenx32Mx
Genius LeaderAlexander Nevskyx30Mx
Richard the Lionheartx35Mx
King’s ConquestGwanggaeto the Greatx45Mxx
Barbarossax40MxxAvailable at Royal Thief Reward
Li Shiminx32Mx
Mehmed IIxAvailable at King’s Path Reward
Legendary GeneralArminiusx60Mxx
Ulysses S. Grantx40Mxx
Gwon Ryulx40Mx
Ban Chaox40Mxx
Askia Muhammad Ix40Mxx
Legendary HeroKing Arthurx28.5Mx
Minamoto no Yoshitsunex45Mxx
James Bowiex38Mxx
Invincible AresHuo Qubingx35Mx
NapoleonxRelatively easy to obtain in the “Dawn of Civilization” event.
Genghis Khanx30Mx
Prince Rhaegarx50Mxx

General Hall II

GeneralTavern(G)ChestRelicsShopOther Destinations
Oda Oichix
AethelflaedxRelatively easy to obtain in the “Dawn of Civilization” event.
Undefeated GeneralPrince Eugenex
Yeon Gaesomunx
Flavius Aetiusx
Authority of EmperorPhilip IIx
Baldwin IVxRelatively easy to obtain in the “Dawn of Civilization” event.
Gaius Octaviusx
John I of Portugalx50Mxx
Greatest HonorWilliam Marshalx
Bertrand du Guesclinx
El CidxRelatively easy to obtain in the “Dawn of Civilization” event.
North Ocean War SongNordic Barbarian Kingx
Princess KaguyaxDifficulty of obtaining: High
Not included in Premium or Glory Vouchers.
Available only during exclusive events.
AlessandraxDifficulty of obtaining: High
Not included in Premium or Glory Vouchers.
Available only during exclusive events.
Unstoppable GeneralZhao Yunx
Kusunoki Masashigex60Mx
Peerless HeroLysanderx
Mark Antonyx
Famous LeaderSimeon the Greatx
Leo IIIx
Harald IIIx
Alexander the Greatx
Sengoku WarlordToyotomi Hideyorix
Ii Naomasaxx
Maeda Toshiiexx
Honda Tadakatsux45Mxx
Roman EmperorSeptimius Severusx
Maximilian Ix
Basil IIx
Charismatic LeaderTheodorax
Elizabeth Ix
Margaret Ix60Mx
Mighty EmperorSun Cex
Hojo Ujiyasux
Leonidas Ix
Zachary Taylorxx

General Hall III

GeneralTavern(G)ChestRelicsShopOther Destinations
Unprecedented LegendSeleucus Ix30Mx
Suleiman the Magnificentx60Mx
Ramesses IIx
Oriental HeroesYi Sun-sinx
Guan Yux
Oda Nobunagax30Mx
Wei Qingx50Mxx
Ocean MasterPeter the Greatx30Mx
Maarten TrompxDifficulty of obtaining: High
Not included in Premium or Glory Vouchers.

Included in the “General Hall III Historic General” (in exchange for 500 “General’s Invitation”) for the “General Portrait Exhibition” event.
David Farragutx
Edward Teachx
Wise QueenQueen Boudicax40Mxxx
Isabella Ix40Mxx


Categories that can be collected Without Paying

Difficulty: Low

You can have everyone in the tavern.

  • General Hall I
    • Victorious Master
    • Strategy Master
    • Genius Leader
    • Legendary General
    • Meritocrat
    • Legendary Hero
  • General Hall III
    • Wise Queen

*Related – Tavern level and Drop Rate of Historic General (Survey Results)

Difficulty: Medium

You can get them all at the Tavern and the Great General Chest.

  • General Hall I
    • Aura of Empress
Difficulty: High

You can get it for free, but it is difficult.

  • General Hall I
    • Tyrant
    • King’s Conquest

Categories difficult to find without paying

Some, but not all, generals are difficult to obtain without paying for them.
(If you’re very lucky, you can get them from the Battlefield Shop without paying.)

  • General Hall I
    • Invincible Ares
  • General Hall II
    • Heroine
    • Undefeated General
    • Authority of Emperor
    • Greatest Honor
    • North Ocean War Song
    • Unstoppable General
    • Peerless Hero
    • Famous Leader
    • Sengoku Warlord
    • Roman Emperor
    • Charismatic Leader
    • Mighty Emperor
  • General Hall III
    • Unprecedented Legend
    • Oriental Heroes
    • Ocean Master

“General Portrait Exhibition” Event

In this event, all generals in the ” General Hall” can be obtained.

This event will be held irregularly, and if you collect a certain number of “General’s Invitation”, you will get an item to redeem for a Generals. Which generals will be awarded is random.

“General’s Invitation” can be obtained from “Monarch Competition”, “Activity”, and the Billing Packs. (Can be carried over. It does not disappear after the event)

FAQ: Can I sell my unwanted generals?

No problem.

Generals that are in the ” General Hall ” collection will not be grayed out even if you sell them after acquiring them.

(A glitch may cause them to be grayed out temporarily, but restarting the game will fix it.)

Art Hall: General Hall Rewards

Art Hall: Exhibition Hall Reward

Building / Construction Guide: Art Hall


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Please tell me.
I got Alessandra, but it went into Art Hall’s General Hall and then didn’t show up in the General list. I would like to use it and would like to know how to do it.


Hello. I would like to ask about the perfect dismissal of a general. I would like to dismiss him with a fragment, but the button for perfect dismissal is not active. I would be happy if you could tell me what the conditions are. Thank you in advance.

The following cases do not allow for a perfect dismissal
– A general who is marching out of the castle
– A general who has been made a duty officer
– Generals that cannot be made into fragments (e.g., purple generals)


Only the Raged King is not a hit at all.
Any tips on how to get it?

I found saving up 1m tokens you will get rage king in the wheel of fortune. I have 8 of them this way. Thumb will hurt.


I have been told before in my alliance that it is useless garbage, but is it usable?

RHat Man

Is there a page on the rewards for completing a set in general hall of the art hall?

Mr Brave

I’ve never seen Robert Lee in my Tavern. He’s the only one that doesn’t show as “Not currently available in the Tavern” or something to that extent. Is there anything with your set culture that determines which generals will/won’t show up? I spend a bit here and there but not much.

Also, what are the generals you can get from the battlefield shop? Have you information on this also?

Thanks for the good work!

In my experience, it doesn’t seem to me that culture changes the tendency of which generals are more likely to appear.

In the Battlefield Shop you can buy an item called “Epic Historic General”, which will randomly give you a golden historic general. (This includes generals that can be bought at the tavern.)

I have him . I got him relatively early on ,possibly level k24-26. He’s just sitting there gathering dust as I have no clue what to use him for…..hence I’m here reading away and printing out the general’s list and who’s best !


I have completed “Strategy Master”, but it seems to be different from “Strategy Expert”, which is a requirement for unlocking “Ring of Fafnir” of “Art Treasure”. Do you have any idea where “Strategy Expert” falls?


Thank you for your answer. Oh my god, the strategy master is irrelevant! The Evony team is incredibly misleading, isn’t it? LOL It’s scary not knowing where the trap is.

Thank you for the comprehensive list. I wonder if the rewards are rewarding 😉 Is it worthwhile to hire a general from the tavern just to fire him afterwards? Just to have her/him in Art Hall without wanting him to play? There are quite some crap generals in the art hall. And nowhere in the game any indication of the reward. Only after you unlock the respective Art Hall lvl, which I just did as a necessity for another building. In the first line I see the reward of 30 silk roads. I would not hire for them for example. Are rewards getting significantly better in other lines?

Whether it “significantly better” depends on how you feel about it, but for example, the second line gives you a gold historic general (random), and the third line gives you a 24-hour speedup x10 and 50M of each resource.
Gold is plentiful in the later stages of the game, so you may want to start collecting it then. I started actively recruiting in the tavern when I was around keep level 30.

I look forward to reading every update!
Do you know of anyone who has gotten Mehmed II from “royal chest”? It would be very helpful if you could tell me about it, even if it’s just a rumor. I’ve been trying to save up 100 chests but have been unsuccessful, so I’m about to save up 300 chests.
I’m also saving up for “Witch’s Treasure Bag”.
Is there anything else that I should open after I save up? 😃

I have not rigorously tested and do not know if it is better to open it after accumulating it. 🤔
But 300 boxes is impressive. If you could share your results with me, I would be happy to. ☺️

It came out in my alliance the other day, in 3 chests.

У меня есть Мехмед 2 , из сундуков от вора , вы должны делать их каждый день и может попадётся , удачи 🙂

Mr Brave

I got him a couple weeks ago from the royal thief chests. I thought it was likely a mistake and couldn’t get him as no one I’d spoken to had got him that way but I now know it is. Been playing since March last year if that’s any help on time scale of how it can take


Many times I have uses 100 chests but never get Mehmed II


If I fire a historic general, will he also disappear from the “General Hall”? Or once I hire him, will he remain in the “General Hall” after I fire him?

If you fire him, he will remain. 😃
In my case, it disappeared temporarily due to a bug, but it came back after I logged back in. 😓

A player

The daily chests are starting to give some of the cooked gens. This list is not totally accurate in that regard.

curious cat

Is there a guide to get epic historical general scroll (without paying) and odds of getting specific generals from it?

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